1 Clearstream - Launch Rock Workflows Instantly With Webhooks Shared by Zack Dutra, Bayside Covenant Church 2 days ago 14.0 Communications, Workflow Advanced The Push to Rock RMS > Launch Workflow step in Clearstream is helpful, but has one limitation. It depends on the Rock Process Workflows job. That results in workflows not being launched instantly when at times that is needed. Here's an alternative way to do that. Workflow Type Setup Create a new Workflow Type in Rock, with any name for testing. Add the following text attributes: RawBody - this will be the body of what we receive from Monday.com WebhookResponse - this exact Attribute key is used to send a response back to the server as shown in the code: https://github.com/SparkDevNetwork/Rock/blob/abdd23cfb5365d931ca15834fcd8ed8c86738e94/RockWeb/Webhooks/LaunchWorkflow.ashx#L282 Under the default Start activity, add a new action (Attribute Set Value) named Set Workflow Response. We need to set the value of the WebhookResponse attribute to the attribute value of RawBody. Save the Workflow Type Webhook to Workflow Setup A starting point to look over first is here: https://community.rockrms.com/documentation/bookcontent/12/304#configuringawebhooktoaworkflow Under the Defined Types, open the Workflow Webhook type. Add a new defined value and name it Clearstream Keyword In the process request field, you can add some lava to filter requests. For example, the lava {% assign rawBody = RawBody | FromJSON %}{% assign keyword = rawBody.data.keyword.name %}{% if keyword == 'devotional' %}True{% else %}False{% endif %} would filter in our case to Clearstream triggers with that keyword. Under Workflow Type, select the workflow type created in the previous step. Under Workflow Attributes, set RawBody to {{ RawBody }}, which will pass the body of the request into our workflow. There are other variables you can use in your workflow as well, which are documented in the Defined Type help text. Save the value. Clearstream Setup While logged in as an admin on Clearstream, visit https://app.clearstream.io/settings/api Click on Create Webhook Set the action to keyword.used Create the webhook with the URL in this format, replacing your domain and workflowtypeid from the created workflow: https://rocksolidchurch.com/Webhooks/LaunchWorkflow.ashx?WorkflowTypeId=1172& Click Create Webhook and you'll be taken to the manage webhook page. Text your keyword and you should see Clearstream pick it up as SUCCEEDED. If the previous test was successful, you will also see a workflow run in Rock.