To prepare for Promotion Sunday at Crossroads, where certain grades relocate to different locations, we notify parents two weeks in advance. We print card handouts, send an email, and provide an additional check-in tag for each child. This guide focuses on setting up the check-in tag.

In Rock's Global Attributes, we set the promotion date to the Monday before Promotion Sunday.

For the first use, follow these steps:

  1. Add a new label to Rock and create a new label merge field.
  2. The label is basic and uses one Merge Field for displaying text on the tag. You can customize it by modifying the code in a text file, Zebra Designer, or Labelary. You can also add your logo or branding if desired.

Add a new Label Merge Field (/admin/checkin/label-merge-fields) and provide a name for it. This name will be used when setting up the label.

There are two grades that we have added that may not pertain to your settings, Pre-K (3s) and Pre-K (4s), but if you have additional grades, you can easily add them. Below is the label merge code. Note that the wording is updated yearly based on the date and locations. You can link the date to the Global Attribute if your church sets the Promotion Date to Sunday.

Students change locations when entering PreK-4, Kinder, 1st, 4th, 7th, and 9th grades. For other grades, generic wording is used (inside the ELSE statement at the end). To create a new line or add top padding, use \& in the code. You can remove these if not needed.

{% if Person.GradeFormatted contains 'Pre-K (3s)' %}Promotion Sunday is June 4!\&{{Person.NickName}} moves to the PreK classrooms upstairs in the Children's Building and can check in at the trees, downstairs by the Gym, or upstairs by the classrooms. {% elseif Person.GradeFormatted contains 'Pre-K (4s)' %}Promotion Sunday is June 4!\&{{Person.NickName}} is moving up to Kindergarten, in the upstairs classrooms. Check {% if Person.Gender == 'Male' %}him{% elseif Person.Gender =='Female' %}her{% else %}them{% endif %} in at the trees, downstairs by the Gym, or upstairs by the classrooms.{% elseif Person.GradeFormatted == 'Kindergarten' %}Promotion Sunday is June 4!\&{{Person.NickName}} promotes to 1st Grade and moves downstairs to City Hall. You can check {% if Person.Gender == 'Male' %}him{% elseif Person.Gender =='Female' %}her{% else %}them{% endif %} in at the trees. {% elseif Person.GradeFormatted == '3rd Grade' %}Promotion Sunday is June 4!\&{{Person.NickName}} promotes to 4th Grade and moves to the Gym. Check in is at the trees and drop off is at the Gym.{% elseif Person.GradeFormatted == '6th Grade' %}Promotion Sunday is June 4!\&{{Person.NickName}} promotes to 7th Grade and moves to The Landing. {% if Person.Gender == 'Male' %}He{% elseif Person.Gender =='Female' %}She{% else %}They{% endif %} can check {% if Person.Gender == 'Male' %}himself{% elseif Person.Gender =='Female' %}herself{% else %}themselves{% endif %} in when they enter the building through the front entrance.{% elseif Person.GradeFormatted == '8th Grade' %}Promotion Sunday is June 4!\&{{Person.NickName}} promotes to 9th Grade. High School will continue to meet in The Landing but will enter through the Grand Staircase and check-in upstairs.{% elseif Person.GradeFormatted == 'Senior' %}Congratulations {{Person.NickName}}! We're excited to witness God's plans unfold in this new phase of your life. We're here to assist you in finding a college-age connect group for the fall.{% else %}\&Promotion Sunday is June 4!\&In the famous words, "School's Out FOREVER\&For SUMMER!"^FS^FO342,225^GB190,0,5{% endif %}

After adding the Label Merge Field, create a new label (/admin/checkin/labels). The label's code is provided below, and the prn file is attached. Adjust the font size if necessary to fit your wording on the tag. To do this, modify the number values in the code ^A0N,45,45 accordingly. The label's settings are also set for 3" wide x 2" tall and utilizes cut mode.


Once the label file is uploaded, set the Merge Code to the new Label Merge Field created earlier. The Merge Code will be FDGradePromotionText and the Merge Field will be the name provided earlier.

All that's left is to add this to the desired Group Type(s) for check-in and you are good to go.