This report is intended to send bulk communication email contribution statements to all persons with a valid email address regardless of whether they have a physical home address or not.

{[ accordion firstopen:'false' ]} [[ item title:'How To -click to view-' ]]

Recipe Reference:

  1. Run the Communicate Action by clicking on the Communicate with persons button at the top right of the report grid.
  2. Verify the amount of individuals you are sending the communication to
  3. Give the communication a nice name in order to find it in Communication History/Analytics later:
  4. Select the Bayside Contribution Email Template and update the Subject if needed:
  5. Update the content (if needed) and Preview the communication:
  6. Send test email to yourself, ensure all links and verbiage, click next, confirm by clicking Send:
  7. Success confirmation, track communication:
  8. Example statement for print:
[[ enditem ]] {[ endaccordion ]} Using - Data View (LY Contrib Statements - Email (ALL)) | Report (LY Contrib Statements - Email (ALL))