v17.0 Obsoleted Classes, Methods, Properties List

The following public methods, properties and classes have been removed in Rock version v17.0.

The plugin referencing any of the following would need to be updated


  • The method public static List OrderByNextScheduledDateTime(List scheduleList) in class Rock.ExtensionMethods which was marked obsolete in v12 has been removed. The code using this method needs to be recompiled and changed to use the OrderByOrderAndNextScheduledDateTime method in the same class.
  • The constructor for the class Rock.Attribute.ConnectionOpportunityFieldAttribute with parameters (string name = "", string description = "", bool required = True, string defaultValue = "", string category = "", int order = 0, string key) which was marked as obsolete in v10 has been removed. The code using it should be changed to use either the default constructor or to include the includeInactive parameter.
  • The property ParentPersonBlock in class Rock.Badge.BadgeComponent which was marked obsolete in v10 has been removed.
  • The method public virtual void Render(PersonBadgeCache personBadgeCache, HtmlTextWriter writer) in class Rock.Badge.BadgeComponent which was marked obsolete in v10 has been removed.
  • The methods GetIconPath and GetToolTipText in class Rock.Badge.IconBadge which were marked obsolete in v10 has been removed.
  • The method public static CheckinStatus GetCheckinStatus( KioskDevice kiosk, List configuredGroupTypeIds, CheckinType checkInType ) in class Rock.CheckIn.CheckinConfigurationHelper which was marked obsolete in v11 has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be recompiled to use the public static CheckinStatus GetCheckinStatus( CheckInState checkInState ) method.
  • The method public static List FilterByActiveCheckins( DateTime currentDateTime, List attendanceList ) in class Rock.CheckIn.CheckinManagerHelper which was marked obsolete in v12.4 has been removed. The code using this method needs to be recompiled to use the public static List FilterByActiveCheckins( DateTime currentDateTime, List attendanceList ).
  • The method public static CheckInState FromJson( string json ) in class Rock.CheckIn.CheckInState which was marked obsolete in v10 has been removed.
  • The property AllowCheckout in class Rock.CheckIn.CheckinType which was marked obsolete in v11 has been removed. The code referencing the property needs to be recompiled to use the property AllowCheckout.
  • The method public method Rock.CheckIn.LocalDeviceConfiguration.SaveToCookie which was marked obsolete in v12 has been removed.
  • The class public class Rock.Communication.RecipientData which was marked obsolete in v10 has been removed.
  • The following methods in class public class Rock.Communication.RockMessage which were marked obsolete in v10 have been removed:
  • public void AddRecipient(string to)
  • public void AddRecipient(RecipientData recipient)
  • public List GetRecipientData()
  • public void SetRecipients(string toEmails)
  • public void SetRecipients(List recipientData)
  • public void SetRecipients(List toEmails)
  • The class public class Rock.Constants.SystemSettingKeys which was marked obsolete in v10 has been removed. The code referencing the class needs to be recompiled to use the Rock.SystemKey.SystemSetting
  • The following methods in class public class Rock.Data.RockUdfHelper which were marked obsolete in v12 has been removed:
    • public static string ufnCrm_GetFamilyTitle(RockContext rockContext, int? PersonId, int? GroupId, string GroupPersonIds, bool UseNickName)
    • public static string ufnCrm_GetFamilyTitle(RockContext rockContext, int? PersonId, int? GroupId, string GroupPersonIds, bool UseNickName, bool IncludeInactive)
  • The constant public field Rock.Financial.AutomatedPaymentProcessor.DescriptionMetadataKey which was marked obsolete in v10 has been removed.
  • The method public method Rock.Financial.CreditCardPaymentInfo.GetCreditCardType which was marked obsolete in v11 has been removed.
