5 Staff Training Tools Shared by Morgan Woods-Leshe, My Well Ministry 2 years ago Operations Beginner We have been revamping some staff Rock training and have had some ideas we thought would be helpful to the community!Staff Training VideosSometimes there are questions that staff have that need demonstrations or walkthroughs to help them understand. We have found a lot of questions also get asked more than once. So we started using Loom videos to answer questions and create a catalog of training videos. Loom allows you to record your screen and yourself to demo things. Here is an example of a popular loom video we have about how to build groups in rock: https://www.loom.com/share/625695f381504e4992a689df1a9e85c8Staff Training Games We recently started having staff training in person on a regular basis to refresh staff on some Rock concepts. The first one we had was on using connections in Rock. To make this more engaging and make sure concepts stuck, we used Kahoot to create a competitive game at the end with a prize! Kahoot allows you to create a quiz where people earn points for answering questions quickly and it shows a leaderboard. Everyone can join the game on their own phone or computer. Stickers and MagnetsEverybody loves stickers! We started identifying things that we could encourage/acknowledge that our staff does with Rock. Then we created little stickers or magnets to reward those things! (Staff are not aware of this list, and we add to it continually. Each item gets a unique sticker or magnet.) Some examples of things we have encouraged: Submitting Person Data Errors.Reaching a certain number of worked Connections.Submitting Bugs/Issues/Tickets.Entering Sunday metrics on time.Stickers for all staff when they start using a new feature.Attending Non-Mandatory Trainings (Lunch and Learns).We are loving some of these new training tools we have implemented and they ahve saved us a lot of time! Hopefully some of these will be helpful to some of you!