
So we wanted our youth to be able to get their own personalized Apple Pass on their phone. We considered asking them to create an account and log in to access their pass (we have a section under /MyAccount with options for acquiring their pass) but it would be more of a hassle to explain, and most probably wouldn't do it. We also considered sending an email to the parents for them to download their student's pass and send it to them. Again, we thought it could be done better. Unfortunately, we don't have a texting service right now, although if we did, most of the phone numbers in our system for our students are actually their parent's.

In order to do this efficiently, we changed up their printed check-in tags and added a QR code that contains their Mine Pass link. All they have to do after checking in is scan the code with their phone and they will access their own Pass for future use--be sure to emphasize they need to scan it with their phone's camera, and no, SnapChat is not the camera. Later on we ended up doing the same with our volunteers. We only enabled this for two weeks for the volunteers and our youth tags are ongoing as students continue to make their way back on campus. 

Step 1.  Mine Pass

You'll need an active Mine Pass service. If you don't have Mine Pass, I suppose you could place the person's Alternate Id as the data for the QR code instead of a link and have them use that tag for future check-in if they kept the tag on their person. 

Step 2.  Create the label merge field

Home > Check-in > Label Merge Fields


Feel free to name it differently, we named it Mine Pass URL. You can also add a description if you choose. For the code you will want to use:

LA,{% assign checkinPerson = Person.Id | PersonById %}{{checkinPerson | GetMinePassUrl:6 | CreateShortLink}}

I'll discuss the 'LA,' in the next step. The lava code is pulling the checked in person's Id and creating a person object. The next piece is using Mine Passes'  lava code to create the link. I have added 'CreateShortLink' to make the QR code less dense since we already have a long domain. The only foreseeable issue with this is you may need to go into your CMS Config > Short Links section and delete old links after a period of time.

Step 3. Create the label

label_3.png    label_2.png

Design the label to your preferred look or branding. I'll attach our label file if that will help look see it in full context.

The actual QR code that needs to be in the label file is:


The ^FT data is the position data.

For ^BQ, N is normal field orientation. 2 is the model--not real certain what this does but I know when it is set to 1 the QR code disappears (2 is the default). 9 is the magnification or scale of the QR code--9 works for us but you may need to change it based on how long your link/domain is because that will also alter the size of the QR code.

 The ^FD data is the actual the merge code. The 'L' in the merge code stands for high density level error correction and 'A' says it is alphanumeric data. Here is Zebra's documentation if you would like to dig deeper: BQ Command

I have the 'LA,' in the actual merge field we created earlier because Rock is looking for the keyword QRCode and 'LA,' would throw it off--I did try including it as part of the keyword but then it removes that from the label when it inserts the merge code so it is best to leave that in the merge field we created earlier instead of in the tag's code. 

Step 4. Attach the label to desired group type in Check-in Config.

Finish setting up the label and merge fields like you would normally do--here's the documentation should you need it: Checking out Check-in. Lastly, you will need to attach the new label to a group type in the Check-in Configuration area. Be sure to test that it prints well and the QR code functions as expected, and adjust its position as desired.