6 Room Reservation to Calendar tools Shared by Luke Bennett, Christ Baptist Church 5 years ago 9.0 Administration / Finance Advanced This recipe requires version 1.4.1 of the Room Management plugin (not free) from the Rock Shop. If you're a smaller church that uses the Room Management plugin in Rock, your admin team is probably (mildly?) annoyed with the fact that the plugin has no integration whatsoever with Rock's Calendar. This means all your event data has to be entered twice-- often by the same person. And when edits are made to event times or locations, you have to remember to make the change in two places. Not fun, and things can quickly get out of sync. This recipe aims to streamline that process by providing a set of tools to help keep your room reservations and calendar in sync, as seen in the video below. The goal of this recipe is 4-fold (as seen in the screenshots above): Use attributes to tie Room Management Reservations with Calendar Event Item Occurrences (in a 1-1 relationship) Create two workflows to sync Room Reservation information to the Rock Calendar Add buttons to the Room Reservation page to trigger those workflows Provide reports to show discrepancies between Room Management and your Rock Calendar Step 1 Step 2a Step 2b Step 3 Step 4 Step 1: Creating the attribute The goal of this step is to create an entity attribute for reservations that will associate reservations with an event item occurrence. First, create an entity attribute for Reservations Name the attribute "Calendar Occurrence", and choose a field type of "Single-Select" Set "Values" to the following query This will create a dropdown filled with Event Item Occurrences that will allow you select an Event Item Occurrence when editing a reservation. SELECT [EventItemOccurrence].Id as [Value] ,[EventItem].Name + ' (' + ISNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR, Schedule.EffectiveStartDate, 101), 'No schedule')+ ') (Id: ' + CAST([EventItemOccurrence].Id as VARCHAR) + ')' AS [Text] FROM [dbo].[EventItemOccurrence] LEFT JOIN [dbo].[EventItem] ON EventItem.Id = EventItemOccurrence.EventItemId LEFT JOIN Schedule On EventItemOccurrence.ScheduleId = Schedule.Id ORDER BY Text ASC Finally, save the attribute. Make note of the attribute Id, as you will need it in a future step. Go to step 2 > Step 2a: Creating the first workflow The goal of this step is to create a workflow that will add a Room Reservation to the Rock Calendar by either: (1) Creating a new Event Item and a new Event Item Occurrence with the info from the Room Reservation (2) Creating a new Event Item Occurrence on an existing Event Item with the info from the Room Reservation This is the longest and most difficult step. To begin, create a new workflow type called "Reservation to Calendar". It should not be automatically persisted. Add 4 workflow attributes: Under the Start Activity, create a Form action with the following form header. Disable the notification email, and make the Existing Event Item workflow attribute visible and editable. This creates a form which asks whehter you want to attach the reservation to an existing Event Item, or create a new one. Form Header: {% assign reservation = Workflow | Attribute:'Reservation','Object' %} Choose an Event Item to attach {{ reservation.Name }} to, or leave it blank to create a new Event Item. (Choosing an existing Event Item will create a new event item occurrence with the Reservation info). Next create a new activity called Create Calendar Occurrence and assign it to the button of the form you created above. Add a SQL run activity to the Create Calendar Occurrence with the following SQL, and choose "Run If Exisiting Event Item Is Blank". This creates a new Event Item no existing Event Item was selected on the Entry Form. Assign the result of the SQL run to the "New Event Item Id" attribute. Note: This auto approves the new event. If you need it to be unapproved, you must change the last 1 in this sql to a 0. {% assign reservation = Workflow | Attribute:'Reservation','Object' %} INSERT INTO [dbo].