
We recently started using the Room Management plugin in Rock. While the built-in reports are great, it requires someone to physically click a button in order to obtain the report. Our Facilities team wanted a way to be able to have the report delivered to their inbox every day with that day's reservations and the next day's reservations. 

Report Features:

  • Indicates if a setup diagram was provided, if so, the check mark acts as a hyperlink to the setup diagram
  • The reservation row will be highlighted yellow if the reservation isn't fully approved
  • Includes both today's and tomorrow's reservations
  • Fully customizable to make the report fit your organization's needs

Preview of report:



  • In order to send a PDF via a workflow, you'll need the PDF Toolkit plugin ($450). It's totally worth it and can be used for many more things than just this!
  • The workflow also uses a couple other processes from other recipes. If you don't want to implement those, you'll just need to change those areas of the workflow (which will be pointed out)
    • Dynamic Staff Recipients: allows you to select a staff position in the workflow and Rock will pull in the correct Person object based on the position, saving you from having to update this workflow if that staff person leaves.
    • Email Signatures: will dynamically load the staff picture, position, and work phone into a standard signature based on the from email address.


  1. Import Workflow Type
  2. Change the first four attributes
    • Screen_Shot_2020-07-27_at_11.12.49_AM.png
  3. If you're not using Dynamic Staff Recipients
    • Remove the Set Facilities Admin Assistant action
    • Set the Facilities Admin Assistant person attribute to the person the email should be sent from
  4. If you're not using Email Signatures
    • Remove the following two lines from the Send link to File to Facilities Team action
    • Screen_Shot_2020-07-27_at_10.20.54_AM.png 
  5. Change the second-to-last column of the report in the Generate "today" HTML for PDF action and the Generate "tomorrow" HTML for PDF action
    • We added a required attribute to our reservations called "Setup Notes", which is the next-to-last column. You'll want to change that column to either the built-in Notes property or a different attribute you may have added.
    • Line 85 in both actions is the line that populates that column, so change it to whatever info you need on your report:
    • Screen_Shot_2020-07-27_at_11.16.52_AM.png
  6. Customize the email sent in the Send link to File to Facilities Team action
    • Primarily the header and footer, as the default code in the workflow will include information from our system (haven't moved all that over to global attributes just yet 😅)
  7. Create a daily "Launch Workflow" job with this workflow

    And that's it! Now your Facilities team will be equipped with the information they need, sent right to them.