




The current Reminders feature (introduced in v15) automatically creates a communication history when the Reminder Notification system communication is sent. I would like to see the option to disable the write to history. It feels like it's cluttering up the system unnecessarily if staff members are potentially getting a reminder email every single day, and it's recorded on their communication history every single day.
Photo of Megan LorenzenMegan Lorenzen, Orchard Hill Church  · 



Entity Commands have a helpful feature that limits the number of results to 1000 by default. This saves you from having to wait for the page to timeout when you forget to put a vital filter on the command. However, there are times when it would be helpful to remove this limit. Currently, you can set it to any arbitrarily high number (e.g. limit:'100000'), but that doesn't actually reflect your intent. My proposal would be to allow the "limit" parameter to take a value ('0', or 'false'), that would remove this limit. This solution would keep the current safety net by...



I would love to see the ability to specify step attributes at the step program level rather than just on the step type, similar to how we can specify group member attributes on the group type.We are starting to use steps a lot more, and have a few step programs with 6 or more step types. Whenever we want to add or modify the same attribute for steps of every type, we have to go to every step type individually to create the new step, while making sure that each one is created identically to the others. Any time we...



In the Form Builder Communication Settings you can choose to send a confirmation email to a workflow attribute of Person. It would be great if you could send the Notification Email to a workflow attribute of person or group or just be able to choose a group or multiple groups from a picker.
Photo of Tim LemonsTim Lemons, Highlands Fellowship  · 



Enhancing registrations with an auto-placement feature could help significantly improve event management. This tool could automatically sort participants into groups as soon as they register, based on criteria like age, gender, campus location, and other specific attributes—similar to how our check-ins system works.For complex events like student retreats, where attendees need to be grouped for rooms, transport, and meals based on various factors, automating this grouping process could save us a lot of time and hassle. Right now, we manually assign participants to rooms through the group placement tool and then update other groupings in bulk. Automating these steps would...
Photo of David BelkDavid Belk, Venture Church  · 



This proposal suggests enhancing our duplicate checking logic for specific protection profiles to balance hijack protection and reduce duplicate profiles. Currently, it is recommended to disable duplicate checking is disabled for Medium, High, and Extreme protection profiles to bolster hijack protection. However, this approach can result in an increased number of duplicates, especially considering more active individuals typically fall in more protected categories.To address this, we propose a two-tiered approach: Continued Evaluation for Low Protection Profiles: Individuals with Low Protection profiles would undergo duplicate checking using the existing logic. Additional Checks for Medium, High, and Extreme Protection Profiles: For individuals...
Photo of Tony ViscontiTony Visconti, College Church  · 



Currently, the block settings for the account entry block don't allow admins to choose which campuses are available for users to choose from (all or nothing). It would be great if we could filter out campuses, depending on their type & status. 
Photo of Emmy FriesenEmmy Friesen, Eagle Brook Church  · 



First, the impetus of this Idea was born out of the frustration of seeing changes to all of the (multiple) Giving-Analytics-related Person Attributes completely cluttering up Person History. This happens because the Giving Analytics process is just storing its data in regular old Person Attributes (perfectly fine), and today, any changes to a Person Attribute get recorded as  "Demographic Changes"  in Person History. These entries can overwhelm the other Demographic Changes that we are ACTUALLY looking for.Here's an example of these attribute changes:And here's a short screen cap that shows how distracting and cluttered these attribute changes are, because there...
Photo of Jim MichaelJim Michael, The Crossing  · 



On the "Edit Family" block, many (most?) churches do not use the "Family Status" drop-down. It's not mentioned in the documentation at all. It's also one of the few attributes in that block that can't be hidden. I can hide Campus, Birthdate, Title, Grade, Age, and County, but I can't hide that.I think most churches would benefit from it being off by default, but I'd settle for the option (in the block properties) to hide this particular box.Note: This is somewhat similar to Idea #1274, which I voted for, but it's a much smaller and more targeted change.



Hello! The autoplay option for YouTube Lava ShortCode will not work without `&mute=1`. Please update the code. Thanks!
Photo of Jackson UyJackson Uy, Lake Avenue Church  · 

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