[EventItem] ([Name] ,[IsActive] ,[Guid] ,[IsApproved]) OUTPUT Inserted.Id VALUES ('{{reservation.Name}}' ,1 ,NEWID() ,1) Create another SQL run action under Create Calendar Occurrence. This will be responsible posting our newly created even to the public calendar. Again set "Run If Existing Event Item Is Blank". Note: This posts the new event to the public claendar. If you wish to post it to another calendar, you need the 1 in the SQL below to the appropriate Calendar ID. INSERT INTO [dbo].[EventCalendarItem] ([EventCalendarId] ,[EventItemId] ,[Guid]) VALUES (1,{{Workflow | Attribute:'NewEventItemId'}},NEWID()) Add another SQL run action called "Create Event Item Occurrence" with the following SQL. This creates the event item occurrence on the calendar, either attaching it to the pre-existing event item, or the event item just created in the previous step. It also makes a copy of the schedule the reservation uses. Be sure to set the result attribute to the "New Event Item Occurrence Id" attribute. {% assign reservation = Workflow | Attribute:'Reservation','Object' %} {% assign eventItem = Workflow | Attribute:'ExistingEventItem','RawValue' %} {% assign newEventItemId = Workflow | Attribute:'NewEventItemId' %} {% if newEventItemId != '' %} {% assign eventItemId = newEventItemId %} {% else %} {% eventitem where:'Guid == "{{eventItem}}"' %} {% for eventitem in eventitemItems %} {% assign eventItemId = eventitem.Id %} {% endfor %} {% endeventitem %} {% endif %} DECLARE @id int DECLARE @table table (id int) INSERT INTO [dbo].[Schedule] ( [Name] ,[Description] ,[iCalendarContent] ,[EffectiveStartDate] ,[EffectiveEndDate] ,[CategoryId] ,[Guid] ,[WeeklyDayOfWeek] ,[WeeklyTimeOfDay] ,[IsActive] ) OUTPUT inserted.id into @table VALUES ( '{{ reservation.Schedule.Name }}' ,'{{ reservation.Schedule.Description }}' ,'{{ reservation.Schedule.iCalendarContent }}' ,'{{ reservation.Schedule.EffectiveStartDate | Date:'yyyyMMdd' }}' ,'{{ reservation.Schedule.EffectiveEndDate | Date:'yyyyMMdd' }}' ,{% if reservation.Schedule.CategoryId %}{{ reservation.Schedule.CategoryId }}{% else %}NULL{% endif %} ,NEWID() ,{% if reservation.Schedule.WeeklyDayOfWeek %}{{ reservation.Schedule.WeeklyDayOfWeek }}{% else %}NULL{% endif %} ,'{{ reservation.Schedule.WeeklyTimeOfDay }}' ,1 ) SELECT @id = id from @table INSERT INTO [dbo].[EventItemOccurrence] ([EventItemId] ,[CampusId] ,[Location] ,[ContactPersonAliasId] ,[ContactPhone] ,[ContactEmail] ,[Note] ,[ScheduleId] ,[Guid]) OUTPUT Inserted.Id VALUES ({{ eventItemId }} ,NULL ,'{{ reservation.ReservationLocations | Select:'Location' | Select:'Name' | Join:', ' }}' ,{{ reservation.EventContactPersonAliasId }} ,'{{ reservation.EventContactPhone }}' ,'{{ reservation.EventContactEmail }}' ,'' ,@id ,NEWID()) Now we need to associate the newly created calendar items with the reservation from whence they came. Add an "Entity Attribute Set" action and set the CalendarOccurrence attribute to "New Event Item Occurence Id". You're almost there! Add one more action; a Redirect with the following URL. Also remember to check "Activity is completed on success" on this action. This will redirect users to the same reservation page they created the calendar event from. /ReservationDetail?ReservationId={% assign reservation = Workflow | Attribute:'Reservation','Object' %}{{reservation.Id}} Save the workflow, and make a note of the workflow type ID. You will need this in a future step. Note: This will be unique to your workflow; don't use 38 from the screenshot below. On the whole, you should now have a workflow with 4 attributes, 2 activities, and 6 actions. Breathe a big sigh of relief! The hardest part is behind you. < Go back to step 1 Go to step 2b > Step 2b: Creating the second workflow The goal of this step is to create a workflow responsible for updating the Calendar