Learning Management System

Empowering Learning, Simplified

Updates for McKinley 16.0

This new manual provides a complete guide to the LMS feature, covering everything you need to know. Whether you're setting up courses, managing enrollments, or tracking progress, you'll find step-by-step instructions and best practices. Use this resource to make the most of the LMS and create a seamless learning experience.


Starting in v17, the Learning Management System (LMS) in Rock RMS provides tools to create and manage educational content, training programs, and courses within your organization. This will allow you to assign training, track progress, and maintain training records.

Rock's LMS is designed to support two distinct scenarios:

  1. On-Demand: This mode is designed for flexibility, allowing classes to run continuously without being tied to a specific time frame. Students can join and complete courses at their own pace. This straightforward structure makes it ideal for ongoing or self-paced learning environments.
  2. Academic Calendar: This mode is designed for programs that require strict time-based semesters, often found in more traditional academic settings. This introduces some additional complexity, and while it provides features like a class progress bar, a syllabus for detailed course planning, and a notifications area for managing assignments, these tools are most beneficial for structured, residency-style programs. For simpler or ongoing courses, these additional features may not be necessary, and the flexibility of On-Demand mode is likely a better fit.

When in doubt keep it simple and use On-Demand. Academic mode is really intended for organizations that have residency/university programs.


Before we get started, let's clarify a few terms:

  • Program: The Learning Program is the highest level of the learning hierarchy and represents a collection of related courses. Examples of a program could include Biblical Studies, Student Residency, or Volunteer Training.
  • Course: The Learning Course represents a specific type of class that is offered in the program. Examples of a course might be Torah, Gospels, Biblical Hermeneutics, or Emergency Response Training. For each course, you will have one or more instances of a class, depending on the mode or desired class size.
  • Semester: The Learning Semester is a time block used to group classes for programs that are in the Academic Calendar mode. Examples might include Fall 2024, Spring 2025, etc. This won't apply to On-Demand mode since those classes typically don't need to be bound by a timeframe.
  • Class: The Learning Class is an occurrence of the course for a given time. Examples of a class would be Torah – Spring 2025 or Gospels – Spring 2025. The class is generally tied to a collection of the following:
    • Learning Plans: These are the building blocks of your class, consisting of activities that guide students through the course. Rock provides several Activity Types to accommodate different learning styles and objectives. For example, an activity might involve watching a video, completing an assessment (quiz or test), uploading a written paper, or delivering a presentation in front of a teacher or class. The Activity Types are:
      • Acknowledgment: An activity that collects the student's acknowledgment of a statement you configure.
      • Assessment: A configurable activity that presents multiple-choice and short-answer questions to evaluate the student's understanding.
      • File Upload: An activity that allows students to submit files, such as written papers, to the teacher or facilitator.
      • Point Assessment: An activity that provides the student and teacher/facilitator with instructions and a grading rubric for an assignment.
      • Video Watch: An activity that ensures students watch a specified portion of a video as part of the coursework.
    • Students: Individuals enrolled in the class.
    • Facilitator(s): Teachers or assistants who grade learning activities.
  • Grading System: The LMS offers flexible grading systems (Completion, Pass/Fail, Letter Grade) to evaluate and track student progress in a class. These can be customized to suit your organization's needs and are detailed in a later chapter.
LMS Relationship Diagram
A relationship diagram of the LMS anatomy

What You'll See

Now that we've covered the basics, let's explore what you'll encounter when working with the LMS. Keep in mind that LMS features can be accessed in two areas: internally within the Rock system (/people/learn) and externally through the Learning Hub (/learn), which we'll cover in a later chapter.

Internal - People/Learn
The internal Learn page

Once your classes are set up, the external-facing Learning Hub page will showcase all the programs and classes you offer.

External - Learning Hub Page
The external Learning Hub page

Walkthrough: Creating a Learning Program

Let's walk through the process of creating a simple learning program using the On-Demand mode. We'll create a program, a course, a class, and a learning plan for that class.

Step 1: Create a Program

First, we'll create our program, "Volunteer Training".

Creating a Program
Creating a program

Once saved, you are in 'Configure Program' mode. You'll notice a Back to Program Overview button which would let you switch to the other administration mode. We'll cover both Configure Program and Program Overview modes in the Program Administration Modes chapter later.

