7 Page Security Visualizer Shared by Jeff Richmond, The Well Community Church 8 months ago 15.0 Security Beginner This recipe requires the Fluid Lava engine. It will not work if you're still running DotLiquid. Description Security in Rock is highly customizable and extremely powerful, but as a result, it can be very difficult to know each person's effective permissions are… even on a fresh Rock install. This recipe is an attempt to visualize a person's permissions for every page and block on a website. The page will display a hierarchical tree view of every page and block. Each node is color coded to indicate whether the person's effective permission is Allow or Deny. It also shows which ancestor the permission is inherited from as well as which security role or user the person was matched with. Caveats This recipe has been very useful for us, but is very likely not perfect. Here are a few things you should keep in mind: I'm not familiar with every detail of how the security system was built in the background, so it's entirely possible that the effective permissions displayed are not 100% accurate. Even though inheritance is accounted for, there could be other special situations that I'm not aware of that could affect permissions. That being said, I am yet to find a situation that produces invalid results. The only actions covered by this recipe are "View", "Edit" and "Administrate". Permissions can't currently be checked for other less common actions like "Manage Members". The queries for this recipe are pretty complex and there's lots of data, so the page loads tend to be a little slow. Ours averages about 5 to 6 seconds when checking permissions for the internal Rock site. It may be faster or slower for you, depending on your server's power and number of pages and blocks in your Rock instance. Depending on how deep your pages are nested, it is very likely that you will need to scroll horizontally to see everything, especially on smaller screens. How-To Create new page under Rock RMS > Admin Tools > Rock Settings > Security: Page Title: Visualize Page Security Site: Rock RMS Layout: Full Width Icon CSS Class: fas fa-user-lock Page Routes: admin/security/page-security Add a Page Parameter Filter block to the Main zone Block Settings: Block Title Text: Page Permission Parameters Filter Button Text: Refresh Results Filter Button Size: Small Show Reset Filters Button: No Filters: Person Name: Person Field Type: Person Enable Self Selection: Yes Action Name: Action Field Type: Single-Select Values: View,Edit,Administrate Default Value: View Website Name: Website Field Type: Site Default Value: Rock RMS Add a Dynamic Data block to the Main zone Block Properties: Name: Security Visualizer Update Page: No Edit Criteria: Parameters: Person=;Action=View;Website=1 Show Grid Filter: No Customize Results with Lava: Yes Query: DECLARE @PersonGUID AS varchar(36) = @Person DECLARE @PersonID AS int DECLARE @SiteID AS int = @Website IF @PersonGUID = '' BEGIN SET @PersonGUID = '{{ CurrentPerson.PrimaryAlias.Guid }}' END SELECT @PersonID = PersonID FROM PersonAlias WHERE GUID = @PersonGUID DECLARE @GlobalEntityTypeID AS int DECLARE @SiteEntityTypeID AS int DECLARE @PageEntityTypeID AS int DECLARE @BlockEntityTypeID AS int SELECT @GlobalEntityTypeID = ID FROM EntityType WHERE [Name] = 'Rock.Security.GlobalDefault' SELECT @SiteEntityTypeID = ID FROM EntityType WHERE [Name] = 'Rock.Model.Site' SELECT @PageEntityTypeID = ID FROM EntityType WHERE [Name] = 'Rock.Model.Page' SELECT @BlockEntityTypeID = ID FROM EntityType WHERE [Name] = 'Rock.Model.Block' DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #PAGETREE DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #PERMISSIONS DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #PAGEPERMITS DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #BLOCKS DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #BLOCKPERMITS -- get details for every page of the selected site, including tree depth ;WITH PageTree_CTE AS ( -- initialization SELECT S.ID AS SiteID, S.