




It would be useful for Deep Linking inside Rock Mobile to be compatible with contents inside of a WebView element. I have an app with several pages built on the web (due to the complexity of some of the functions in the project requirements), but because they are in a WebView, there is no way to command the mobile shell to execute anything from the pages in the WebView. I think that the flow could go something like this:From the page in the WebView, send a deep link into the app to a specific page and pass information through a...
Photo of James WilkinsonJames Wilkinson, BEMA Software Services  · 



Submitted on behalf of North Point Ministries.  First-Time Guest experience at check-in is very important.  As such, first-time guest families may follow a different process than regular attenders.  Displaying "Add Family" options at check-in can circumvent the intended process of a "white glove" guest experience at a guest services desk.  But regular attenders bringing guests or a new family member can be handled at the kiosk.  NPM would like and has had the ability to not offer an Add Family option on the check-in kiosk (since those families are handled at a separate location) but have the ability to edit...
Photo of Bob RufenachtBob Rufenacht, BEMA Software Services  · 



In the classic version of check in, there were attributes that you could configure from the Check-In Type Detail block for Success Template Display Mode and Success Template, which allowed churches to use lava to define what is shown at the end of a check in. This feature enabled recipes such as this one - - allowing churches to see at a glance which requirements a person has completed when they check in. For example, after checking a camper in for high school camp, you can see at a glance if they have paid their balance, have a signed waiver, and are...
Photo of Zack DutraZack Dutra, Bayside Covenant Church  · 



Persist the data set used in a bulk update to permit more updates to be applied to the same selection set.  For example, if you're moving people from one group to another, you have to: select everyone, hit bulk update, perform the addition to the new groupuse the back arrow to get back to your selection list, select everyone, hit bulk update, perform the removal from the old group.If the data selection persisted, then you could go directly from the bulk update completion screen to perform a new update on the same records.   Thus:select everyone,hit bulk update,perform the addition to...
Photo of Elaine LohroffElaine Lohroff, Calvary Church  · 



In previous versions of check-in, various display options could be configured such as Header Text on the pages and the content of the start, family, person select buttons and the success page display.  In an effort to be platform agnostic, Next-Gen Check-In does not support HTML and therefore those settings are ignored.  But many churches customized those screens with the features supported previously to display other text often through lava.  Even if HTML is not supported, it would be nice to be able to use Text and Lava code to customize the displayed text in those fields.  (On behalf of...
Photo of Bob RufenachtBob Rufenacht, BEMA Software Services  · 



People who have been part of the church for a while have a long list of notes in the timeline block. It would be helpful to load the most recent 10 or 20 entries and provide an option to load more. This would save space on the profile screen and reduce the amount of scrolling needed to access other A1 section blocks.
Photo of Matt StevensMatt Stevens, Crossings Community Church  · 



The OWASP recommends very short session timeouts for apps with critical data. Users with an Extreme Protection profile are typical internal users (staff/volunteers) who have access to far more data then the congregant who only has access to just their family's data. In light of this it would be important to allow configuring Login Cookie Persistence Length based on a user's protection profile. The default value of 30 days is great for users with limited access to data, but it greatly exceeds the OWASP recommendation for users with access to sensitive data.
Photo of Tony ViscontiTony Visconti, College Church  · 



I'd love the ability to create/edit Communication Templates, specifically Email Templates using the Email Wizard. The current process for creating an Email Template is:Create a new communication using an existing templateSend the email to yourself (so you can test)Go to message details and click "Create Personal Template"If someone could generate a new communication template with the wizard from scratch without having to send an email in the first place, that would expedite the process. Additionally, being able to make changes to a template using the wizard would be advantageous versus creating a new template each time a change needs to...
Photo of Bryson NoblesBryson Nobles, Passion City Church  · 



When enabling Login with Google, Rock UserLogins are created in the format Google_Id. contrast, Microsoft logins are created in the format Office365_UserName.  This allows administrators to anticipate the user login information and pre-populate staff profiles, so that on first login no duplicates are created, and there is never a red padlock as the first login experience.  It would be nice if we could do the same for Google. 
Photo of Zack DutraZack Dutra, Bayside Covenant Church  · 



In the Check-In Manager's Room Manager page, the location dropdown displays both active and inactive locations. While we understand that this functionality allows users to potentially reactivate inactive locations, we believe there may be an oversight. Some inactive locations may be permanently inactive, and their inclusion in the dropdown could cause confusion or clutter.We propose adding a setting to the Room Manager block that would allow users to decide whether inactive locations should appear in the location dropdown. This setting would enhance the usability of the Room Manager by allowing users to dictate what locations are visible, and would mitigate...
Photo of Susan ChorneySusan Chorney, Redemption Bible Chapel  · 

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