  • The following properties in class public class Rock.Financial.Payment which were marked as obsolete in v12.4 have been removed:
    • public property Rock.Financial.Payment.ExpirationMonthEncrypted
    • public property Rock.Financial.Payment.ExpirationYearEncrypted
    • public property Rock.Financial.Payment.NameOnCardEncrypted
  • The code for the Job public class Rock.Jobs.PostV124DataMigrationUnencryptPaymentDetailFields has been removed.
  • The public property Rock.Model.AttendanceOccurrence.PercentMembersAttended which was marked obsolete in v10 has been removed. The code referencing the property needs to be updated to use the AttendanceRate instead.
  • The method public method Rock.Model.AttendanceOccurrenceService.GetOrCreateAttendanceOccurrence which was marked obsolete in v10 has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updated to use the GetOrAdd method instead.
  • The public method Rock.Model.AttendanceService.AddOrUpdate which was marked obsolete in v10 has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updated to not pass the bool syncMatchingStreaks parameter.
  • The method public method Rock.Model.AttendanceService.RegisterRSVPRecipients which was marked obsolete in v10 has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updated to pass the parameter List personIdList inplace of the string personIds.
  • The methods public method Rock.Model.AttributeMatrixService.GetOrphanedAttributeMatrices marked obsolete in v12 has been removed.
  • The property public property Rock.Model.BinaryFileType.AllowCaching in the class public class Rock.Model.BinaryFileType which was marked obsolete in v11 has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updated to consume the public bool CacheToServerFileSystem property instead.
  • The public static int DetermineMediumEntityTypeId(int emailMediumEntityTypeId, int smsMediumEntityTypeId, CommunicationType[] recipientPreference) in class Rock.Model.Communication which was marked obsolete in v11 has been removed. The code referencing this method needs to be updated to consume the overloaded method with the int pushMediumEntityTypeId parameter.
  • The public Communication CreateEmailCommunication(List recipientEmails, string fromName, string fromAddress, string replyTo, string subject, string message, bool bulkCommunication, DateTime? sendDateTime, CommunicationRecipientStatus recipientStatus = 1, int? senderPersonAliasId) in class Rock.Model.CommunicationService which marked as obsolete in v10 has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updated to use the overloaded method with the List parameter instead.
  • The method public bool CanConnect(ConnectionRequestViewModel request, ConnectionTypeCache connectionType) in class Rock.Model.ConnectionRequestService which was marked obsolete in v12 has been removed. The code referencing this method needs to be updated to use the overloaded method public bool CanConnect( ConnectionRequestViewModel request, ConnectionOpportunity connectionOpportunity, ConnectionTypeCache connectionType ).
  • The following methods in the class public class Rock.Model.ContentChannelService which were marked obsolete in v12 have been removed:
    • public IEnumerable GetAllAssociatedDescendents(int parentContentChannelId)
    • public IEnumerable GetAllAssociatedDescendents(Guid parentContentChannelGuid)
    • public IEnumerable GetAllAssociatedDescendentsPath(int parentContentChannelId)
  • The following methods in class public class Rock.Model.DataView which were marked obsolete in v12 have been removed:
    • public Expression GetExpression(IService serviceInstance, ParameterExpression paramExpression, DataViewFilterOverrides dataViewFilterOverrides, out List`1& errorMessages) - The code referencing the method needs to be updated to use the overloaded method public Expression GetExpression( IService serviceInstance, ParameterExpression paramExpression )
    • public Expression GetExpression(IService serviceInstance, ParameterExpression paramExpression, out List`1& errorMessages) - The code referencing the method needs to be updated to use the overloaded method public Expression GetExpression( IService serviceInstance, ParameterExpression paramExpression )
    • public IQueryable GetQuery(SortProperty sortProperty, int? databaseTimeoutSeconds, out List`1& errorMessages) - The code referencing this method needs to be updated to use the overloaded method public IQueryable GetQuery( DataViewGetQueryArgs dataViewGetQueryArgs ).
