The Why

This comes from a RocketChat thread about the best way to deal with formatting postal codes that could either be 5 digits or a longer format (43609-4100 vs 43609). This recipe shows a solution using a Lava Shortcode to format the address from either LocationId or GroupLocationId.

How This Works

Let's assume you have an address (the example given was "2 Hippo Way Toledo, OH 43609-4100"). The following code:

{[ address locationid:'1047' fields:'Street1,City,State,PostalCodeShortened' ]}
Will return 2 Hippo Way Toledo, OH 43609

The Shortcode


  • grouplocationid / locationid / locationguid: One of these is required.
  • fields: Comma-separated list of fields. See Location model for available fields. *
  • json: (optional) Return the data in a json instead of formatted text.
  • * Note: PostalCodeShortened will only return the first 5 digits of a postal code.

The Code:

    {% if grouplocationid != empty and grouplocationid != null %}
        {% grouplocation where:'Id == {{ grouplocationid }}'  securityenabled:'false' %}
            {% assign locationid = grouplocation.LocationId %}
        {% endgrouplocation %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if locationguid != empty and locationguid != null %}
        {% location where:'Guid == {{ locationguid }}' securityenabled:'false' %}
        {% endlocation %}
    {% else %}
        {% location where:'Id == {{ locationid }}' securityenabled:'false' %}
        {% endlocation %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if json == 'true' %}
        {% assign fields = fields | Split:',' %}
        {% capture json -%}
                {%- for field in fields -%}
                    {%- if field == "PostalCodeShortened" -%}
                        "PostalCodeShortened": {{ location.PostalCode | Split:'-' | First | ToJSON }}
                    {%- else -%}
                        {{ field | ToJSON }}: {{ location | Property:field | ToJSON }}
                    {%- endif -%}
                    {%- unless forloop.last -%},{%- endunless -%}
                {%- endfor -%}
        {%- endcapture -%}
        {{ json | FromJSON | ToJSON }}
    {% else %}
        {% assign fields = fields | Default:'Street1,City,State,PostalCodeShortened' | Split:',' | Join:' + " " + ' %}
        {% assign fields = fields | Replace:'City + " " + State','City + ", " + State' %}
        {% assign fields = fields | Replace:'PostalCodeShortened','PostalCode.SubString(0,5)' %}
        {% location where:'Id == {{ locationid }}' select:'new ({{ fields }} AS Formatted)' securityenabled:'false' %}
            {{ location.Formatted }}
        {% endlocation %}
    {% endif %}