Description: Learn how to set up a workflow form to use at live events for participants to respond to a CTA. CTA might include Next Steps in Discipleship Journey, Join a Group, or information fill on person profile. Workflow can include follow up mechanisms like connection requests, group communications, and target group touch points.

Summary of How It Works: 

• Event attendees receive a text message with a link to a workflow form.

• Attendee fills out the form choosing their action(s).

• Workflow places the attendees in follow up groups appropriate for their choices.

Items Needed:

• Groups to add participants to based on CTA selections

• Workflow Form

• Page for workflow form

• SMS phone number set up in Rock

• Text message to send to participants with form link

• Check-in to capture event participants

Step #1 - Determine the Groups needed and set them up.

The Call-to-Action for each event will probably be a little different, so depending on what it is and the follow-up that will be done, several groups will need to be created. A new Group type can be created or an existing one used. These groups will be used in the Workflow.

  • Person icon > Group Viewer > Click ‘+’ to add new groups.


        Optional: If the follow-up is to be done through a Connection Requests. The Connection Opportunities need to already exist or be created as well to be used in the Workflow.

Step #2 – Import the Workflow

This workflow is part of the zip file below, download the JSON file called Event CTA WF which is an export of the workflow. Import it into Rock by using the Power Tools -> Workflow Import/Export feature. 

Step #3 – Update the Following Attributes in the Workflow 

  • CTA Selection 1 – 4 attributes – The name (label) for each of the choices to select from on the form should be represented here. An attribute is needed for each choice. (One multi-select attribute can be used for the selector if there aren’t any conditional form fields needed or filters needed like multi campus breakdowns. Using one attribute may also limit the options on the look of the form.)
           o Field Type = Multi-Select
           o Values = Name (label) of the choice to see/select on the form (Attribute Name field will be hidden on the form.)


  • Selection 1 Comment attribute – Used as a conditional form field if additional information is desired about one of the CTA Selection attributes. This attribute only becomes visible if a certain CTA Selection attribute is selected. Edit this attribute in the workflow or add additional attributes with the appropriate Field Type to capture the desired information.

  • CR Opportunity 1 -2 attributes – These attributes can be set to create Connection Requests by the workflow when certain CTA Selections has been chosen. The attributes set as a default the Connection Opportunity for which the connection requests will be created.         

                  o Name = Name of Connection Opportunity

                  o Field Type = Connection Opportunity

                  o Connection Type = Select the Connection Type for the Connection Opportunity

                  o Default Value = Select the Connection Opportunity


Step #4 – Edit Copy Text HTML and Lava in Workflow Form

  • Set WF Name Action in both the Start and Unknown Person Activities – Edit the ‘Event Name’ in the Text Value field.


  • Form Action Text HTML edits in both the Start and Unknown Person Activities

              o Form Header – Edit the text in line 2 to be the text above the CTA selections.


             o Form Footer and Response Text – If desired edit the wording in the footer message and add the appropriate Response Text messaging. 


  • If having a Connection Request created and wanting to add a comment on it, on the Set CR Comment attribute Action in both the Start and Unknown Person Activities the messaging and any attribute selection lava will be added here. 


Step #5 – Update the Follow Up Activities in the Workflow

The remaining activities in the workflow will place the participants in the appropriate groups, connection opportunities, etc. for follow up. The workflow shows how to add participants to groups and connection opportunities based on their selections. Other actions can be added to facilitate other means of follow up.

  • Add specific Groups created in Step #1 to the Add to Event Group Action in both the Start and Unknown Person Activities and to the  Add Selection Group # Action in each Selection Group # Activity needed.

               o Group Type = Select the Group Type used for the groups created in Step #1 or for the existing groups being used.

               o Group = Select appropriate group.


  • If creating Connection Requests, check to see if all the fields are populated correctly.
  • Rename the Activities and Actions to reflect the CTA Selections.

Step #6 – Create an External Page for the WF Form

  • Page Layout = Simple Card


  • Under Advanced Settings tab, set the Page Routes to ‘eventc2a’. 


 If another page route is used, it will need to be edited in the workflow on the Forms Action in the Start Activity. The page route is used in the script located in the Form Footer to redirect the page to a logged out state. If a personalized tokenized link is used in the text message sent to participants, the page route will also need to be reset there as well.


  • In Headline Zone add an HTML Content Block under Blocks from Page. This block will contain the graphic for the workflow form.


  • In the HTML Block content add the following to put a graphic above the workflow form - <img src="/Content/[Name of image file]" width=60%>
  • In Headline Zone add another Block under Blocks from Page. This Block is a Workflow Entry Block which will contain the Workflow Type created above in Step #2. Click the Gear icon to set the block properties.



At the Event:

  • Create SMS communication with the link to the workflow form. Optional: Use a personalized token link which can be found in the workflow description field. Make sure and change the page route if a new one was created.
  • Send the SMS communication to the Attendees in the Event’s Check-In Group at the appropriate time during the event.