    • public IQueryable GetQuery(SortProperty sortProperty, DbContext dbContext, int? databaseTimeoutSeconds, out List`1& errorMessages) - The code referencing this method needs to be updated to use the overloaded method public IQueryable GetQuery( DataViewGetQueryArgs dataViewGetQueryArgs ).
    • public IQueryable GetQuery(SortProperty sortProperty, DbContext dbContext, DataViewFilterOverrides dataViewFilterOverrides, int? databaseTimeoutSeconds, out List`1& errorMessages) - The code referencing this method needs to be updated to use the overloaded method public IQueryable GetQuery( DataViewGetQueryArgs dataViewGetQueryArgs ).
  • The public method Rock.Model.EntityTypeService.RegisterEntityTypes which was marked obsolete in v11 has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updated to use the overloaded method public static void RegisterEntityTypes() which does not take the string physWebAppPath parameter.
  • The method public static void RegisterFieldTypes(string physWebAppPath) in class public method Rock.Model.FieldTypeService.RegisterFieldTypes which was marked obsolete in v11 has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updated to use the overloaded method public static void RegisterFieldTypes() which does not take the string physWebAppPath parameter.
  • The constructor public GroupPlacementRegistrant( RegistrationRegistrant registrationRegistrant, Person person, bool alreadyPlacedInGroup, string registrationInstanceName, GetGroupPlacementRegistrantsParameters options ) marked obsolete in v10 has been removed.
  • The public class Rock.Model.GroupTypePath marked obsolete in v12 has been removed. The code referencing the class needs to be updated to use the CheckinAreaPath instead.
  • The method public Dictionary GetMergeObjects(Group group) in class public method Rock.Model.GroupRequirementType which was marked obsolete in v10 has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updated to use the overloaded method public Dictionary GetMergeObjects( Group group, Person person )
  • The following methods which were marked obsolete in v10 have been removed from public class Rock.Model.InetCalendarHelper
    • public static CalendarEvent GetCalendarEvent(string iCalendarContent) - The code referencing this method needs to be updated to use the overloaded method public static CalendarEvent CreateCalendarEvent( string iCalendarContent ).
    • public static IList GetOccurrences(CalendarEvent icalEvent, DateTime startTime) - The code referencing this method needs to be updated to use the overloaded method public static IList GetOccurrences( string iCalendarContent, DateTime startDateTime ).
    • public static IList GetOccurrences(CalendarEvent icalEvent, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime) - The code referencing this method needs to be updated to use the overloaded method public static IList GetOccurrences( string iCalendarContent, DateTime startDateTime, DateTime? endDateTime ).
  • The following properties marked obsolete in v11 have been removed from public class Rock.Model.InteractionComponent
    • public InteractionChannel Channel - Use InteractionChannel instead"
    • public int ChannelId - Use InteractionChannelId instead
  • The method public InteractionComponent GetComponentByEntityId(int channelId, int entityId, string name) in class public class Rock.Model.InteractionComponentService which was marked obsolete in v11 has been removed. The code referencing this method needs to be updated to use the public InteractionComponent GetComponentByChannelIdAndEntityId( int channelId, int? entityId, string name ) instead.
  • The following methods in public class Rock.Model.GroupTypeService which were marked obsolete in v12 have been removed:
    • public IEnumerable GetAllAssociatedDescendents(int parentGroupTypeId, int maxRecursion)
    • public IEnumerable GetAllAssociatedDescendents(int parentGroupTypeId)
    • public IEnumerable GetAllAssociatedDescendents(Guid parentGroupTypeGuid)
    • public IEnumerable GetAllAssociatedDescendentsOrdered(int parentGroupTypeId)
    • public IEnumerable GetAllAssociatedDescendentsPath(int parentGroupTypeId)
    • public IEnumerable GetAllCheckinGroupTypePaths()
  • The method public HtmlContent GetActiveContent(int blockId, string entityValue) in Rock.Model.HtmlContentService which was marked obsolete in v11 has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be repalced with either the public string GetActiveContentHtml( int blockId, string entityValue ) method or the public IOrderedQueryable GetActiveContentQueryable( int blockId, string entityValue ).
