5 Report on Giving by Age Bands Shared by Jeff Ward, Simple one year ago 12.0 Administration / Finance Intermediate Sometimes, leadership wants reports that are challenging to get with a data view. This would be one of those. The request from leadership was a report that showed data about giving based on age bands so that they could have information that helped them to know which age groups needed specific teaching related to generosity. Here's the resulting screen shot:In order to create this report, go to the page you want to put it on, add a Dynamic Data block and paste this SQL into the query section of the block settings: /* Author: Simple Donation Created Date: 11/4/2022 Description: This SQL is designed to show giving information (registration payments are excluded) of families based on the head of household. The original intent of this was to have information around the giving of different age segments so that teaching could be tailored as needed to the age groups that needed it. It returns age bands, the # of families giving in those age bands, the number of those families giving over $100 per year, the percentage of giving families who give over $100 per year, the total giving per year of that age band, the median annual gift, the number of new givers (in the year) in that age band, and the number of givers who used to be in that age band, but aren't any more. */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #GIVERS DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #MEDIANGIVING SELECT PersonId, AgeBand, CASE WHEN IsAnnualGiver = 0 AND IsPriorGiver = 1 THEN NULL ELSE ROUND(TotalAmount,0) END AS TotalAmount, IsAnnualGiver, IsPriorGiver, CASE WHEN IsAnnualGiver = 1 AND IsPriorGiver = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS IsNew, CASE WHEN IsAnnualGiver = 0 AND IsPriorGiver = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS IsLapsed INTO #GIVERS FROM ( SELECT x1.PersonId, x1.[AgeBand], SUM(CASE WHEN x2.IsRecent = 1 THEN t.Amount ELSE 0 END) AS [TotalAmount], MAX(x2.IsRecent) AS IsAnnualGiver, MAX(x2.IsPrior) AS IsPriorGiver FROM [AnalyticsFactFinancialTransaction] t CROSS APPLY ( SELECT hoh.PersonId, CASE WHEN dp.Age <= 20 THEN '< 20' WHEN dp.Age BETWEEN 21 AND 30 THEN '21-30' WHEN dp.Age BETWEEN 31 AND 40 THEN '31-40' WHEN dp.Age BETWEEN 41 AND 50 THEN '41-50' WHEN dp.Age BETWEEN 51 AND 60 THEN '51-60' WHEN dp.Age BETWEEN 61 AND 70 THEN '61-70' WHEN dp.Age BETWEEN 71 AND 200 THEN '71+' WHEN dp.Age IS NULL THEN 'NoAge' END AS [AgeBand] FROM AnalyticsDimFamilyHeadOfHousehold hoh JOIN [AnalyticsDimPersonCurrent] dp ON hoh.PersonId = dp.PersonId WHERE hoh.GivingGroupId = t.GivingGroupId AND dp.RecordTypeValueId = 1 --Person AND hoh.GivingLeaderId = hoh.PersonId) x1 CROSS APPLY ( SELECT CASE WHEN t.TransactionDateTime > DATEADD(year, - 1, GETDATE()) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS IsRecent, CASE WHEN t.TransactionDateTime <= DATEADD(year, - 1, GETDATE()) AND t.TransactionDateTime > DATEADD(year, - 2, GETDATE()) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS IsPrior) x2 WHERE t.TransactionTypeValueId = 53 --Contribution AND t.TransactionDateTime > DATEADD(year, - 2, GETDATE()) GROUP BY x1.PersonId, x1.AgeBand) a SELECT DISTINCT ag.AgeBand, PERCENTILE_CONT(0.5) WITHIN GROUP ( ORDER BY ag.TotalAmount ) OVER (PARTITION BY ag.AgeBand) [MedianAnnualGiving] INTO #MEDIANGIVING FROM #GIVERS ag WHERE IsAnnualGiver = 1; SELECT a.AgeBand, GivingFamiliesInBand, GreaterThan100Families, PercentOver100Families, BandTotal, FORMAT(mg.MedianAnnualGiving, 'C') AS [MedianAnnualGiving], NewGivers, Lapsed FROM ( SELECT gtnl.AgeBand, COUNT(gtnl.TotalAmount) AS [GivingFamiliesInBand], SUM(CASE WHEN gtnl.TotalAmount > 100 