when a Room Reservation changes. To get started, create a new workflow called "Reservation Change to Calendar". It should not be automatically persisted. Add 2 workflow attributes: Add a SQL run action to the Start action titled "Update Schedule", and set it to "Run If Change Equal To Schedule". This action will be responsible for updating the schedule on the calendar to match the reservation. Use the following SQL: {% assign reservation = Workflow | Attribute:'Reservation','Object' %} {% assign eventItemOccurrenceId = reservation | Attribute:'CalendarOccurrence','RawValue' %} {% eventitemoccurrence id:'{{eventItemOccurrenceId}}' %} {% if eventitemoccurrence.ScheduleId %} UPDATE [dbo].[Schedule] SET [iCalendarContent] = '{{ reservation.Schedule.iCalendarContent }}' ,[EffectiveStartDate] = '{{ reservation.Schedule.EffectiveStartDate | Date:'yyyyMMdd' }}' ,[EffectiveEndDate] = '{{ reservation.Schedule.EffectiveEndDate | Date:'yyyyMMdd' }}' ,[WeeklyDayOfWeek] = {% if reservation.Schedule.WeeklyDayOfWeek %}{{ reservation.Schedule.WeeklyDayOfWeek }}{% else %}NULL{% endif %} ,[WeeklyTimeOfDay] = '{{ reservation.Schedule.WeeklyTimeOfDay }}' WHERE Id = {{ eventitemoccurrence.ScheduleId }} {% else %} DECLARE @id int DECLARE @table table (id int) INSERT INTO [dbo].[Schedule] ( [Name] ,[Description] ,[iCalendarContent] ,[EffectiveStartDate] ,[EffectiveEndDate] ,[CategoryId] ,[Guid] ,[WeeklyDayOfWeek] ,[WeeklyTimeOfDay] ,[IsActive] ) OUTPUT inserted.id into @table VALUES ( '{{ reservation.Schedule.Name }}' ,'{{ reservation.Schedule.Description }}' ,'{{ reservation.Schedule.iCalendarContent }}' ,'{{ reservation.Schedule.EffectiveStartDate | Date:'yyyyMMdd' }}' ,'{{ reservation.Schedule.EffectiveEndDate | Date:'yyyyMMdd' }}' ,{% if reservation.Schedule.CategoryId %}{{ reservation.Schedule.CategoryId }}{% else %}NULL{% endif %} ,NEWID() ,{% if reservation.Schedule.WeeklyDayOfWeek %}{{ reservation.Schedule.WeeklyDayOfWeek }}{% else %}NULL{% endif %} ,'{{ reservation.Schedule.WeeklyTimeOfDay }}' ,1 ) SELECT @id = id from @table UPDATE [dbo].[EventItemOccurrence] SET [ScheduleId] = @id WHERE Id = {{eventItemOccurrenceId}} {% endif %} {% endeventitemoccurrence %} Add another SQL run action to the Start action titled "Update Location", and set it to "Run If Change Equal to Location". This action will be responsible for updating the location on the calendar to match the reservation. Use the following SQL: {% assign reservation = Workflow | Attribute:'Reservation','Object' %} {% assign eventItemOccurrenceId = reservation | Attribute:'CalendarOccurrence','RawValue' %} {% eventitemoccurrence id:'{{eventItemOccurrenceId}}' %} UPDATE [dbo].[EventItemOccurrence] SET [Location] = '{{reservation.ReservationLocations | Select:'Location' | Select:'Name' | Join:', '}}' WHERE Id = {{eventItemOccurrenceId}} {% endeventitemoccurrence %} Add a final SQL run action to the Start action titled "Update Contact", and set it to "Run If Change Equal to Location". This action will be responsible for updating the location on the calendar to match the reservation. Use the following SQL: {% assign reservation = Workflow | Attribute:'Reservation','Object' %} {% assign eventItemOccurrenceId = reservation | Attribute:'CalendarOccurrence','RawValue' %} {% eventitemoccurrence id:'{{eventItemOccurrenceId}}' %} UPDATE [dbo].[EventItemOccurrence] SET [ContactPersonAliasId] = '{{reservation.EventContactPersonAliasId}}' ,[ContactPhone] = '{{reservation.EventContactPhone}}' ,[ContactEmail] = '{{reservation.EventContactEmail}}' WHERE Id = {{eventItemOccurrenceId}} {% endeventitemoccurrence %} Save the workflow, and make a note of the workflow type ID. You will need this in a future step. Note: This will be unique to your workflow; don't use 39 from the screenshot below. On the whole, you should now have a workflow with 2 attributes, 1 activity, and 3 actions. < Go back to step 2a Go to step 3 > Step 3: Adding the details panel The goal of this