  • The method public InteractionDeviceType GetInteractionDeviceType(string application, string operatingSystem, string clientType, string deviceTypeData) in class public class Rock.Model.InteractionService which was marked obsolete in v11 has been removed.
  • The method public method Rock.Model.Person.GetFamilySalutation which was marked obosolete in v12.4 has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updated to use the Person.PrimaryFamily.GroupSalutation instead.
  • The method public Person GetPersonFromMobilePhoneNumber(string phoneNumber) in class Rock.Model.PersonService in v10 has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updated to use the overloaded method with the same name but having the bool createNamelessPersonIfNotFound parameter.
  • The method public void InactivatePerson(Person person, DefinedValueCache reason, string reasonNote, out HistoryChangeList& historyChangeList) in class Rock.Model.PersonService which was marked obsolete in v12 has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updated to use one of the other two overloaded methods with the same name but different parameters.
  • The properties public string StreakTypeAchievementTypeDescription, public int StreakTypeAchievementTypeId and public string StreakTypeAchievementTypeName in the class Rock.Model.ProgressStatement which was marked obsolete in v12 has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updated to use public string AchievementTypeName instead.
  • The methods public method Rock.Model.Report.GetDataSource and public method Rock.Model.Report.GetQueryable which were marked obsolete in v12 have been removed. The code referencing these methods needs to be updated to use the public IQueryable GetQueryable(ReportGetQueryableArgs reportGetQueryableArgs).
  • The methods public virtual Event GetCalendarEvent in class Rock.Model.Schedule which were marked obsolete in v12 have been removed. The code referencing these methods needs to be updated to use the method public virtual CalendarEvent GetICalEvent instead.
  • The methods public method Rock.Model.Schedule.GetOccurrences marked obsolete in v12 have been removed. The code referencing the methods needs to be update to use the public method Rock.Model.Schedule.GetICalOccurrences instead.
  • The class public class Rock.Model.ScheduleICalHelper which was marked obsolete in v12 has been removed. The code referencing the class needs to be updated to use the InetCalendarHelper instead.
  • The property in the class public int OccurrenceDateCount in class Rock.Model.SchedulerResource which was marked obsolete in v12 has been removed. The code referencing the property must be updated to use public int? DisplayedDaysCount instead.
  • The enum Rock.Model.SchedulerResourceListSourceType which was marked obsolete in v12 has been removed. The code referencing the enum should be updated to use the GroupSchedulerResourceListSourceType instead.
  • The property public int AttendanceOccurrenceScheduleId which was marked obsolete in v12 has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updated to use the property public Int32[] AttendanceOccurrenceScheduleIds instead.
  • The method public static void HandlePostSaveChangesAsync(int streakId) which was marked obsolete in v10 has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updated to use the public static void HandlePostSaveChanges(int streakId).
  • The method public static int GetFrequencyUnitDifference(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, StreakOccurrenceFrequency occurrenceFrequency, bool isInclusive) in class Rock.Model.StreakTypeService which was marked obsolete in v10 has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updated to use the overloaded method public static int GetFrequencyUnitDifference(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, StreakTypeCache streakTypeCache, bool isInclusive) instead.
  • The method public static OccurrenceEngagement[] GetMostRecentEngagementBits(Byte[] engagementMap, Byte[] occurrenceMap, DateTime mapStartDate, StreakOccurrenceFrequency streakOccurrenceFrequency, int unitCount = 24) in class Rock.Model.StreakTypeService which was marked obsolete in v10 has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updated to remove the references to these methods.
