Represents a
Location that is associated with a
AdditionalLavaFields | |
Attributes | |
AttributeValueDefaults | |
AttributeValues | |
AvailableKeys | |
ContextKey | |
CreatedByPersonAlias | |
CreatedByPersonAliasId | |
CreatedByPersonId | |
CreatedByPersonName | |
CreatedDateTime | |
CustomSortValue | |
EncryptedKey | |
EntityStringValue | |
ForeignGuid | |
ForeignId | |
ForeignKey | |
Group | Gets or sets the Group that is associated with this GroupLocation |
GroupId | Gets or sets the Id of the Group that is associated with this GroupLocation. This property is required. |
GroupLocationScheduleConfigs | Gets or sets properties that are specific to Group+Location+Schedule |
GroupLocationTypeValue | Gets or sets the Location Type DefinedValue of this GroupLocation. |
GroupLocationTypeValueId | The Id of the GroupLocationType DefinedValue that is used to identify the type of GroupLocation that this is. Examples: Home Address, Work Address, Primary Address. These are found in the "Location Type" Defined Type. Show Values 19 = Home | Address where the family lives. | 20 = Work | Address where the group works. | 137 = Previous | Address where the family used to live. | 216 = Meeting Location | Indicates the place where the group regularly meets. | 611 = Geographic Area | Used to defined a geofenced area. | 7644 = Map Location | Used to put a group on a map that may not have a specific location (e.g Regional Communities) |
GroupMemberPersonAlias | Gets or sets the group member PersonAlias. A GroupLocation can optionally be created by selecting one of the group member's locations. If the GroupLocation is created this way, the member is saved with the group location |
GroupMemberPersonAliasId | Gets or sets the group member PersonAlias identifier. A GroupLocation can optionally be created by selecting one of the group member's locations. If the GroupLocation is created this way, the member's person alias id is saved with the group location |
Guid | |
Id | |
IdKey | |
IsMailingLocation | Gets or sets a flag indicating if the Location referenced by this GroupLocation is the mailing address/location for the Group. This field is only supported in the UI for family groups |
IsMappedLocation | Gets or sets a flag indicating if this is the mappable location for this This field is only supported in the UI for family groups |
IsOverflowLocation | Gets or sets a flag indicating if the Location if used as an overflow location for the group. This is primarily used by check-in. |
IsValid | |
Item | |
Location | Gets or sets the Location that is associated with this GroupLocation. |
LocationId | Gets or sets the Id of the Location that is associated with this GroupLocation. This property is required. |
ModifiedAuditValuesAlreadyUpdated | |
ModifiedByPersonAlias | |
ModifiedByPersonAliasId | |
ModifiedByPersonId | |
ModifiedByPersonName | |
ModifiedDateTime | |
Order | Gets or sets the display order of the GroupLocation in the group location list. The lower the number the higher the display priority this GroupLocation has. This property is required. |
ParentAuthority | |
ParentAuthorityPre | |
Schedules | Gets or sets a collection containing the Schedules that are associated with this GroupLocation. |
SupportedActions | |
TypeId | |
TypeName | |
UrlEncodedKey | |
ValidationResults | |
- AllowPerson(System.String action, Rock.Model.Person person, Rock.Data.RockContext rockContext) (inherited)
- AllowSecurityRole(System.String action, Rock.Model.Group group, Rock.Data.RockContext rockContext) (inherited)
- Clone() (inherited)
- ContainsKey(System.Object key) (inherited) [Obsoleted in v13] Use ContainsKey(string) instead.
- ContainsKey(System.String key) (inherited)
- Equals(System.Object obj) (inherited)
- FromDictionary(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Object] properties) (inherited)
- GetAlternateEntityIds(Rock.Data.RockContext rockContext) (inherited) [Obsoleted in v13] Use GetAlternateEntityIdsByType instead.
- GetAlternateEntityIdsByType(Rock.Data.RockContext rockContext) (inherited)
- GetAttributeValue(System.String key) (inherited)
- GetAttributeValue(System.Guid guid) (inherited)
- GetAttributeValueAsType(System.String key) (inherited)
- GetAttributeValues(System.String key) (inherited)
- GetCacheObject()
- GetCreatedAuditHtml(System.String rootUrl) (inherited)
- GetHashCode() (inherited)
- GetInheritedAttributes(Rock.Data.RockContext rockContext) (inherited)
- GetModifiedAuditHtml(System.String rootUrl) (inherited)
- GetType() (inherited)
- GetValue(System.String key) (inherited)
- IsAllowedByDefault(System.String action) (inherited)
- IsAuthorized(System.String action, Rock.Model.Person person) (inherited)
- IsPrivate(System.String action, Rock.Model.Person person) (inherited)
- LaunchWorkflow(System.Nullable`1[System.Guid] workflowTypeGuid, System.String workflowName, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.String] workflowAttributeValues) (inherited) [Obsoleted in v13] Use the override that does not provide the default values instead.
- LaunchWorkflow(System.Nullable`1[System.Guid] workflowTypeGuid, System.String workflowName, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.String] workflowAttributeValues, System.Nullable`1[System.Int32] initiatorPersonAliasId) (inherited)
- LaunchWorkflow(System.Nullable`1[System.Int32] workflowTypeId, System.String workflowName, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.String] workflowAttributeValues) (inherited) [Obsoleted in v13] Use the override that does not provide the default values instead.
- LaunchWorkflow(System.Nullable`1[System.Int32] workflowTypeId, System.String workflowName, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.String] workflowAttributeValues, System.Nullable`1[System.Int32] initiatorPersonAliasId) (inherited)
- MakePrivate(System.String action, Rock.Model.Person person, Rock.Data.RockContext rockContext) (inherited)
- MakeUnPrivate(System.String action, Rock.Model.Person person, Rock.Data.RockContext rockContext) (inherited)
- PostSaveChanges(Rock.Data.DbContext dbContext) (inherited)
- PreSaveChanges(Rock.Data.DbContext dbContext, System.Data.Entity.EntityState state) (inherited)
- PreSaveChanges(Rock.Data.DbContext dbContext, System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbEntityEntry entry) (inherited)
- PreSaveChanges(Rock.Data.DbContext dbContext, System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbEntityEntry entry, System.Data.Entity.EntityState state) (inherited)
- SetAttributeValue(System.String key, System.String value) (inherited)
- ToDictionary() (inherited)
- ToLiquid() (inherited)
- ToString() - Returns a String that represents this instance.
- UpdateCache(System.Data.Entity.EntityState entityState, Rock.Data.DbContext dbContext)