step is to add a block to the Room Reservation Detail page to indicate whether a reservation is missing from or out of sync with the Rock calendar. The buttons on this block will trigger the workflows you created in step 2. First, go to the Room Reservation Details page. (Visit the Room Reservation page and click on any reservation to see its details). On the reservation details page, add a new HTML block to the main zone between the Reservation Detail block and History Log: Edit the security settings on the block to allow the Rock Entity command: Edit the HTML block content and paste the following: Important! Change the createWorkflowId and changeWorkflowId numbers on the first two lines to match the workflows created in step 2. createWorkflowId should be the Id of the "Reservation to Calendar" workflow, and changeWorkflowId should be the Id of the "Reservation Change to Calendar" workflow. {% assign createWorkflowId = 38 %} {% assign changeWorkflowId = 39 %} {% if Context.Reservation %} <div class="panel panel-default" style="margin-bottom: 25px;"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">Calendar Occurrence</h3> </div> <div class="panel-body"> {% assign reservation = Context.Reservation %} {% assign calendarId = reservation | Attribute:'CalendarOccurrence','RawValue' %} {% if calendarId == "" %} <div class="alert alert-warning">There is no calendar event for this item</div> <a class="btn btn-default btn-primary pull-right" href="/WorkflowEntry/{{createWorkflowId}}?Reservation={{reservation.Guid}}">Create</a> {% else %} {% eventitemoccurrence id:'{{calendarId}}' %} {% if eventitemoccurrence %} {% assign calendarScheduleText = eventitemoccurrence.Schedule.FriendlyScheduleText %} {% assign iCalUid = eventitemoccurrence.Schedule.iCalendarContent | RegExMatchValue:'UID:\S*' %} {% assign iCalDTStamp = eventitemoccurrence.Schedule.iCalendarContent | RegExMatchValue:'DTSTAMP:\S*' %} {% assign calendarTrimmedIcal = eventitemoccurrence.Schedule.iCalendarContent | Remove:iCalUid | Remove:iCalDTStamp %} {% assign iCalUid = reservation.Schedule.iCalendarContent | RegExMatchValue:'UID:\S*' %} {% assign iCalDTStamp = reservation.Schedule.iCalendarContent | RegExMatchValue:'DTSTAMP:\S*' %} {% assign reservationTrimmedIcal = reservation.Schedule.iCalendarContent | Remove:iCalUid | Remove:iCalDTStamp %} {% assign locations = reservation.ReservationLocations | Select:'Location' | Select:'Name' | Join:', ' %} <!-- Schedule difference alert --> <div class="alerts" style="margin-top: 25px"> {% if calendarTrimmedIcal != reservationTrimmedIcal %} <div class="alert alert-danger">The calendar schedule for this event is different from the reservation. <a onclick="if (confirm('Are you sure you want to push the schedule to the calendar?')) { $(this).hide();$.post('/api/Workflows/WorkflowEntry/{{changeWorkflowId}}?Reservation={{reservation.Guid}}&Change=Schedule', function () { location.reload(); }); }" href="#" style="margin-left: 15px;">Push changes to Calendar</a></div> {% endif %} <!-- Location difference alert --> {% if locations != eventitemoccurrence.Location %} <div class="alert alert-warning">The locations on the calendar and reservation may not match. <a onclick="if (confirm('Are you sure you want to push the locations to the calendar?')) { $(this).hide();$.post('/api/Workflows/WorkflowEntry/{{changeWorkflowId}}?Reservation={{reservation.Guid}}&Change=Location', function () { location.reload(); }); }" href="#" style="margin-left: 15px;">Push changes to Calendar</a></div> {% endif %} <!