  • The methods public static void HandleAttendanceRecordsAsync(int occurrenceId), public void HandleAttendanceRecords(int occurrenceId, out String& errorMessage), public static void HandleAttendanceRecordAsync(Attendance attendance) and public void HandleAttendanceRecord(Attendance attendance, out String& errorMessage) in the class Rock.Model.StreakTypeService which were marked obsolete in versions v10 and v11 have been removed. The code referenceing these methods need to be updated to use the method public static void HandleAttendanceRecord(int attendanceId) instead.
  • The methods public void HandleInteractionRecord(Interaction interaction, out String& errorMessage) and public static void HandleInteractionRecord(Interaction interaction) in the class Rock.Model.StreakTypeService which were marked obsolete in version v11 and v12 have been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updated to use the method public static void HandleInteractionRecord(int interactionId) instead.
  • The method public static bool IsBitSet(Byte[] map, DateTime mapStartDate, DateTime bitDate, StreakOccurrenceFrequency occurrenceFrequency, out String& errorMessage) in class Rock.Model.StreakTypeService which was marked obsolete in v10 has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updated to use the overloaded method public static bool IsBitSet(StreakTypeCache streakTypeCache, Byte[] map, DateTime bitDate, out String& errorMessage) instead.
  • The method public void MarkEngagement(StreakTypeCache streakTypeCache, int personId, out String& errorMessage, DateTime? dateOfEngagement, int? groupId, int? locationId, int? scheduleId, bool addOrUpdateAttendanceRecord = True) which was marked obsolete in v12 has been removed. The referencing the method needs to be updated to use one of the MarkEngagement, MarkAttendanceEngagement, or MarkInteractionEngagement methods instead.
  • The methods public static void RebuildStreakTypeFromAttendance(int streakTypeId, out String& errorMessage) and public static void RebuildStreakTypeFromAttendance(IProgress progress, int streakTypeId, out String& errorMessage) in the class Rock.Model.StreakTypeService which was marked obsolete in v10 has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updated to use the method public static void RebuildStreakType(IProgress progress, int streakTypeId, out String& errorMessage) instead.
  • The method public static Byte[] SetBit(Byte[] map, DateTime mapStartDate, DateTime bitDate, StreakOccurrenceFrequency occurrenceFrequency, bool newValue, out String& errorMessage) in class Rock.Model.StreakTypeService which was marked oboslete in v10 needs has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updatd public static Byte[] SetBit(StreakTypeCache streakTypeCache, Byte[] map, DateTime bitDate, bool newValue, out String& errorMessage).
  • The method public static void UpdateEnrollmentStreakPropertiesAsync(int streakTypeId) in the class Rock.Model.StreakTypeService which was marked obsolete in v10 has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updated to use the public static int HandlePostSaveChanges(int streakTypeId) instead.
  • The property public string Option in the class Rock.Model.TemplateFeeReport which was marked obsolete in v9 has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updated to use the property public string FeeName instead.
  • The method public string GetWorklowAttributeValue(Guid guid, bool formatted = False, bool condensed = False) in the class Rock.Model.WorkflowAction which was marked obsolete in v11 as it had a typo in the method name, has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updated to use the method public string GetWorkflowAttributeValue(Guid guid, bool formatted = False, bool condensed = False) instead.
  • The Rock.PersonProfile namespace has been removed. Along with it the following classes too have been removed
    • public class Rock.PersonProfile.BadgeComponent
    • public class Rock.PersonProfile.BadgeContainer
    • public class Rock.PersonProfile.HighlightLabelBadge
    • public class Rock.PersonProfile.IconBadge
  • The method public void RegisterFilterCompareChangeScript(FilterField filterControl) in class Rock.Reporting.DataFilterComponent which was marked obsolete in v10 has been removed. The code using this method needs to be updated and recompiled.
  • The method public static void AddEntityFieldForAttribute(List entityFields, AttributeCache attribute, bool limitToFilterableAttributes = True) in class Rock.Reporting.EntityHelper which was marked obsolete in v10 has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updated to use the method public static void AddEntityFieldsForAttributeList(List entityFields, List attributeList, bool limitToFilterableAttributes = True) instead.
