I have often found it diffucult to return the pledge analysis information needed by my organization using the built in tools. For various reasons we do not follow the best practice of creating a new financial account for each pledge year/period. Instead, we need to rely on the pledges start and end date based on either the current date or a selected date. We also need to be able to figure out the pledge status based on that selected date. If we are 50% through the year, anything at or above 50% of the pledge given would be considered meets or over.

We want two different reports.

First we want a list of people who pledged to a particular account, how much they pledged, how much they gave, how far ahead/behind they are, and when they last gave.

Screenshot 2019-10-29 16.01.28.png

Second, we wanted an easy to read chart that summarizes the information below giving pledge counts based on status and total difference between pledged and given for all statuses(Over, Under, and Meets). Below is a picture of the summary report. For both reports, we need to be able to select the account and date we want to run the report up to.

Screenshot 2019-10-29 15.50.22.png

You will need to create a page with three blocks.

  • BEMA's Page Filter Parameters Two plugin Block with three filters 
    1. Financial Account(Single-Select) with the following sql which will return the accounts with pledges
      Select Distinct 
                                  fa.PublicName as Text, 
                                  fa.Guid as Value 
                              From FinancialAccount fa
                              Inner Join FinancialPledge fp
                              on fp.AccountId = fa.Id
                              Order By Fa.PublicName
    2. Analysis Date(Date Type) for selecting the date you want to run the report against.
  • Dynamic Data Block 1 - The first dynamic data block returns the people list of pledges active at the date selected or the current date if left blank with the following settings.
    • Query:
                          {%- if PageParameter['ActivePledges'] -%}
          {%- assign active = PageParameter['ActivePledges'] -%}
      {%- endif -%}
      {%- if PageParameter['FinancialAccount'] -%}
          {%- assign account = PageParameter['FinancialAccount'] -%}
      {%- endif -%}
      {%- if PageParameter['AnalysisDate'] -%}
          {%- assign analysisdate = PageParameter['AnalysisDate'] -%}
      {%- endif -%}
      {%- if account -%}
      {%- if analysisdate -%}
      Declare @endDate as Date = '{{ analysisdate | Date: 'yyyy-MM-dd' }}' -- Date Set
      {% else %}
      Declare @endDate as Date = getDate() -- get Date
      {% endif %}
      Declare @account as Int = (Select Id From FinancialAccount Where [Guid] = '{{account}}')
      DECLARE @PledgeReport table (PledgeId int, AccountId int, StartDate date, EndDate date, PersonId int, PledgeAmount decimal, TotalGiven decimal,PercentPledgeGiven decimal, PledgeProgress decimal )
      INSERT INTO @PledgeReport 
                  fp.Id as PledgeId
                  , fp.AccountId as AccountId
                  , fp.StartDate
                  , fp.EndDate
                  , p.Id
                  , fp.TotalAmount as PledgeAmount
                  , Case When [TotalGiven] is Null  Then 0 Else [TotalGiven] End as TotalGiven
                  , Case When TotalGiven is Null Then 0 Else Floor(Cast(TotalGiven as Decimal) / Cast(fp.TotalAmount as Decimal) * 100) End As PercentPledgeGiven
                  , Case
                  When Cast(DATEDIFF(day, fp.StartDate, @endDate) as Decimal) / Cast(DateDiff(day, fp.StartDate, fp.EndDate) as Decimal) > 1 Then 100
                  When TotalGiven = 0 Then 0
                  Else Floor(Cast(DATEDIFF(day, fp.StartDate, @endDate) as Decimal) / Cast(DateDiff(day, fp.StartDate, fp.EndDate) as Decimal) * 100)
                  End as PledgeProgress
              From FinancialPledge fp
              Join PersonAlias pa
                  on pa.Id = fp.PersonAliasId
              Inner Join Person p on pa.PersonId = p.Id
              Left Outer Join PhoneNumber pn
                  On pn.PersonId = p.Id and NumberTypeValueId = 12
              Outer Apply (
                      Sum(aft.Amount) Over (Partition By fp.Id) as TotalGiven
              From AnalyticsFactFinancialTransaction aft
                  aft.TransactionDateTime >= fp.StartDate
                  and aft.TransactionDateTime <= @endDate
