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Model Map

Model Details

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FinancialTransaction Logic
AuthorizedPersonAlias Gets or sets the authorized PersonAlias.
AuthorizedPersonAliasId Gets or sets the authorized person identifier.
Batch Gets or sets the FinancialBatch that contains the transaction.
BatchHistoryChangeList [Obsoleted in v14] Does nothing. No longer needed. We replaced this with a private property under the SaveHook class for this entity. Gets or sets the batch history change list.
BatchId Gets or sets BatchId of the FinancialBatch that contains this transaction.
CheckMicrEncrypted Gets or sets an encrypted version of a scanned check's raw track of the MICR data. Note that different scanning hardware might use different special characters for fields such as Transit and On-US. Also, encryption of the same values results in different encrypted data, so this field can't be used for check matching
CheckMicrHash One Way Encryption (SHA1 Hash) of Raw Track of the MICR read. The same raw MICR will result in the same hash. Enables detection of duplicate scanned checks Note: duplicate detection requires that the duplicate check was scanned using the same scanner type (Ranger vs Magtek)
CheckMicrParts Gets or sets an encrypted version of a scanned check's parsed MICR in the format {routingnumber}_{accountnumber}_{checknumber}
FinancialGateway Gets or sets the gateway.
FinancialGatewayId Gets or sets the gateway identifier.
FinancialPaymentDetail Gets or sets the FinancialPaymentDetail.
FinancialPaymentDetailId Gets or sets the financial payment detail identifier.
ForeignCurrencyCodeValueId Gets or sets the foreign currency code value identifier. These are found in the "Currency Code" Defined Type.
Show Values
FutureProcessingDateTime Gets or sets date and time that the transaction should be processed after. This is the local server time.
HistoryChangeList [Obsoleted in v14] Does nothing. No longer needed. We replaced this with a private property under the SaveHook class for this entity. Gets or sets the history change list.
Images Gets or sets a collection containing any images associated with this transaction. An example of this would be a scanned image of a check.
IsReconciled Gets or sets a flag indicating if the transaction has been reconciled or not.
IsSettled Gets or sets a flag indicating if the transaction has been settled by the processor/gateway.
MICRStatus Gets or sets the micr status (if this Transaction is from a scanned check) Fail means that the check scanner detected a bad MICR read, but the user choose to Upload it anyway
NonCashAssetTypeValue Gets or sets the non cash asset type DefinedValue.
NonCashAssetTypeValueId Gets or sets the non cash asset type DefinedValue identifier. These are found in the "Non-Cash Asset Types" Defined Type.
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ProcessedByPersonAlias Gets or sets the PersonAlias of the PersonAlias who processed the transaction. For example, if the transaction is from a scanned check, the ProcessedByPersonAlias is the person who matched (or started to match) the check to the person who wrote the check.
ProcessedByPersonAliasId Gets or sets the PersonAliasId of the PersonAlias who processed the transaction. For example, if the transaction is from a scanned check, the ProcessedByPersonAlias is the person who matched (or started to match) the check to the person who wrote the check.
ProcessedDateTime Gets or sets the processed date time. For example, if the transaction is from a scanned check, the ProcessedDateTime is when the transaction was matched (or started to match) to the person who wrote the check.
RefundDetails Gets or sets the refund transaction that is associated with this transaction. If this transaction is not a refund transaction this value will be null.
Refunds Gets or sets the refunds.
ScheduledTransaction Gets or sets the Scheduled Transaction that initiated this transaction.
ScheduledTransactionId Gets or sets the ScheduledTransactionId of the FinancialScheduledTransaction that triggered this transaction. If this was an ad-hoc/on demand transaction, this property will be null.
SettledDate Gets or sets the date that the transaction was settled by the processor/gateway.
SettledDateKey Gets the settled date key.
SettledGroupId The group/batch identifier used by the processor/gateway when the transaction has been settled.
SettledSourceDate Gets or sets the settled source date.
ShowAsAnonymous Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show the transaction as anonymous when displayed publicly, for example on a list of fundraising contributors
SourceTypeValue Gets or sets the source type DefinedValue indicating where the transaction originated from; the source of the transaction.
SourceTypeValueId Gets or sets the DefinedValueId of the source type DefinedValue for this transaction. Representing the source (method) of this transaction. These are found in the "Transaction Source" Defined Type.
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Status Gets the status of the transaction provided by the payment gateway (i.e. Pending, Complete, Failed)
StatusMessage Gets or sets the status message.
Summary Gets or sets a summary of the transaction. This would store any comments made.
SundayDate Gets Sunday date.
SupportedActions Provides a Dictionary`2 of actions that this model supports, and the description of each.
TotalAmount Gets the total amount.
TotalFeeAmount Gets the total fee amount.
TotalFeeCoverageAmount Gets the total fee coverage amount.
TransactionCode For Credit Card transactions, this is the response code that the gateway returns. For Scanned Checks, this is the check number.
TransactionDateKey Gets the transaction date key.
TransactionDateTime Gets or sets date and time that the transaction occurred. This is the local server time.
TransactionDetails Gets or sets the Transaction Detail line items for this transaction.
TransactionSourceDate Gets or sets the transaction source date.
TransactionTypeValue Gets or sets the transaction type DefinedValue indicating the type of transaction that occurred.
TransactionTypeValueId Gets or sets the DefinedValueId of the TransactionType DefinedValue indicating the type of the transaction. These are found in the "Transaction Type" Defined Type.
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