[Name] AS SiteName, P.ID AS PageID, ISNULL(P.ParentPageID, 0) AS ParentPageID, P.InternalName AS PageName, P.PageTitle, P.IconCssClass, P.ID AS PermitPageID, P.InternalName AS PermitPageName, P.PageTitle AS PermitPageTitle, P.ParentPageID AS NextParentPageID, CAST(0 AS bit) AS IsAncestor, CAST(P.[Order] AS int) AS PageSort, CAST(0 AS int) AS Depth FROM [Page] P INNER JOIN Layout L ON L.ID = P.LayoutID INNER JOIN [Site] S ON S.ID = L.SiteID WHERE S.ID = @SiteID UNION ALL -- recursive execution SELECT CP.SiteID, CP.SiteName, CP.PageID, CP.ParentPageID, CP.PageName, CP.PageTitle, CP.IconCssClass, P.ID AS PermitPageID, P.InternalName AS PermitPageName, P.PageTitle AS PermitPageTitle, P.ParentPageID AS NextParentPageID, CAST(1 AS bit) AS IsAncestor, CAST(CP.PageSort AS int) AS PageSort, CAST(CP.Depth + 1 AS int) AS Depth FROM PageTree_CTE CP INNER JOIN [Page] P ON P.ID = CP.NextParentPageID ) -- all page ancestors SELECT *, @PageEntityTypeID AS PermitEntityTypeID INTO #PAGETREE FROM PageTree_CTE UNION ALL -- include site ancestor SELECT SiteID, SiteName, PageID, ParentPageID, PageName, PageTitle, IconCssClass, SiteID AS PermitPageID, SiteName + ' (Site)' AS PermitPageName, SiteName + ' (Site)' AS PermitPageTitle, NULL AS NextParentPageID, 1 AS IsAncestor, PageSort, MAX(Depth) + 1 AS Depth, @SiteEntityTypeID AS PermitEntityTypeID FROM PageTree_CTE GROUP BY SiteID, SiteName, PageID, PageName, PageTitle, IconCssClass, ParentPageID, PageSort UNION ALL -- include global default ancestor SELECT SiteID, SiteName, PageID, ParentPageID, PageName, PageTitle, IconCssClass, 0 AS PermitPageID, '(Global Default)' AS PermitPageName, '(Global Default)' AS PermitPageTitle, NULL AS NextParentPageID, 1 AS IsAncestor, PageSort, MAX(Depth) + 2 AS Depth, @GlobalEntityTypeID AS PermitEntityTypeID FROM PageTree_CTE GROUP BY SiteID, SiteName, PageID, PageName, PageTitle, IconCssClass, ParentPageID, PageSort -- get all auth records related to the selected person and action verb for each page and any anscestors with auth records defined SELECT P.SiteID, P.SiteName, P.PageID, ParentPageID, P.PageName, P.PageTitle, P.IconCssClass, A.ID AS AuthID, A.EntityID AS AuthEntityID, A.[Action], A.AllowOrDeny, CAST(CASE WHEN A.EntityTypeID = @PageEntityTypeID AND P.IsAncestor = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS bit) AS Inherited, CASE WHEN A.EntityTypeID = @PageEntityTypeID AND P.IsAncestor = 0 THEN NULL WHEN A.EntityTypeID = @PageEntityTypeID THEN P.PermitPageTitle + ' (Page)' ELSE P.PermitPageTitle END AS InheritedFrom, CAST(CASE WHEN A.EntityTypeID = @GlobalEntityTypeID THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS bit) AS IsGlobal, A.SpecialRole, A.GroupId, A.PersonAliasID, CASE WHEN A.SpecialRole = 1 THEN '[All Users]' WHEN A.SpecialRole = 2 THEN '[Authenticated Users]' WHEN PP.ID IS NOT NULL THEN PP.NickName + ' ' + PP.LastName ELSE G.[Name] END AS SecurityRole, CAST(CASE WHEN A.SpecialRole IN (1,2) OR PA.PersonID = @PersonID THEN 1 WHEN M.ID IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS bit) AS IsMatch, P.PageSort, P.Depth, A.[Order] AS AuthSort INTO #PERMISSIONS FROM #PAGETREE P INNER JOIN Auth A ON A.EntityID = P.PermitPageID AND A.EntityTypeID = P.PermitEntityTypeID AND A.[Action] = @Action LEFT JOIN [Group] G ON G.ID = A.GroupID LEFT JOIN GroupMember M ON M.GroupID = G.ID AND M.PersonID = @PersonID AND M.IsArchived = 0 AND M.GroupMemberStatus = 1 LEFT JOIN PersonAlias PA ON PA.ID = A.PersonAliasID LEFT JOIN Person PP ON PP.ID = PA.PersonID -- calculate effective permissions for each page SELECT X.SiteID, X.PageID, X.ParentPageID, X.PageName, X.IconCssClass, X.PageTitle, X.AllowOrDeny, X.InheritedFrom, X.SecurityRole, P.PageSort INTO #PAGEPERMITS FROM #PAGETREE P CROSS APPLY (SELECT TOP 1 * FROM #PERMISSIONS WHERE IsMatch = 1 AND PageID = P.PageID ORDER BY SiteName, PageSort, PageName, PageID, IsGlobal, Inherited, Depth, AuthSort) X WHERE P.IsAncestor = 0 -- get details for the blocks on each page SELECT P.PageID, P.PageName, B.ID AS BlockID, B.Zone, B.Name AS Block, T.Name AS BlockType, B.