2 Disabled SMS Mobile Phone Warning On SMS Conversations Block Shared by Kyler Edwards, Sun Valley Community Church 10 months ago 12.0 Communications Beginner Our church staff was experiencing an issue where an attendee would text them and they thought they had sent a text back through Rock via the SMS conversations block, but the attendee never received the message due to their mobile phone not being SMS enabled. The SMS conversation block has a little pending message when the text hasn't sent, but staff are usually responding to a bunch of texts so as soon as they see the new blue message bubble they move on.To help make it a bit more obvious that the person they think they are going to send a text to will not receive their message, I replaced the lava found in the SMS Conversations block settings for "Person Info Lava Template". It replaces the name with a link to the person's Rock profile, and it lets the user know if their mobile phone is SMS enabled or not.Here is the lava:<a href="/person/{{ Person.Id }}" target="_blank">{{ Person.FullName }}</a> {{ Person | PhoneNumber:'Mobile' }} <br>{% assign phoneNumbers = Person.PhoneNumbers %}{% assign smsEnabled = false %}{% for phoneNumber in phoneNumbers %} {% if phoneNumber.NumberTypeValue.Value == 'Mobile' and phoneNumber.IsMessagingEnabled %} {% assign smsEnabled = true %} {% break %} {% endif %}{% endfor %}{% if smsEnabled %} <label style="color:green;">SMS Enabled Mobile Phone</label>{% else %} <label style="color:red;">THIS PHONE NUMBER IS NOT SMS ENABLED</label> {% endif %}