Program Administration Mode: Configure Program
In Configure Program mode

For now, stay in the Configure Program mode to set up a new course for the program.

Step 2: Create a Course

When you're in Configure Program mode, you can create a course.

Configure Program Mode
In Configure Program mode

Click the button to open a form where you can name the course. If you want to provide a more in-depth description, you can add it under the Description tab.

Here, we're creating the Child Protection and Safety course, and for this example, we will prevent people from enrolling unless they've already completed the 'Bible Study Essentials' course. This can be set up as a Prerequisite Requirement.

Creating a Course
Creating a course


If you intend to show these courses on your website to your volunteer public, it's a good idea to include a simple image that represents the course.

Step 3: Editing the Class

Once you save, an initial class will be automatically created for you. Select this class so we can set up the required learning activities and assign a facilitator (if needed) to oversee grading for the class.

Course Initial Class
The initial class for a course

First, edit the "Initial Class" to rename it to something more appropriate. Next, choose a grading system that suits your needs. For On-Demand classes, the Completion grading system is commonly used.

Editing the Initial Class
Editing the initial class to rename and choose a grading system

Rock includes the following grading systems out of the box:

  • Completion: A simplified system that assesses whether participants have fulfilled all required tasks or activities.
  • Pass/Fail: Pass/Fail: This system evaluates whether participants meet a minimum standard to pass, without assigning specific scores or grades. It simplifies assessment into two outcomes: "Pass" or "Fail."
  • Letter Grade: A traditional system that assigns a letter grade (e.g., A, B, C) based on performance, reflecting varying levels of achievement according to a predetermined scale.

It's also possible to customize these grading systems or create your own. You can learn more about this in the Grading Systems chapter.


If you choose a grading system other than Completion, consider that participants who "fail" may need a way to re-take the class. This requires additional setup, so it's recommended to avoid this situation if possible.

Step 4: Creating the Learning Plan

Next, let's set up a quick 'watch a required video' activity as the learning plan for our class.

Create a Learning Plan
Create a Learning Plan

Here, we've selected the Video Watch Activity Type and chosen a video from our Media Account. The Completion Threshold is set to 95%, requiring students to watch at least that much before progressing to the next activity. You can also assign a point value to the video if needed.

Creating a Learning Plan Activity
Creating a Learning Plan activity

While some fields are common across all Activity Types, each type also includes unique fields tailored to its purpose. In this example, we've configured additional options to complete the Learning Plan.

Learning Plan Activities
A Learning Plan activities

Learning Plans and Classes

Learning Plans are tied to Classes, not directly to Courses. This design allows for easier adjustments to classes over time. If Learning Plans were tied to Courses, changes could disrupt existing and completed class student assignments.

But don't worry! We've made it simple to copy a class, enabling you to make quick adjustments for future sessions. This process will be covered in a later section.

Finally, use the other two tabs to add facilitators who will grade assignments and enroll students. Alternatively, you can enable students to sign up directly on your website—this process is explained in the Learning Hub chapter.

If you've made your Program Public, you'll see it when you visit the Learning Hub page on your website.

Academic Calendar Configuration Mode

We walked through the On-Demand Learning configuration mode. Now, let's take a brief detour to explore the differences with the Academic Calendar mode.

Academic Calendar

Creating an Academic Calendar program is very similar to setting up an On-Demand Learning program. The key difference is the addition of semesters. Semesters have a start date, an end date, and an enrollment close date, which prevents new students from enrolling in classes associated with that semester after the specified deadline.

Academic Calendar Configuration Mode
Screenshot showing Configuration Mode 'Academic Calendar'

Under the program details, you'll find a tab that lists the semesters associated with the program.

Academic Calendar Semesters
Screenshot showing a list of Semesters
Creating a Semester
Screenshot showing the creation of a Semester

Additional tabs will also be shown when viewing the class detail. A Content tab will allow you to create additional pages that will appear in the Student's Class Workspace. The Annoucements tab will be shown depending on the Enable Annoucenements found under Advanced Settings in the Course details.

Additional Tabs on Class Details
Screenshot showing additional tabs on the class details

Students enrolled in Academic Calendar program classes will have a different experience in their Class Workspace, which we'll explore at the end of the Learning Hub chapter.

LMS Learning Hub

If you visit the /learn page on the Rock site, you'll find what we call the Learning Hub. This page showcases the Learning programs and courses that you've configured as Public.


