2 Recurring Donor Contribution Email Notification Shared by Steve Klein, Liquid Church 5 months ago 14.0 Administration / Finance Beginner SummaryWhen we switched from Pushpay to My Well, we noticed that Rock does not automatically send an email confirmation to our donors when they set up a recurring contribution, so we created a workflow to generate this. The workflow is triggered on each new Financial Scheduled Transaction.SetupDownload and install the attached workflow in your environment (Admin Tools > Power Tools > Workflow Import/Export).Edit the workflow and update the Send Email action to meet your needs. Note that the branding and the link to the recurring gifts page will need to be adjusted.Set up a new workflow trigger to launch the workflow for each recurring gift (Admin Tools > General Settings > Workflow Triggers) - see below:That's it! Make sure you test it yourself and double check everything. Reach out on Rocket Chat @steve.klein to let me know how it worked for you or if you have any questions! Download File