
Our Student Ministry team loves Attendance Analytics, but they really needed a quick dashboard/summary view of their small groups that they can check on a weekly basis. They wanted a dashboard that would show them the total # of leaders who attended, the total # of students who attended, and a list groups with each group's attendance total and notes for the last occurrence. So we built an Attendance Overview page, and here's how you can put this in your own instance!



  1. Build a new page
  2. Add a few blocks to it
  3. Customize the blocks with the right code
  4. Drink coffee and celebrate 🎉

1. Build a new page

  • To add a new page, go to Admin Tools > CMS Configuration, then click Pages
  • Create your new page, titled Attendance Overview, wherever you would like in your page structure
    • Ours is under Internal Homepage > Tools > Reporting
    • Set the page's layout to Left Sidebar
    • Leave all other settings as their defaults
  • Navigate to the new page that you built

2. Add a few blocks to it

If you've never added a block before, as an administrator, click the Page Zones icon in the admin tool bar.


  • In the Sidebar1 Zone, add a Page Parameter Filter block


  • In the Main Zone, add a Dynamic Data block


  • In the Feature Zone, add an HTML Content block


3. Customize the blocks with the right code

Page Parameter Filter block
  • Add a filter of type Single-Select
  • The Key should be set to GroupType
  • We input each Group Type Id and name manually to control which group types were listed. You can handle this however you'd like as long as the key is GroupType and what it will be passed is a GroupTypeId



Dynamic Data block
  • Unzip the attached file
  • Copy/paste the text in the DynamicDataBlock.txt file into the Query box of the Dynamic Data block
  • Under Formatting set the Columns to Id,AttendanceOccurrenceId and set the to Hide
  • Set the Selection URL to https://yourrockserver.com/page/###?GroupId={Id}&OccurrenceId={AttendanceOccurrenceId}
    • Replace ### with the Id of the Attendance page (this is the page you're taken to when you click on an attendance occurrence from a group)
  • Check Excel Export and enable Show Grid Filter


HTML Content block
  • Make sure to enable the Sql Lava Command in the block settings
  • In the unzipped folder from the previous section, copy/paste the code from the HtmlContentBlock.txt file and paste it into the Edit HTML content window


Drink coffee and celebrate 🎉

  • Load the page and select a Group Type from the dropdown in the Page Parameter Filter block
  • Enjoy the product of your efforts!