                  and p.GivingGroupId = aft.GivingGroupId
                  and fp.AccountId = aft.AccountId
              ) as [Sum]
                  fp.AccountId = @account
                      and fp.StartDate <= @endDate
                      and fp.EndDate >= @endDate
              , fa.[Name]
              , p.FirstName + ' ' + p.LastName as FullName
              , spouse.FirstName + ' ' + spouse.LastName as Spouse
              , p.Email
              , dbo.ufnCrm_GetAddress(p.Id,'Home','FormattedHtmlAddress') as [Address]
              , pn.NumberFormatted as MobilePhone
              , Concat(PledgeProgress,'%') as PledgeProgress
              , Concat(PercentPledgeGiven,'%') as '% Pledge Given'
              , Case
                  When tpt.PercentPledgeGiven > tpt.PledgeProgress then 'Over'
                  When tpt.PercentPledgeGiven = tpt.PledgeProgress then 'Meets'
                  ELse 'Under'   
              End as PledgeStatus
              , FORMAT(PledgeAmount, 'C') as TotalPledge
              , FORMAT([TotalGiven], 'C') as [TotalGiven]
              , Format(TotalGiven - (PledgeAmount), 'C') as DifferenceFromTotalPledge
              , Format(PledgeAmount * (PledgeProgress / 100),'C') as PledgeToDate
              , Format(TotalGiven - (PledgeAmount * (PledgeProgress / 100)), 'C') as DifferenceToDate
              , av.ValueAsDateTime as LastGave
      From @PledgeReport  tpt 
      Inner Join FinancialAccount fa
          on fa.Id = tpt.AccountId
      Inner Join Person p
      on p.Id = tpt.PersonId
      Left Outer Join PhoneNumber pn
                  On pn.PersonId = p.Id and NumberTypeValueId = 12
      Left Outer Join AttributeValue av
                  on p.Id = av.EntityId and AttributeId = 1788
      Left OUter Join Person spouse
                  on spouse.Id = dbo.ufnCrm_GetSpousePersonIDFromPersonId(p.Id)
      {%- endif -%}
    • Hide Columns - For us, these columns were wanted on the sql export but not needed on the screen.
      • PledgeId, Name, Address, Email, MobilePhone, Id
    • Selection Url - /page/159?pledgeId={PledgeId}
    • Timeout - 60
  • Dynamic Data Block 2 - The second dynamci data block shows the pledge analytics based on the number over, under, or meeting their pledge, by how much over the total pledge and by how much for the pledge to the selected date.
    • Query:
                      {%- if PageParameter['FinancialAccount'] -%}
                          {%- assign account = PageParameter['FinancialAccount'] -%}
                      {%- endif -%}
                      {%- if PageParameter['AnalysisDate'] -%}
                          {%- assign analysisdate = PageParameter['AnalysisDate'] -%}
                      {%- endif -%}
                      {%- if account -%}
                      {%- if analysisdate -%}
                          Declare @endDate as Date = '{{ analysisdate | Date: 'yyyy-MM-dd' }}' -- Date Set
                      {% else %}
                          Declare @endDate as Date = getDate() -- get Date
                      {% endif %}
                      Declare @account as Int = (Select Id From FinancialAccount Where [Guid] = '{{account}}')
                                  fp.Id as PledgeId
                                  , getDate() as DateRan
                                  , @endDate as SettingEndDate
                                  , fa.Name
                                  , fa.Id as AccountId
                                  , fp.StartDate
                                  , fp.EndDate
                                  , fp.TotalAmount as PledgeAmount
                                  , Case When [TotalGiven] is Null  Then 0 Else [TotalGiven] End as TotalGiven
                                  , Case When TotalGiven is Null Then 0 Else Floor(Cast(TotalGiven as Decimal) / Cast(fp.TotalAmount as Decimal) * 100) End As PercentPledgeGiven
                                  , Case
                                  When Cast(DATEDIFF(day, fp.StartDate, @endDate) as Decimal) / Cast(DateDiff(day, fp.StartDate, fp.EndDate) as Decimal) > 1 Then 100
                                  When TotalGiven = 0 Then 0
                                  Else Floor(Cast(DATEDIFF(day, fp.StartDate, @endDate) as Decimal) / Cast(DateDiff(day, fp.StartDate, fp.EndDate) as Decimal) * 100)
                                  End as PledgeProgress
                                  , Case
                                      When Cast(DATEDIFF(day, fp.StartDate, @endDate) as Decimal) / Cast(DateDiff(day, fp.StartDate, fp.EndDate) as NVarChar(4)) > 1 Then '100%'