While we've created a set of pages which will work for most churches, you are welcome to create unique pages tailored to your specific needs using these LMS blocks and the Lava templates in their block settings.

Learning Hub Page
An example Learning Hub page

Potential students can read about each course for the programs you offer and enroll in them. Selecting a program redirects them to the program's course list page.

Program Courses
An example Program Courses page

As expected, this page shows all the courses for the program. If the person is logged in, it will also indicate courses they have completed or are currently enrolled in. Selecting a course directs them to the course detail page.

Course Description
An example Program Course description

This page provides all the necessary information about the course. It will also allow the individual to sign-up for any classes that are open for enrollment.

Class Enrollment
An example class enrollment

Once enrolled, a participant student will have a Class Workspace which serves as the main portal for taking the class.

Class Enrollment Success
An example class enrollment

On-Demand Class Workspace Example

A set of learning plan activities might look like this in the student's Class Workspace.

Video Watch Activity
An example 'video watch' activity
Acknowledgment Activity
An example 'Acknowledgment' activity
Assessment Activity
An example 'Assessment' activity

Academic Calendar Class Workspace Example

The workspace for a class under a program using the Academic Calendar mode looks slightly different. It includes a tab bar at the top that shows an overview of the class and class progress, along with tabs for Activities/Assignments and the class Syllabus.

Academic Calendar Class workspace
An example Academic Calendar class workspace

Program Administration Modes

When administering programs, you can operate in one of two modes:

  • Program Overview: Focused on the day-to-day tasks of running a class, such as grading assignments, reviewing student comments, and monitoring progress.
  • Configure Program: Used for configuring program details, such as setting up courses, classes, and the learning plan for a class. When you initially set up courses and classes, you were working in Configure Program mode.

With Permission

If you have the required permissions, a toggle button will appear, allowing you to switch between modes. However, once the course and learning activities are set up, you'll generally stay in Program Overview mode for day-to-day management.

Configure Program Mode
Configure Program mode
Program Overview Mode
program overview mode

Notice how the content changes beneath the course depending on the selected mode. For some roles, such as Facilitators, they will only ever use Program Overview mode.


Rock includes two new roles for the LMS:

  • RSR - LMS Administration: This role is for those overseeing the entire LMS system. They can edit nearly all LMS components except grades. Permissions for viewing and editing grades are controlled separately with two security actions: View Grades and Edit Grades.
  • RSR - LMS Workers: This role is for individuals needing internal access to the Learning Management System, such as class Facilitators, Program Editors, and Course Editors.


Facilitators added to a class automatically gain permissions to view and edit grades, even without additional security rights. However, ensure they are assigned the RSR - LMS Workers role to access class and program pages.

As in other areas of Rock, LMS security settings can be granular, but we recommend keeping them as simple as possible. To grant certain people or roles the ability to edit programs or courses, use the security button on the relevant Program or Course.

Security is inherited within the LMS hierarchy:

  • The Learning Class inherits security from the Learning Course.
  • The Learning Course inherits security from the Learning Program.

This inheritance allows you to apply security settings at the highest necessary level, eliminating the need to configure each layer individually.

Learning Course Security
Learning course inherited security

If someone other than the Facilitator needs permission to view or edit grades, set this security at the appropriate level based on your requirements.


Facilitators must be assigned to the RSR - LMS Workers role after being approved to serve in this capacity. That role grants them access to the internal LMS system, enabling them to grade student assignments and related activities.

After logging in, facilitators can view the class details, including the learning plan and student information. The LMS highlights activities that need their attention with clear indicators, helping facilitators prioritize tasks that require attention.

Learning Plan Alerts
Learning Plan alerts
1 Action Required Indicator
This icon indicates action is needed (such as grading) for one or more of the students activities.
2 Comments Indicator
This icon indicates there are comments from one or more of the students.

Configure Program

This is the mode used when setting up new courses, semesters, classes and class learning plans.

Editing a Program
Learning Plan alerts
Overview / Description
Edit the program's description under the Description tab.
Configuration Mode
Determines whether the program operates in the simple On-Demand Learning mode or the structured, semester-based Academic Calendar mode.
Track Program Status
Enable this option to track program completions. When enabled, the Update Program Completions job creates new Learning Program Completion records, to track whether a person has completed the program.
Activity Available Communication Template
Specifies the communication template used to notify students about the availability of a learning plan activity.
Default Grading System
Specifies the grading system to use for classes under this program. A grading system can also be set at the Class level if needed.
Completion Workflow Type
Defines the workflow to run when an individual completes the program.