[Order] AS BlockSort INTO #BLOCKS FROM #PAGEPERMITS P INNER JOIN Block B ON B.PageID = P.PageID INNER JOIN BlockType T ON T.ID = B.BlockTypeID -- get all auth records related to the selected person for each block SELECT B.PageID, B.PageName, B.BlockID, B.Zone, B.Block, B.BlockType, A.AllowOrDeny, NULL AS InheritedFrom, CASE WHEN A.SpecialRole = 1 THEN '[All Users]' WHEN A.SpecialRole = 2 THEN '[Authenticated Users]' WHEN PP.ID IS NOT NULL THEN PP.NickName + ' ' + PP.LastName ELSE G.[Name] END AS SecurityRole, CAST(CASE WHEN A.SpecialRole IN (1,2) OR PA.PersonID = @PersonID THEN 1 WHEN M.ID IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS bit) AS IsMatch, A.[Order] AS AuthSort INTO #BLOCKPERMITS FROM #BLOCKS B INNER JOIN Auth A ON A.EntityID = B.BlockID AND A.EntityTypeID = @BlockEntityTypeID AND A.[Action] = @Action LEFT JOIN [Group] G ON G.ID = A.GroupID LEFT JOIN GroupMember M ON M.GroupID = G.ID AND M.PersonID = @PersonID AND M.IsArchived = 0 AND M.GroupMemberStatus = 1 LEFT JOIN PersonAlias PA ON PA.ID = A.PersonAliasID LEFT JOIN Person PP ON PP.ID = PA.PersonID UNION ALL SELECT B.PageID, B.PageName, B.BlockID, B.Zone, B.Block, B.BlockType, P.AllowOrDeny, P.InheritedFrom, P.SecurityRole, CAST(1 AS bit) AS IsMatch, 999 AS AuthSort FROM #BLOCKS B INNER JOIN #PAGEPERMITS P ON P.PageID = B.PageID -- return the site name SELECT Name FROM Site WHERE ID = @SiteID -- return the effective page permissions (inheritance not taken into account yet) SELECT * FROM #PAGEPERMITS ORDER BY PageSort, PageName, PageID -- return the effective block permissions (inheritance not taken into account yet) SELECT B.PageID, B.BlockID, B.Block, B.BlockType, B.Zone, X.AllowOrDeny, X.InheritedFrom, X.SecurityRole FROM #BLOCKS B CROSS APPLY (SELECT TOP 1 * FROM #BLOCKPERMITS WHERE BlockID = B.BlockID AND IsMatch = 1 ORDER BY AuthSort) X ORDER BY B.PageID, B.Zone, B.BlockSort, B.Block -- clean up DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #PAGETREE DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #PERMISSIONS DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #PAGEPERMITS DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #BLOCKS DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #BLOCKPERMITS Formatted Output: {%- assign personGUID = 'Global' | PageParameter:'Person' | Default:CurrentPerson.PrimaryAlias.Guid -%} {%- assign action = 'Global' | PageParameter:'Action' | Default:'View' -%} {%- assign siteID = 'Global' | PageParameter:'Website' | Default:'1' -%} {%- assign sitePages = table2.rows -%} {%- assign breadcrumbs = table1.rows[0].Name -%} {%- assign blocks = table3.rows -%} {%- capture childPagesLava -%} {%- raw -%} {%- assign pages = sitePages | Where:'ParentPageID', parentID | Sort:'Order' -%} {%- assign pageCount = pages | Size -%} {%- if pageCount > 0 %} <ul id="ChildPages{{ parentID }}" class="pages collapse in"> {%- for page in pages %} {%- capture crumb %} <i class="fa fa-caret-right page-{{ page.PageID }}"></i> {{ page.PageTitle }}{% endcapture -%} {%- capture breadcrumbs %}{{ breadcrumbs }}{{ crumb }}{% endcapture %} {%- assign cardClass = 'danger' -%} {%- if page.AllowOrDeny == 'A' %}{% assign cardClass = 'success' %}{% endif -%} {%- assign childCount = sitePages | Where:'ParentPageID',page.PageID | Size -%} <li class="d-flex"> <div class="card border-{{ cardClass }} page{% if parentID == 0 %} root{% endif %} flex-shrink-0"> <div class="card-header bg-{{ cardClass }} text-white" data-toggle="tooltip" data-html="true" data-original-title="{{ breadcrumbs }} <small>(ID: {{ page.PageID }})</small>"> {%- if childCount > 0 %} <span> <i class="{{ page.IconCssClass | Default:'fa fa-file' }}"></i> {{ page.PageTitle }} </span> {%- else %} <i class="{{ page.IconCssClass | Default:'fa fa-file' }}"></i> {{ page.PageTitle }} {%- endif %} </div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="card-text"> <div class="security-details d-flex mb-2"> <div class="flex-nowrap mr-2"> {%- if page.AllowOrDeny == 'A' -%} <span class="label label-success">Allow</span> {%- else -%} <span class="label label-danger">Deny</span> {%- endif -%} </div> <div class="flex-wrap flex-grow-1"> {%- if page.InheritedFrom != null %} <small><strong>Source:</strong> {{ page.InheritedFrom }}</small> {%- else %} <small><strong>Source:</strong> <span class="text-muted">(Self)</span></small> {%- endif -%}<br> <small><strong>Role/User:</strong> {{ page.SecurityRole }}</small> </div> </div> {%- assign pageBlocks = blocks | Where:'PageID',page.PageID -%} {%- assign blockCount = pageBlocks | Size -%} {%- if blockCount > 0 -%} <div class="page-details mb-2"> <small>{{ 'Block' | ToQuantity:blockCount }}</small>, <small>{{ 'Child Page' | ToQuantity:childCount }}</small> </div> <ul class="list-group blocks w-100 mb-0"> {%- for block in pageBlocks -%} {%- capture blockTooltip -%} <strong>Block ID:</strong> {{ block.BlockID }}<br> <strong>Type:</strong> {{ block.BlockType }}<br> <strong>Zone:</strong> {{ block.Zone }}<br> {%- if block.InheritedFrom != null -%} <strong>Source:</strong> {{ block.InheritedFrom }}<br> {%- else -%} <strong>Source:</strong> (Self)<br> {%- endif -%} <strong>Role/User:</strong> {{ block.SecurityRole }} {%- endcapture -%} <li class="list-group-item d-flex {% if block.AllowOrDeny == 'A' %}bg-green-100{% else %}bg-red-100{% endif %}" data-toggle="tooltip" data-html="true" title="{{ blockTooltip | StripNewlines }}"> <div class="flex-nowrap mr-2"> {%- if block.AllowOrDeny == 'A' -%} <span class="label label-success">Allow</span> {%- else -%} <span class="label label-danger">Deny</span> {%- endif %} </div> <div class="flex-wrap flex-grow-1"> {{ block.Block }} </div> </li> {%- endfor -%} </ul> {%- endif -%} </div> </div> </div> {%- assign parentID = page.PageID -%} {{ childPagesLava | RunLava }} //- follow the white rabbit {%- capture crumb %} <i class="fa fa-caret-right page-{{ page.PageID }}"></i> {{ page.PageTitle }}{% endcapture -%} {%- assign breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs | Replace:crumb,'' -%} </li> {%- endfor %} </ul> {%- endif %} {%- endraw -%} {%- endcapture -%} <style> ul.pages, .pages ul { vertical-align: top; padding-left: 0; } .pages ul { display: inline-block; } .pages > li { list-style: none; font-size: 14px; white-space: nowrap; } .pages .page { display: inline-block; width: 250px; margin: 0 15px 15px 0; white-space: normal; } .pages .page .card-header { padding: 4px 6px; } .pages .page .card-body { padding: 6px; } .pages .page .list-group-item { padding: 6px; } .pages .blocks li { font-size: 12px; } .card:before { content: ''; border: 12px solid transparent; border-left: 15px solid #ccc; border-right: none; position: absolute; right: 100%; top: 3px; margin-right: 1px; } .root:before { display: none; } </style> <div class="panel panel-block"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">Website: {{ table1.rows[0].Name }}</h3> </div> <div class="panel-body permissions"> {%- assign parentID = 0 -%} {{ childPagesLava | RunLava }} </div> </div> That's it! On initial page load, it should show your effective View permissions for every page and block on your internal Rock website. Follow Up Don't hesitate to leave a comment below or hit me up on Rock Chat (@JeffRichmond) if you have questions or find any issues with this recipe. Please let me know if find a situation where the recipe results don't match the actual permissions set up in your Rock instance. Also, if you come up with better or more efficient ways of doing anything in this recipe, please let me know about that as well. Thanks! Change Log 2024-05-15 - Initial Version 2024-05-16 - Added note about requiring Fluid