  • The method public static string GetCacheKey(Type entityType, IEntity entity, bool includeOnlyReportingFields = True, bool limitToFilterableFields = True) in class Rock.Reporting.EntityHelper which was marked obsolete in v12 has been removed. The code referencing this method needs to be updated to use the overloaded method public static string GetCacheKey(Type entityType, bool includeOnlyReportingFields = True, bool limitToFilterableFields = True) instead.
  • The method public static List GetEntityFields(IEntity entity, bool includeOnlyReportingFields = True, bool limitToFilterableFields = True) in class Rock.Reporting.EntityHelper which was marked obsolete in v12 has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updated.
  • The methods public static void BindGrid(Report report, Grid gReport, BindGridOptions bindGridOptions), public static void BindGrid(Report report, Grid gReport, Person currentPerson, int? databaseTimeoutSeconds, out String& errorMessage) and public static void BindGrid(Report report, Grid gReport, Person currentPerson, DataViewFilterOverrides dataViewFilterOverrides, int? databaseTimeoutSeconds, bool isCommunication, out String& errorMessage) in the class Rock.Reporting.ReportingHelper which were marked obsolete in v12 have been removed. The code referencing these methods need to be updated to use the overloaded method public static void BindGrid(Report report, Grid gReport, BindGridOptions bindGridOptions).
  • The method public static void RegisterJavascriptInclude(FilterField filterField) in the class Rock.Reporting.ReportingHelper which was marked oboslete in v10 has been removed. The code refernecing the method needs to be updated.
  • The property public IEntity Entity in class Rock.Reporting.DataFilter which was marked obsolete in v12 has been removed. The referencing the property needs to be updated.
  • The property public HttpContext FileSystemCompontHttpContext in class Rock.Storage.AssetStorage.AssetStorageComponent which was marked obsolete in v11 has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updated to use the public HttpContext FileSystemComponentHttpContext property instead.
  • The following System Guids have been removed. Reference to these Guids need to be removed from all the plugins:
    • Rock.SystemGuid.Page.ABILITY_SELECT
    • Rock.SystemGuid.Page.ADMIN_CHECK_IN
    • Rock.SystemGuid.Page.CHECK_IN_TYPE
    • Rock.SystemGuid.Page.FAMILY_SELECT
    • Rock.SystemGuid.Page.GROUP_SELECT
    • Rock.SystemGuid.Page.GROUP_TYPE_SELECT
    • Rock.SystemGuid.Page.LOCATION_SELECT
    • Rock.SystemGuid.Page.PERSON_SELECT
    • Rock.SystemGuid.Page.SEARCH
    • Rock.SystemGuid.Page.SUCCESS
    • Rock.SystemGuid.Page.SYSTEM_EMAIL_DETAILS
    • Rock.SystemGuid.Page.SYSTEM_EMAILS
    • Rock.SystemGuid.Page.TIME_SELECT
    • Rock.SystemGuid.Page.WELCOME
  • The properties public int? CurrentPersonAliasId, public string InteractionSummary and public bool LogCrawlers in the class Rock.Transactions.InteractionTransaction which were marked obsolete in v11 has been removed. The code referencing the properties would need to be updated.
  • The properties public DateTime? PersistedLastRefreshDateTime and public int? PersistedLastRunDurationMilliseconds in class Rock.Transactions.RunDataViewTransaction which was marked obsolete in v12 has been removed. The code referencing the properties need to be updated.
  • The property public List RecipientEmails in class Rock.Transactions.SaveCommunicationTransaction which was marked obsolete in v10 has been removed. The code referencing this property needs to be updated to use the property public List Recipients.