Semesters (Academic Calendar Mode Only)

When viewing a program that uses Academic Calendar mode, an additional Semesters tab will appear for listing and editing semester details.

semester list

In Academic Calendar, mode you must set up semesters with start and end dates as a place to put the course and classes.

Editing a Semester
Editing a semester


Courses are a specific type of class that is offered in the program. You can create one or more instances of these depending on the settings or desired class size.

Editing a Course
Editing a course
Overview / Description
Use the Description tab to edit the course description, which appears on the public Learning Hub page to provide individuals with a detailed understanding of the course.
Specify prerequisites or equivalencies here. For example, you can indicate if a course requires the completion of another course beforehand or if it fulfills the requirements of an equivalent course.
Course Code
An abbreviated identifier for the course, useful in contexts where concise designations are needed.
A unit of measurement representing the academic work associated with the course. Credits typically reflect the time commitment, workload, and expected learning outcomes.
Completion Workflow Type
An optional workflow that can be triggered when an individual completes the course.
Allow Historical Access
Controls whether returning students can view or review their completed class activities after the class has concluded.
Enable Announcements
Enable this option to allow creating announcements related to the classes. These announcements will be displayed on the student's Class Workspace.


A class represents a specific instance of a course offered during a particular time period. Each class has its own Learning Plans, students, and facilitator(s).

Editing a Class
Editing a class
Visible only in Academic Calendar programs, this field specifies the semester during which the class takes place.
Grading System
Defines or overrides the default grading system for the class. Note that the grading system cannot be changed once students start completing assignments.

Cloning Classes

When the day comes when you must make a new version of an existing class, save time by using the Copy button. This duplicates the class and its learning plan activities but excludes students and facilitators.

For always-active (On-Demand) classes, remember to uncheck the Public checkbox on the newly cloned class until it's fully prepared. This prevents enrollment before it's ready. Once the new class is complete, re-check the Public option for the new class and uncheck it on the old class.

Copying a Class
Copying a class

Once the class is set up, the final steps are to create Learning Plans and add facilitators, and optionally, students. Adding facilitators and students is simple, and details about creating Learning Plans are covered in the next chapter.

Learning Plans

Depending on the selected Activity Type, a Configure section will appear with options specific to that type. A learning plan has up to four distinct views:

  1. Configuration View The interface used to create and set up the activity within the learning plan.
  2. Student Completion View What the student sees while working on the activity.
  3. Facilitator Scoring View If the activity requires scoring, this is where facilitators evaluate and rate the student's work.
  4. Summary View The final view displayed once the activity is completed.

For now, we'll focus on Configuration View. Let's begin by reviewing the common elements of an activity. Details specific to each activity type will be covered in the next section.

Adding a Learning Plan Activity
Adding a learning plan activity
1 Completed By
This is typically set to "Student," but for certain activities, it may need to be assigned to the Facilitator. For example, in an in-person verbal presentation (a Point Assessment activity), the Facilitator grades the student during the presentation, making it an activity the student cannot complete independently.
2 Availability Criteria
This setting determines when the activity becomes available to the student:
  • Specific Date: The activity cannot be started until a designated date. This requires setting the Available Date field.
  • Class Start Offset: The activity becomes accessible a specified number of days after the class start date. This requires setting the Available Date Offset field.
  • Enrollment Offset: The activity becomes accessible a specified number of days after the student enrolls in the class. This also requires setting the Available Date Offset field.
  • Always Available: The activity is accessible to the student at any time.
  • After Previous Completed: The activity cannot be started until the preceding activity is completed.
3 Due Date Criteria
Similar to Availability Criteria, but applies to the activity's due date.
4 Points
This specifies the point value of the activity. For Assessment Activity Types, you'll also designate what percentage of these points applies to each section of the assessment. See the next section for more details.
5 Send Notification Communication
By default Send Notification Communication is deselected. If you would like students to get an email notification when an activity becomes available, you have the option to enable this setting. Otherwise, students can still access the activity once it is available without receiving a notification.

Learning Plan Activity Types

Each activity type provides unique fields and options to customize the activity.


