3 Quick Email Reply! Shared by Chase Franklin, Free Chapel 5 months ago 12.0 Communications, Connection Beginner One of our most helpful additions is a Email Quick Reply button on Connection Requests. It's great for Contact Us forms, or anywhere else you might need to reply via email. Saves you time, we guarantee it!Once you set it up, here's how it works:1. Open up a Connection Request2. Click Quick Email Reply3. A page opens that's prefilled with lots of great info and options about replying to that request.4. Type your message back to them.5. When you click Send, your email is sent, your message back to them is added as an Activity, and you can optionally mark the request as Connected.Here's what the email looks like that the requestor gets:Installation:-Grab the attached workflow and import it-Set the Activity Performed Attribute to the ConnectionActivityType for your Connection Type.-Update the redirect address action to match the Connection Opportunity Board page for your instance.-Add it as Manual workflow trigger in the settings of whatever connections you'd like to use it! Download File