What is a Data View?

The Taking Off with Reporting Manual defines a Data Views as: A way to select and filter records based on any field in the system.

Data View Resources:

The following examples will show some useful ways to use Data Views and the instructions will assume that you have already created a Data View that you are wanting to utilize in these examples. If you are new to Data Views and Reports, please refer to the resources listed below or reach out to the Rock Community on Rocket.Chat specifically in the #Reporting Channel for help.

Taking Off with Reporting Manual: https://community.rockrms.com/documentation/bookcontent/6/239

Reporting Rock U Videos: https://community.rockrms.com/rocku/reporting

Creating a Person Badge using a Data View

1. Navigate to Admin Tools -> General Settings and select the Badges button.


2. On the Badges page select the ‘+’ button.


3. On the Add Badge page please add a Name, Entity Type of Person, and the Data View that you would like to use. Once this has been selected you can press the ‘Save’ Button.


4. Navigate to a Person Profile. Enable Block Configuration by hovering your mouse at the bottom of the screen and selecting the Block Configuration button.


5. Find the Badge 3 Block and select the ‘Block Properties’ button.


6. On the Block Properties select the new Badge that was just created and select ‘Save.’


7. Refresh the page and you will see your new badge on the person profiles of those in the data view. The only problem here is that the default color is set to white.


Changing Badge Icon and Color

The Badge content can be edited to change the icon and color.

Rock uses Font Awesome 5 icon font. A Font Awesome 5 icon can be searched for here: https://fontawesome.com/v5/search

Once you select the icon on the Font Awesome website copy the icon name.



On the Edit Badge page find the Badge Content attribute and replace the old icon name with the new icon name. The name of the icon should be prefix with ‘fa fa-‘


<div class='badge badge-icon'><i class='fa fa-user-graduate'></i></div>

To change the color of the icon you will need to add a style tag to the <i> tag like this:


<div class='badge badge-icon'><i class='fa fa-user-graduate' style="color:black"></i></div>

The badge now displays a graduate icon that is black.