-- Contact difference alert --> {% if reservation.EventContactEmail != eventitemoccurrence.ContactEmail or reservation.EventContactPhone != eventitemoccurrence.ContactPhone or reservation.EventContactPersonAliasId != eventitemoccurrence.ContactPersonAliasId %} <div class="alert alert-warning">The contact info on the calendar and reservation do not match. <a onclick="if (confirm('Are you sure you want to push the event contact to the calendar?')) { $(this).hide();$.post('/api/Workflows/WorkflowEntry/{{changeWorkflowId}}?Reservation={{reservation.Guid}}&Change=Contact', function () { location.reload(); }); }" href="#" style="margin-left: 15px;">Push changes to Calendar</a></div> {% endif %} </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6"> <div class="control-label">Calendar Item:</div> <a href="/page/402?EventItemOccurrenceId={{calendarId}}">{{ eventitemoccurrence.EventItem.Name }}</a><br> <div class="control-label" style="margin-top: 15px;">Calendar Location:</div> {{ eventitemoccurrence.Location }} </div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6"> <div class="control-label" style="margin-top: 25px;">Calendar Schedule:</div> {{ calendarScheduleText }}<br> <div class="control-label" style="margin-top: 15px;">Calendar Contact:</div> {% if eventitemoccurrence.ContactPersonAliasId %}{% assign eventContact = eventitemoccurrence.ContactPersonAliasId | PersonByAliasId %}{{ eventContact.NickName }} {{ eventContact.LastName }}{% else %}No name{% endif %}<br> {% if eventitemoccurrence.ContactEmail <> '' %}{{ eventitemoccurrence.ContactEmail }}{% else %}No email{% endif %}<br> {% if eventitemoccurrence.ContactPhone <> '' %}{{ eventitemoccurrence.ContactPhone }}{% else %}No phone number{% endif %} </div> </div> {% else %} <div class="alert alert-warning">There is no calendar event for this item</div> <a class="btn btn-default btn-primary pull-right" href="/WorkflowEntry/{{createWorkflowId}}?Reservation={{reservation.Guid}}">Create</a> {% endif %} {% endeventitemoccurrence %} {% endif %} </div> </div> {% endif %} Save the HTML block, and you're all done! The block will now show any changes between this reservation and the Rock calendar. You can create an event item occurrence on the calendar by clicking the "Create" button on this block. If there is already an event item occurrence for this reservation, you can link it by editing the reservation and choosing the existing event item occurrence under the "Calendar Occurrence attribute." Note: You may want to change the security on this block so that only Room Management Admins can see it. Otherwise, whoever can see the block will be able to make changes to your calendar. < Go back to step 2b Go to step 4 > Step 4: Creating the data integrity reports You're almost there! The goal of this step is to add two reports to Room Management that will show Reservations that are missing or out of sync with the Rock calendar. To begin, add a new Child Page to the Room Management page titled "Data Integrity": Click on the new Data Integrity page, and add a new Page Menu block to the main section: Edit the Page Menu block and change the Template to the following lava: {% if Page.DisplayChildPages == 'true' and Page.Pages != empty %} <div class="list-as-blocks"> <ul> {% for childPage in Page.Pages %} <li{% if childPage.Current == 'true' %} class="active"{% endif%}> <a href="{{ childPage.Url }}"> <i class="{{childPage.IconCssClass}}"></i> <h3>{{ childPage.Title }}</h3> </a> </li> {% endfor %} </ul> </div> {% endif %} Create a subpage titled "Reservations w/o Calendar Occurrence" and add a Dynamic Data block to this sub page: Edit the Dynamic Data Block and add the following Query. This query pulls all reservations that do not have an event item occurrence set in their Calendar Occurrence attribute, or reservations that have an event item occurrence that no longer exists. For simplicity, it does not show past reservations, even though those may not have an event item occurrence set; but it is for this "simplicity" that the query is so long. Important: Be sure to change the number on the first line to the Id of the entity attribute you created in step 1, or this block will not work. DECLARE @attributeId AS INT = 6062 -- << CHANGE ME!!! declare @tmp table ( [Id] int, [Name] varchar(50) ,ApprovalState varchar(15) ,[EndDate] date ,[EventContactPhone] varchar(30) ,[EventContactEmail] varchar(50) ,[AdministrativeContactPhone] varchar(30) ,[AdministrativeContactEmail] varchar(50) ) INSERT INTO @tmp SELECT [Id] ,[Name] ,CASE [ApprovalState] WHEN 5 THEN 'Pending Review' WHEN 1 THEN 'Denied' WHEN 2 THEN 'Approved' END AS ApprovalState ,(CASE WHEN ISDATE([EndDate]) = 0 THEN CAST('19000101' as Date) ELSE [EndDate] END) as [EndDate] ,[EventContactPhone] ,[EventContactEmail] ,[AdministrativeContactPhone] ,[AdministrativeContactEmail] FROM ( SELECT Reservation.