




The recent setting 'Disable Predictable Ids' is welcome as it prevents unsecured images and files from being 'harvested', and almost eliminated the risk or our own users 'finding' files, profile pictures and avatars by sequential Id and the perception of security risk. It also adds a layer of protection for documents that were saved as unsecured or with fewer restrictions than appropriate from being discovered.We have turned on the new setting 'Disable Predicable ID' and appreciate the new Hash reference for Ids, especially on the public site.However the room management plugin still references images by Id throughout, as well as some...



In the Room Manager, the default sort is by first name then last name. We need it by last name and then first name. Everywhere else, our lists are sorted by last name, so trying to compare attendance is a real headache!
Photo of Ruth LashRuth Lash, Ada Bible Church  · 



The new Obsidian grid has the ability to allow filtering from a list of existing values for a column. And example of this would be the Obsidian Gallery List block's list of Connection Statuses: There isn't currently a way to filter values like this in the Dynamic Data block. This would be helpful in situations where there would only be a few values that you'd like to search by. For example, I was asked create a report of our student night attendees with the city they live in. It would be a much better user experience if the students could...



Would love the ability to send a future/scheduled communication to a group (such as an event/small group) where the recipient list is not "locked-in" at that moment. This would work in the same way that Communication Lists work, but without the need to create a communication list for a single group. Kingdom First Solutions created a plugin that kind of solves this problem, but it's limited in its application because you cannot benefit from utilizing Email/SMS wizard like you can from standard communications. I'd love to see this work in a way like:Click the communicate grid action on the groupThe group...
Photo of Bryson NoblesBryson Nobles, Passion City Church  · 



It would be nice to have advanced permission from the campus.i.e., Add roles/people to campus-level permission and then use that setting when displaying information like contributions, connections, person data, etc.Along with this, another idea would be to create a campus hierarchy that propagates those permissions down. This would allow for regional campus groupings/management.
Photo of Josh MaiorinoJosh Maiorino, Vox Church  · 



It would be helpful to include an HTML field type in the new Dynamic Data block, to make more advanced output an option:It would also be nice if you select the HTML field type, It could strip HTML on the export.
Photo of Josh MaiorinoJosh Maiorino, Vox Church  · 



Allow Connection Opportunities to have unique slugs that create clean, shareable URLs for easier navigation and distribution.The feature would enable users to define a memorable and relevant slug for each connection opportunity, making sharing and linking to specific opportunities easier. This would eliminate the need for short links or redirects, ensuring that URLs are clean and follow a predictable, consistent route structure across the site.Clean, shareable links make it easier for congregants and visitors to find and sign up for connection opportunities. Churches often share opportunities across multiple platforms (email, social media, bulletins), and having a customizable slug would simplify...



How many times have you opened a complex Workflow created by another person (or your past self) and scratched your head wondering why certain actions exist? Documentation is key to efficiently building and maintaining systems. In Rock, one of the key ways we document things is through the use of the description field.Workflows have a description field.Workflow Activities have a description field.I am suggesting that we also add a description field to Workflow Actions. How would this be implemented?It would be fairly straightforward. Add a description field in the Workflow Action item directly under the Name field. If someone fills in...
Photo of Tim PetersonTim Peterson, The Father's House  · 



I think it would be nice to see a couple enhancements to the 'Fundraising Opportunity Participant' block on the external website.Particularly to the comments section of the block.It would be awesome for the Group Member or Group Leader (depending on the type of fundraising group) to receive notifications when comments are left on the page.When the end user is not logged into the page... the page inherently shows (0) comments... even if comments are there. It would be nice if comments would show even to those people not logged in... but then invited a user to log in to leave...
Photo of Jason JonesJason Jones, CedarCreek Church  · 



I think it would be nice to have a toggle on the 'Workflow Navigation' block that would allow you to hide workflows that are no longer active or in the 'Inactive' state.
Photo of Jason JonesJason Jones, CedarCreek Church  · 

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