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [GreaterThan100Families], FORMAT(( SUM(CASE WHEN gtnl.TotalAmount > 100 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) ) / (COUNT(gtnl.TotalAmount) * 1.00), 'P') AS [PercentOver100Families], FORMAT(SUM(gtnl.TotalAmount), 'C') AS [BandTotal], SUM(CASE WHEN gtnl.IsNew = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [NewGivers], SUM(CASE WHEN gtnl.IsLapsed = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [Lapsed] FROM #GIVERS gtnl GROUP BY gtnl.AgeBand ) a INNER JOIN #MEDIANGIVING mg ON a.AgeBand = mg.AgeBand DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #GIVERS DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #MEDIANGIVING This query may take more than 30 seconds to run. I recommend setting your Timeout setting to 120 like this:You might notice in that screenshot above that there's a selection URL. This is a little bonus. Basically, we give the ability to drill down and see the families within that Age Band that gave in the past year. To do that, you're going to add another page, and insert a Dynamic Data Block. In that Dynamic Data Block you'll insert the following SQL into the Query section of the block settings. DECLARE @AnnualGiving TABLE ( PersonId INT, AgeBand NVARCHAR(50), TotalAmount DECIMAL ) DECLARE @MedianGiving TABLE ( AgeBand NVARCHAR(50), MedianAnnualGiving DECIMAL ) DECLARE @PriorGivers TABLE ( PersonId INT, AgeBand NVARCHAR(50) ) DECLARE @AllGivers TABLE (PersonId INT) DECLARE @HeadsOfHousehold TABLE ( PersonId INT, GivingGroupId INT, LastName NVARCHAR(150), Name NVARCHAR(150), FamilyId INT, IsEra BIT ) DECLARE @GiversTotalNewLapsed TABLE ( IsEra BIT, TotalAmount DECIMAL, AgeBand NVARCHAR(50), Lapsed BIT, IsNew BIT ) {% assign ageBand = 'Global' | PageParameter: 'AgeBand' %} INSERT INTO @HeadsOfHousehold SELECT hoh.PersonId, hoh.GivingGroupId, hoh.LastName, fc.Name, fc.FamilyId, fc.IsEra FROM AnalyticsDimFamilyHeadOfHousehold hoh JOIN AnalyticsDimFamilyCurrent fc ON fc.HeadofHouseholdPersonKey = hoh.Id WHERE hoh.GivingLeaderId = hoh.PersonId AND GivingGroupId IS NOT NULL; INSERT INTO @AnnualGiving SELECT dp.PersonId, CASE WHEN dp.Age <= 20 THEN '< 20' WHEN dp.Age BETWEEN 21 AND 30 THEN '21-30' WHEN dp.Age BETWEEN 31 AND 40 THEN '31-40' WHEN dp.Age BETWEEN 41 AND 50 THEN '41-50' WHEN dp.Age BETWEEN 51 AND 60 THEN '51-60' WHEN dp.Age BETWEEN 61 AND 70 THEN '61-70' WHEN dp.Age BETWEEN 71 AND 200 THEN '71 >' WHEN dp.Age IS NULL THEN 'NoAge' END AS [AgeBand], SUM(t.Amount) AS [TotalAmount] FROM [AnalyticsFactFinancialTransaction] t INNER JOIN @HeadsOfHousehold hoh ON hoh.FamilyId = t.AuthorizedFamilyId INNER JOIN [AnalyticsDimPersonCurrent] dp ON hoh.PersonId = dp.PersonId WHERE t.TransactionDateTime > DATEADD(year, - 1, GETDATE()) AND t.TransactionTypeValueId = 53 --Contribution AND dp.RecordTypeValueId = 1 --Person GROUP BY dp.PersonId, dp.Age ; SELECT ag.PersonId, hoh.Name, hoh.IsEra ,FORMAT(ag.TotalAmount, 'C') AS [FamilyGiving] FROM @AnnualGiving ag INNER JOIN @HeadsOfHousehold hoh ON hoh.PersonId = ag.PersonId {% if ageBand != empty %} WHERE ag.AgeBand = '{{ ageBand }}' {% else %} {% endif %} ORDER BY ag.AgeBand, hoh.LastName For Block Settings:In the Parameters area, enter "@AgeBand=I also enter "AgeBand, PersonId, PersonId1, IsEra" in the Hide Columns area It is a Person Report, so you can leave that checked if you wantIf you leave it as Person Report, then you have the option to launch Workflows, Communicate, etc.If you do the drill down, make sure you grab the page Id for the new page and add it to the Selection URL with "?AgeBand={AgeBand}" appended to it. In the example above, you see it says, "~/page/733?AgeBand={AgeBand}". Just change out the "733" with the page you're putting the drill down SQL on.