4 Draft Control the Title on The Event Registration Page Shared by Morgan Woods-Leshe, My Well Ministry 2 years ago 12.0 General Beginner This recipe has been un-published by Spark because of a risk of SQL Injection. If you have found this page by following a link, please reach out to the author for information on an alternative approach. With a multi-site church that does lots of registrations and lots of registrations that repeat themselves, we use some wonky naming conventions on registration instances and don't want the public to see: ANG 2023 Spring Childcare Wednesday AM or ASO 2023 Sep Kids Baptism Class. So we utilized the power of slugs and the Public Name field to change what is displayed on the event registration block.1) Create a registration! 2) Create a linkage. 3) Set the URL Slug to whatever you need it to be, in this example we used menski23. Set the Public Name to whatever you want the name on the page to be, for this registration we used Men's Ski Trip 2023.4) Save it! 5) On the page on your website that has the registration block, add an HTML Block with the following code: {%assign slug = 'Global' | PageParameter:'Slug'%}{%assign regid = PageParameter.RegistrationInstanceId %}{%assign reg2id = PageParameter.RegistrationId%}{%if reg2id == null %}{%if regid != null %}{%sql%}SELECT PublicNameFROM [EventItemOccurrenceGroupMap] Where RegistrationInstanceId= '{{regid}}'{% endsql %}{% for item in results %} {% assign title2 = item.PublicName%}{% endfor %}{%elseif slug != null%}{%sql%}SELECT PublicNameFROM [EventItemOccurrenceGroupMap] Where UrlSlug= '{{slug}}'{% endsql %}{% for item in results %} {%assign title2 = item.PublicName%} {% endfor %}{%endif%}{{title}}{%if title2 != null %}{{ title2 | SetPageTitle }}{%endif%}{%endif%}This code shows the public name unless you don't have a public name set! And then it just shows the word 'Registration' or the normal name of the instance!