  • The method public static List ReprintZebraLabels(List fileGuids, int personId, List selectedAttendanceIds, Control control, HttpRequest request, string printerAddress) in the class Rock.Utility.ZebraPrint which was marked as obsolete in v12 has been removed. The code referencing this method needs to be updated to use the overloaded method public static List ReprintZebraLabels(List fileGuids, int personId, List selectedAttendanceIds, Control control, HttpRequest request, ReprintLabelOptions reprintLabelOptions) with the ReprintLabelOptions reprintLabelOptions parameters.
  • The method public static void RemoveEntityAttributes in class Rock.Web.Cache.AttributeCache which was marked obsolete in v12 has been removed. The calls to these methods need to be updated with EntityTypeAttributesCache.Clear().
  • The classes public class Rock.Web.Cache.EntityAttributes and public class Rock.Web.Cache.EntityAttributesCache which were marked obsolete in v12 has been removed. The code referencing these classes needs to be updated to use the class public class Rock.Web.Cache.EntityTypeAttributesCache.
  • The classes public class Rock.Web.Cache.EntityAttributes and public class Rock.Web.Cache.EntityAttributesCache which were marked obsolete in v12 has been removed. The code referencing these classes needs to be updated to use the class public class Rock.Web.Cache.EntityTypeAttributesCache.
  • The method public static int GetChannelIdByForeignKey(string foreignKey, string channelName) in class Rock.Web.Cache.InteractionChannelCache which has been marked obsolete in v11 has been removed. The code referencing this method needs to be updated to use the method public static int GetCreateChannelIdByForeignKey(string foreignKey, string channelName, int? channelTypeMediumValueId).
  • The property public int ChannelId in class Rock.Web.Cache.InteractionComponentCache which was marked obsolete in v11 has been removed. The code referencing this method needs to be updated to use public int InteractionChannelId property instead.
  • The method public static int GetComponentIdByEntityId(int interactionChannelId, int componentEntityId, string componentName) in class Rock.Web.Cache.InteractionComponentCache which was marked obsolete in v11 has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updated to public static int GetComponentIdByChannelIdAndEntityId(int interactionChannelId, int? componentEntityId, string componentName) method instead.
  • The class public int OutputCacheDuration marked as obsolete in v12 has been removed. The code referencing the class needs to be updated.
  • The methods public void RemoveBlocks and public void RemoveChildPages in class Rock.Web.Cache.PageCache which were marked obsolete in v10 has been removed. The code referencing these methods needs to updated accordingly.
  • The methods public static void RemoveLayoutBlocks(int layoutId) and public static void RemoveSiteBlocks(int siteId) in class Rock.Web.Cache.PageCache which were marked obsolete in v10 have been removed. The code referencing these methods need to be updated to use the method public static void FlushPagesForSite(int siteId).
  • The class public class Rock.Web.Cache.PersonBadgeCache marked obsolete in v10 has been removed. The code referenecing this method needs to be updated to use public class Rock.Web.Cache.BadgeCache instead.
  • The property public BaseCacheManager Cache in class Rock.Web.Cache has been removed. The code referencing this method needs to be updated accordingly.
  • The method public static void RemoveSiteDomains() in class Rock.Web.Cache.SiteCache which was marked obsolete in v10 has been removed. The referencing this method needs to be updated to flush the cache from the site itself.
  • The methods public IEnumerable PersonGroups(string groupTypeGuid), public IEnumerable PersonGroups(Guid groupTypeGuid) and public IEnumerable PersonGroups(int groupTypeId) in class Rock.Web.UI.PersonBlock which were marked obsolete in v10 have been removed. The code referencing the methods need to be updated.
  • The property public IEntity Entity in class Rock.Web.UI.Controls.FilterField which was marked obsolete in v12 has been removed. The referencing the property needs to be updated.
  • The method public bool AllowCategorySelection in class public bool AllowCategorySelection which was marked obsolete in v11 has been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updated.