[Id] ,Reservation.[Name] ,[ApprovalState] ,( SELECT CASE WHEN [Option1] <> '' THEN SUBSTRING([Option1], 0, 9) ELSE SUBSTRING([Option2], 0, 9) END FROM ( SELECT REVERSE(SUBSTRING(REVERSE([value]), 0, CHARINDEX(',', REVERSE([value])))) as [Option1], REVERSE(SUBSTRING(REVERSE([value]), 0, CHARINDEX(':', REVERSE([value])))) as [Option2] FROM ( SELECT SUBSTRING([value], CHARINDEX('RDATE:', [value]), CHARINDEX('SEQUENCE:', [value]) - CHARINDEX('RDATE:', [value])) as [value] FROM ( SELECT REPLACE( REPLACE( REPLACE(iCalendarContent,CHAR(13),'') , CHAR(10),'') , CHAR(32), '') as [value] ) as [RValue] ) as [RDate Segment] ) as [EndDate0] ) AS [EndDate] ,[EventContactPhone] ,[EventContactEmail] ,[AdministrativeContactPhone] ,[AdministrativeContactEmail] FROM [dbo].[_com_centralaz_RoomManagement_Reservation] as Reservation LEFT JOIN [dbo].[Schedule] ON Reservation.ScheduleId = Schedule.Id LEFT JOIN [dbo].AttributeValue ON AttributeValue.EntityId = Reservation.Id AND AttributeValue.AttributeId = @attributeId LEFT JOIN [dbo].[EventItemOccurrence] ON AttributeValue.[Value] = EventItemOccurrence.Id WHERE EventItemOccurrence.Guid IS NULL AND iCalendarContent LIKE '%RDATE%' UNION SELECT Reservation.[Id] ,Reservation.[Name] ,[ApprovalState] ,( CASE WHEN CHARINDEX('UNTIL', iCalendarContent) > 0 THEN ( SELECT SUBSTRING([value], 7, 8) FROM ( SELECT SUBSTRING(iCalendarContent, CHARINDEX('UNTIL=', iCalendarContent), LEN(iCalendarContent)) as [value] ) as [UNTIL_SUB] ) ELSE '' END ) AS [EndDate] ,[EventContactPhone] ,[EventContactEmail] ,[AdministrativeContactPhone] ,[AdministrativeContactEmail] FROM [dbo].[_com_centralaz_RoomManagement_Reservation] as Reservation LEFT JOIN [dbo].[Schedule] ON Reservation.ScheduleId = Schedule.Id LEFT JOIN [dbo].AttributeValue ON AttributeValue.EntityId = Reservation.Id AND AttributeValue.AttributeId = @attributeId LEFT JOIN [dbo].[EventItemOccurrence] ON AttributeValue.[Value] = EventItemOccurrence.Id WHERE EventItemOccurrence.Guid IS NULL AND iCalendarContent LIKE '%RRULE%' UNION SELECT Reservation.[Id] ,Reservation.[Name] ,[ApprovalState] ,CAST([Schedule].EffectiveEndDate as varchar) ,[EventContactPhone] ,[EventContactEmail] ,[AdministrativeContactPhone] ,[AdministrativeContactEmail] FROM [dbo].[_com_centralaz_RoomManagement_Reservation] as Reservation LEFT JOIN [dbo].[Schedule] ON Reservation.ScheduleId = Schedule.Id LEFT JOIN [dbo].AttributeValue ON AttributeValue.EntityId = Reservation.Id AND AttributeValue.AttributeId = @attributeId LEFT JOIN [dbo].[EventItemOccurrence] ON AttributeValue.[Value] = EventItemOccurrence.Id WHERE EventItemOccurrence.Guid IS NULL AND iCalendarContent NOT LIKE '%RRULE%' AND iCalendarContent NOT LIKE '%RDATE%' ) AS [All Reservations] SELECT [Id] ,[Name] ,ApprovalState ,CASE WHEN [EndDate] = '1900-01-01' THEN 'None' ELSE CAST([EndDate] as varchar) END as [End Date] ,[EventContactPhone] ,[EventContactEmail] ,[AdministrativeContactPhone] ,[AdministrativeContactEmail] FROM @tmp WHERE EndDate > GETDATE() OR EndDate = '1900-01-01' ORDER BY EndDate ASC Set the Selection URL on the Dynamic Data Block to be /ReservationDetail?ReservationId={Id} and uncheck the box that says "Show Grid Filter". Save the block, and you should see the report in action! Before you leave this page, you may want to give it an icon such as fa fa-database. Next, go back to the Data Integrity page. You should see the page you just created. Create a second subpage and title it "Mismatched Information" and add a Dynamic Data block to this sub page: Edit the Dynamic Data Block and add the following Query. This query pulls all reservations that do not have an event item occurrence set in their Calendar Occurrence attribute, or reservations that have an event item occurrence that no longer exists. For simplicity, it does not show past reservations, even though those may not have an event item occurrence set; but it is for this "simplicity" that the query is so long. Important: Be sure to change the number on the first line to the Id of the entity attribute you created in step 1, or this block will not work. This query contains code that will only work on SQL Server 2017 or later. If you are using Azure SQL, you should be fine. If you're not sure what version you're running, you can try it and see if it works! (It won't hurt anything). You can find an alternative query that skips the location check here. DECLARE @attributeId AS INT = 5519 -- << CHANGE ME! SELECT [Id], [Name], CASE WHEN (ReservationLocations != CalendarLocation) THEN '<span class="bg-warning">Locations are different</span>' END as [Locations], CASE WHEN (SUBSTRING(ReservationiCal, 0, CHARINDEX('UID:',ReservationiCal)) != SUBSTRING(CalendariCal, 0, CHARINDEX('UID:',ReservationiCal))) THEN '<span class="bg-warning">Schedules are different</span>' END as [Schedules], CASE WHEN ContactMismatches = 1 THEN '<span class="bg-warning">Contact information is different</span>' END as [Event Contact] FROM ( SELECT Reservation.[Id] as Id ,Reservation.[Name] as Name -- Join Room Management locations by a comma ,(SELECT STRING_AGG([Name], ', ') FROM [dbo].Location LEFT JOIN [_com_centralaz_RoomManagement_ReservationLocation] as RLocation ON RLocation.LocationId = Location.Id WHERE RLocation.ReservationId = Reservation.Id ) as ReservationLocations ,EventItemOccurrence.Location as CalendarLocation ,STUFF([Schedule].iCalendarContent, CHARINDEX('DTSTAMP:', [Schedule].iCalendarContent), 24, '') as [ReservationiCal] ,STUFF([CalSchedule].iCalendarContent, CHARINDEX('DTSTAMP:', [Schedule].iCalendarContent), 24, '') as [CalendariCal] ,AttributeValue.[Value] AS EventItemOccurrence ,CASE WHEN EventItemOccurrence.ContactEmail <> Reservation.EventContactEmail THEN 1 WHEN EventItemOccurrence.ContactPhone <> Reservation.EventContactPhone THEN 1 WHEN EventItemOccurrence.ContactPersonAliasId <> Reservation.EventContactPersonAliasId THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as ContactMismatches FROM [dbo].[_com_centralaz_RoomManagement_Reservation] as Reservation LEFT JOIN [dbo].[Schedule] ON Reservation.ScheduleId = Schedule.Id LEFT JOIN [dbo].AttributeValue ON AttributeValue.EntityId = Reservation.Id AND AttributeValue.AttributeId = @attributeId LEFT JOIN [dbo].EventItemOccurrence ON AttributeValue.Value = EventItemOccurrence.Id LEFT JOIN [dbo].Schedule as CalSchedule ON EventItemOccurrence.ScheduleId = CalSchedule.Id WHERE AttributeValue.[Value] IS NOT NULL ) as Reservations WHERE SUBSTRING(ReservationiCal, 0, CHARINDEX('UID:',ReservationiCal)) != SUBSTRING(CalendariCal, 0, CHARINDEX('UID:',ReservationiCal)) OR ReservationLocations != CalendarLocation OR ContactMismatches = 1 Set the Selection URL on the Dynamic Data Block to be /ReservationDetail?ReservationId={Id} and uncheck the box that says "Show Grid Filter". Save the block, and you should see the report in action! Before you leave this page, you may want to give it an icon such as fa fa-database. Next, go back to the Data Integrity page. You should see the two pages you just created. Congratulations! You finally made it! Sit back and enjoy the fruit of your labor. If you need to match existing reservations with exisiting event calendar items, edit your reservations and change the "Calendar Occurrence" attribute to be the event item occurrence matching that reservation. Otherwise, you can use your new block to create/update your Rock calendar. Recipe Screenshots