
Note: For RX 2021 I posted this recipe to introduce a "choose your own adventure" model for creating and sending out the yearly contribution statements. It was a very burdensome process to piece together the number of internal Rock pages and page menus in order to handle the email versus print priority for statements. While partnering with a few other churches during the new changes to contribution statements in v13 I developed a new statement hub which only requires 1 Rock page using a single Page Parameter and Dynamic Data block.

As with the previous recipe, the same rules of setting up your Data Views in order to return persons who have given still applies. I find it helpful to have a TY and LY or This Year (Current Year) and Last Year set of Data Views.


  1. Create your Data Views for givers

    turn on persistence or you can't return records from Data View results via SQL


  2. Add a Page Parameter Block to the Page


    Step 2A - Select Statement Type (Field Type = Single-Select, Drop Down List)


    This is where you go 🤯 and realize that you can put both lava and/or sql into the Values field of a Page Parameter filter. Yes you can, but ensure that you only return 2 fields (Value and Text).

                        cat.Id as [Value]
                        , CONCAT(parentCat.Name, ' - ',cat.Name) as [Text]
                        [Category] cat
                        JOIN [Category] parentCat
                            ON parentCat.Id = cat.ParentCategoryId
                    WHERE cat.Id in (334,335) -- update to your relevant Data View folders/category Ids

    Step 2B - Select Contribution Statement (Field Type = Single-Select, Drop Down List)


                    {% assign category = 'Global' | PageParameter:'StatementType' %}
                    {% if category != empty %}
                        dv.Id as [Value]
                        , dv.Name as [Text]
                        [DataView] dv
                        JOIN [Category] cat
                            ON cat.Id = dv.CategoryId
                    {% if category != empty %}
                    WHERE isnull({{ category}}, '') = ' ' OR cat.Id in ({{ category }})
                        AND dv.PersistedLastRefreshDateTime is not null
                    {% endif %}
                    {% endif %}

    Step 2C - Select Statement Preference (Field Type = Single-Select. Radio Buttons)


    Email, Physical

    Step 2D - Change Page Parameter Block Settings

    The Page Parameter block does work differently in all versions v12 and prior compared to v13 onwards. There are settings in the post-back behavior. Note the differences in these screenshots. If you don't turn these settings on, the user will have to click the filter button upon each selection step. Ideally the page will update as they continue through the steps with the settings as shown. In v12 they will have to click the filter button after all selections are made. In v13 the results will appear as the selections are made, no need for the filter button.

    Rock v12 and prior


    Rock v13 and later


  3. Add 2 Dynamic Data Blocks to the Page (One for emails and one for physical addresses). The WHERE statements in these two blocks are entirely subjective. Adjust to your needs.

    Dynamic Data Block (Data View records returned by Page Parameter filter)

    Query for Emails

                {% assign statement = 'Global' | PageParameter:'ContributionStatement' %}
                {% assign preference = 'Global' | PageParameter:'StatementPreference' %}
                {% if statement != empty and preference != '' %}
                    , CONCAT(p.FirstName, ' ', p.LastName) as [Name]
                    , p.Email
                    , p.LastName
                FROM DataViewPersistedValue dvpv
                    JOIN Person p ON p.Id = dvpv.EntityId
                    JOIN [DataView] dv ON dv.Id = dvpv.DataViewId
                    JOIN [AnalyticsDimPersonCurrent] dp ON dp.PersonId = p.Id
                    {% if statement != empty and preference != '' %}
                        {% if preference == 'Email' %}
                            p.Email != ''
                        {% elseif preference == 'Physical' %}
                            dv.Name like '%Email%only%'
                            AND dp.MailingAddressGeoPoint is null
                        {% else %}
                        {% endif %}
                    {% else %}
                    {% endif %}
                GROUP BY p.Id, p.FirstName, p.LastName, p.Email, dp.MailingAddressFull
                ORDER BY p.LastName
                {% else %}
                {% endif %}

    Query for Physical Mailing

                {% assign statement = 'Global' | PageParameter:'ContributionStatement' %}
                {% assign preference = 'Global' | PageParameter:'StatementPreference' %}
                {% if statement != empty and preference != '' %}
                    , CONCAT(p.FirstName, ' ', p.LastName) as [Name]
                    , p.Email
                    , p.LastName
                    , CASE WHEN dp.MailingAddressFull is null THEN '' ELSE dp.MailingAddressFull END as [Address]
                FROM DataViewPersistedValue dvpv
                    JOIN Person p ON p.Id = dvpv.EntityId
                    JOIN [DataView] dv ON dv.Id = dvpv.DataViewId
                    JOIN [AnalyticsDimPersonCurrent] dp ON dp.PersonId = p.Id
                    JOIN [Category] cat
                        ON cat.Id = dv.CategoryId
                    {% if statement != empty and preference != '' %}
                        {% if preference == 'Email' %}
                            p.Email = ''
                            AND dv.Name like '%Physical%only%'
                            AND dp.MailingAddressGeoPoint is not null
                        {% elseif preference == 'Physical' %}
                            dv.Name like '%Physical%all%'
                            AND dp.MailingAddressGeoPoint is not null
                        {% else %}
                        {% endif %}
                    {% else %}
                    {% endif %}
                GROUP BY p.Id, p.FirstName, p.LastName, p.Email, dp.MailingAddressFull
                ORDER BY p.LastName
                {% else %}
                {% endif %}


    @ContributionStatement=, @StatementPreference=

    Hide Columns

    Id, LastName, DataView

    Selection URL


    Formatting Options (select the following options

    • Person Report
    • Communicate
    • Excel Export
    • Merge Template
  4. Dynamic Data Block Styling (hide results until page parameter settings are filled)


    Records with Emails

    PRE-HTML field


                see attachment for code block

    POST-HTML field

                see attachment for code block

    Records with Physical Addresses

    PRE-HTML field


                see attachment for code block

    POST-HTML field

                see attachment for code block