  • The methods public void SetValue(Location location) and public void SetValues(IEnumerable locations) in class Rock.Web.UI.Controls.LocationItemPicker which were marked obsolete in v12 have been removed. The code referencing the method needs to be updated to
  • The property public Note Note in class Rock.Web.UI.Controls.NoteEditor which was marked as obsolete in v12 has been removed. The code referencing the property needs to be updated to use public void SetNote(Note note).
  • The method public void UpdatePerson(Person person) in class Rock.Web.UI.Controls.PersonBasicEditor which was marked obsolete in v12 has been removed. The code using this method needs to be updated to use public void UpdatePerson(Person person, RockContext rockContext).
  • The class public class Rock.Web.UI.Controls.PersonProfileBadge which was marked as obsolete in v11 has been removed. The code using this class needs to be updated to use the Rock.Web.UI.Controls.BadgeControl instead.
  • The class public class Rock.Web.UI.Controls.PersonProfileBadgeList which was marked as obsolete in v11 has been removed. The code using this class needs to be updated to use the Rock.Web.UI.Controls.BadgeListControl instead.
  • The property public bool ShowInActiveTags in class Rock.Web.UI.Controls.TagList which was marked as obsolete in v10 has been removed. The code referencing this property needs to be updated to use the property public bool ShowInactiveTags having the same name but different casing.


  • The method public static string SafeSubstring( this string str, int startIndex, int maxLength ) in class Rock.StringExtensions which was marked obsolete in v12 has been removed. The code using this method needs to be recompiled and changed to use the public static string SubstringSafe( this string str, int startIndex, int maxLength ) method.
  • The method public static DateTime SundayDate(DateTime dt, DayOfWeek startOfWeek = 1) in class Rock.DateTimeExtensions which was marked obsolete in v10 has been removed. The code using this method needs to be recompiled and changed to use the method with the same name SundayDate without the firstDayOfWeek parameter.


  • The method public IQueryable GetChildren( int id, string hidePageIds = null ) in class Rock.Rest.Controllers.PagesController which was marked obsolete in v11 has been removed.
  • The class public class ContributionStatementOptions which was marked obsolete in v12.4 has been removed.
  • The method in public async Task BlockAction( string pageIdentifier, string blockIdentifier, string actionName, [FromBody] JToken parameters ) in class which was marked obsolete in v11 has be removed.
  • The following endpoints have been removed/updated:
    • api/StreakTypes/MarkEngagement/{streakTypeId} - has been removed
    • api/FinancialTransactions/GetContributionPersonGroupAddress - Use /api/FinancialGivingStatement/ endpoints instead.
    • api/FinancialTransactions/GetContributionTransactions/{groupId} - Use /api/FinancialGivingStatement/ endpoints instead.
    • api/FinancialTransactions/GetContributionTransactions/{groupId}/{personId}- Use /api/FinancialGivingStatement/ endpoints instead.
    • api/Attendances/RegisterRSVPRecipients - The endpoint no longer accepts a single personId but would need a List as input
    • api/StreakTypeAchievementTypes/Progress - Use api/AchievementTypes/Progress instead


  • The public class Rock.Slingshot.Rest.Controllers.BulkImportController which was marked obsolete in v11 has been removed. The following Slingshot endpoints were removed along with it.
    • api/BulkImport/AttendanceImport
    • api/BulkImport/GroupImport
    • api/BulkImport/FinancialAccountImport
    • api/BulkImport/FinancialBatchImport
    • api/BulkImport/FinancialTransactionImport
    • api/BulkImport/LocationImport
    • api/BulkImport/BusinessImport
    • api/BulkImport/PersonImport
    • api/BulkImport/PhotoImport
    • api/BulkImport/ScheduleImport
    • api/BulkImport/FinancialPledgeImport
    • api/BulkImport/NoteImport


  • The method public static bool CheckSqlServerVersionGreaterThenSqlServer2012 in class Rock.Update.Helpers.VersionValidationHelper which was marked obsolete in v11.1 has been removed.