Name: Youtube Live Stream Tag Name: livestream Tag Type: Inline Description: A shortcode for embeding all future livestreams to your YouTube account. Documentation: This will put your future live events onto your page in a responsive container. There are options that you can configure Basic Usage: {[ livestream id:'8kpHK4YIwY4' ]} Options: id (required) – The YouTube Chanel ID. You can get it from this link. width (100%) – The width you would like the video to be. By default it will be 100% but you can provide any width in percentages, pixels, or any other valid CSS unit of measure. showinfo (false) – This determines if the name of the video and other information should be shown at the top of the video. controls (true) – This determines if the standard YouTube controls should be shown. autoplay (true) – Should the video start playing once the page is loaded? Shortcode: {% assign wrapperId = uniqueid %} {% assign parts = id | Split:'/' %} {% assign id = parts | Last %} {% assign parts = id | Split:'=' %} {% assign id = parts | Last | Trim %} {% assign url = '' | Append:id | Append:'' %} {% assign showinfo = showinfo | AsBoolean %} {% assign controls = controls | AsBoolean %} {% assign autoplay = autoplay | AsBoolean %} {% if showinfo %} {% assign url = url | Append:'&showinfo=1' %} {% else %} {% assign url = url | Append:'&showinfo=0' %} {% endif %} {% if controls %} {% assign url = url | Append:'&controls=1' %} {% else %} {% assign url = url | Append:'&controls=0' %} {% endif %} {% if autoplay %} {% assign url = url | Append:'&autoplay=1' %} {% else %} {% assign url = url | Append:'&autoplay=0' %} {% endif %}
Parameters: showinfo: false controls: true autoplay: false width: 100%