Rocket Chat

The all-new chat community where Rock users, people exploring Rock, database admins, and seasoned community members can meet to talk shop. If you work with Rock at your church, join the conversation!

Join the Community

Rocket Chat is the next generation chat platform for the Rock RMS community. With Rocket Chat, you'll never lose a message or screenshot again, because everything is integrated with your Rock RMS login.

Rocket Chat Tips

  1. If you're logged in, you already have a Rocket Chat profile! Just click the link above and start chatting. (Thank us later)
  2. To login use your Rock password for online and desktop.
  3. On Mobile you'll need to use your RocketChat password and the Rock Chat server address, both of which you can find below.
  4. Your Rocket Chat profile photo is synced to Rock photo. (It will automatically update every 2 hours)

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Download Rocket Chat

Log in on desktop and mobile apps using server address

Desktop Apps

Mac Windows Linux

Mobile Apps

To access Rocket Chat using a mobile app login to see your Rocket Chat username and password for your mobile device. Otherwise, log in using your Rock RMS username and password.