Enter the text you want displayed in the activity into the Content field. If desired, use the Confirmation Text field to provide text that will appear next to the acknowledgment checkbox.

Configuration View
Acknowledgment Activity Type
Student Completion View
Acknowledgment Activity Type


For this activity type, you'll see a form for adding items such as a Multiple Choice question, a Section separator, or a Short Answer item.

Configuration View (Assessment Items)
Assessment Activity Type no items

You can add as many items as you need. With the Multiple Choice type of question, you can supply the correct answer so the assessment can be graded automatically. However, adding a Short Answer type will require a Facilitator to score each participant's answers.

Configuration View
Assessment Activity Type
1 Multiple Choice Weight
This is the percentage of the total points that apply toward any/all multiple-choice questions for this activity.
2 Show Results on Completion
When checked, will show the summary of results to the student after they've completed the activity.
3 Show Missed Questions On Results
When checked, will show the student's answer and the correct answer for each missed multiple-choice question once they've completed the activity.
4 Add Item
Used to add new items to the assessment.
5 Type
Choose from one of the available options.
  • Multiple Choice: A standard multiple choice with a single correct answer value. Since you will define the answer here, these types of items do not require manual grading by the Facilitator.
  • Section: Provides some additional heading information which is typically intended for the next activity item.
  • Short Answer: Allows you to define a question and designate what percentage of the total points will apply toward this item. Short Answer items will require grading by a Facilitator.
6 Help Text
Any text you write here will be shown as a information popup next to the question.
7 Question Weight
This defines the percentage of the overall points will go toward this question. The weight of your multiple-choice questions combined with any Short Answer questions must total 100%.
Student Completion View
Student Completion View for Assessment Activity Type
Facilitator Scoring View
Facilitator Scoring View for Assessment Activity Type

File Upload

The File Upload activity enables students to submit a file with the required content to complete the activity. You can provide additional instructions and attach a grading rubric to outline the evaluation criteria, if applicable.

Configuration View
File Upload Activity Type
Show Rubric on Upload
Check this to display the rubric to students when they are uploading their document.
Show Rubric on Scoring
Check this to show the rubric to the Facilitator during grading/scoring.
Student Completion View
Student Completion view for File Upload
Facilitator Scoring View
Student Completion view for File Upload

Point Assessment

The Point Assessment activity is similar to the File Upload activity, but students do not upload anything. It is ideal for scenarios where students present something physical or deliver an in-person presentation.

Here, the grading rubric is intended as a guide for facilitators, helping them stay on track with the rules and criteria for grading the assignment.

Configuration View
Point Assessment Activity Type
Student Completion View
Student Completion view for Point Assessment
Facilitator Scoring View
Facilitator Completion view for Point Assessment

Video Watch

The Video Watch activity lets you share a video from your Digital Media Accounts in Rock. You can set how much of the video a student needs to watch before they can mark it as completed. See the Digital Media section of the Rock Admin Hero Guide.

Configuration View
Point Assessment Activity Type
Student Completion View
Student Completion view for Point Assessment

Grading Systems

Found under Admin Tools > Settings, this is where you can define or customize the grading system to fit your needs. For example, Rock ships with the "Rigorous" Letter Grade system. In less rigorous organizations, when using the Letter Grade system, one must only reach a 90% or higher grade to receive a "A" grade. This is where you can make those adjustments.

Grading Systems
List of available grading systems
Rigorous Letter Grade System
The Rigorous Letter Grade System showing letters A-F

Behind the Scenes

The Inner Workings of Learning Classes

If you were to peek behind the curtains of Rock, you would discover that a Learning Class is essentially a specialized type of Group. What does this mean? For one, Students and Facilitators are simply a specific type of GroupMember. That means you can leverage many of Rock's features that work with groups and group members.

  • Learning Class Group
  • Learning Participant (Students, Facilitators) GroupMember

For example, you could use the Group Member Add From Attribute action in a Workflow to add students (or facilitators) into a class.

No SQL Please

While all that is true from the code perspective, we'd ask that you not try that with any custom SQL. That is because there is a special relationship between the LearningClass and Group as well as the LearningParticipant and GroupMemeber in the code that makes that work.

Background Jobs

Rock includes background jobs to handle various automated tasks related to the LMS.

  • Send Learning Activity Notifications: This job sends notifications to students for newly available activities.
  • Update Program Completions: This job updates learning program completion records for programs that track completion status.