                                      Else Concat(Cast(Floor(Cast(DATEDIFF(day, fp.StartDate, @endDate) as Decimal) / Cast(DateDiff(day, fp.StartDate, fp.EndDate) as decimal) * 100) as NVarChar(15)),'%') 
                                  End as '% of Pledge Term Completed'
                                  , av.ValueAsDateTime as LastGave
                              into #TempPledgeTable    
                              From FinancialPledge fp
                              Join PersonAlias pa
                                  on pa.Id = fp.PersonAliasId
                              Inner Join Person p on pa.PersonId = p.Id
                              Inner Join FinancialAccount fa
                                  on fa.Id = fp.AccountId
                              Left Outer Join AttributeValue av
                                  on p.Id = av.EntityId and AttributeId = 1788
                              Outer Apply (
                                      Sum(aft.Amount) Over (Partition By fp.Id) as TotalGiven
                              From AnalyticsFactFinancialTransaction aft
                                  aft.TransactionDateTime >= fp.StartDate
                                  and aft.TransactionDateTime <= @endDate
                                  and p.GivingGroupId = aft.GivingGroupId
                                  and fp.AccountId = aft.AccountId
                              ) as [Sum]
                                  fp.StartDate <= @endDate
                                  and fp.EndDate >= @endDate
                                  and fp.AccountId = @account
                              , [TotalGiven] as AmountGiven
                              , PledgeAmount * (PledgeProgress / 100) as PledgeToDate
                              , TotalGiven - (PledgeAmount * (PledgeProgress / 100)) as DifferenceToDate
                              , TotalGiven - (PledgeAmount) as DifferenceFromTotalPledge
                              , Case
                                  When tpt.PercentPledgeGiven > tpt.PledgeProgress then 'Over'
                                  When tpt.PercentPledgeGiven = tpt.PledgeProgress then 'Meets'
                                  ELse 'Under'   
                              End as PledgeStatus
                      From #TempPledgeTable tpt 
                      Drop Table #TempPledgetable
                      {%- endif -%}
    • Timeout - 60
    • Formatted Output
                              {%- if PageParameter['FinancialAccount'] -%}
                              {%- assign account = PageParameter['FinancialAccount'] -%}
                          {%- endif -%}
                          {%- if PageParameter['AnalysisDate'] -%}
                              {%- assign analysisdate = PageParameter['AnalysisDate'] -%}
                          {% else %}
                              {%- assign analysisdate = 'Now' | Date:'MM/dd/yyyy' -%}
                          {%- endif -%}
                          {% if account %}
                          {% assign count = 0 %}
                          {% assign PledgeOverCount = 0 %}
                          {% assign PledgeOver = 0 %}
                          {% assign PledgeOverToDate = 0 %}
                          {% assign GivenOver = 0 %}
                          {% assign PledgeMeetsCount = 0 %}
                          {% assign PledgeMeets = 0 %}
                          {% assign GivenMeets = 0 %}
                          {% assign PledgeMeetsToDate = 0 %}
                          {% assign PledgeUnderCount = 0 %}
                          {% assign PledgeUnder = 0 %}
                          {% assign GivenUnder = 0 %}
                          {% assign PledgeUnderToDate = 0 %}
                          {% for row in rows %}
                              {% if row.PledgeStatus == 'Over' %}
                                  {% assign count = count | Plus:1 %}
                                  {% assign PledgeOverCount =  PledgeOverCount | Plus: 1 %}
                                  {% assign PledgeOver = PledgeOver | Plus: row.PledgeAmount %}
                                  {% assign PledgeOverToDate = row.PledgeToDate | Plus: PledgeOverToDate %}
                                  {% assign GivenOver = GivenOver | Plus: row.AmountGiven %}
                              {% elseif row.PledgeStatus == 'Meets' %}
                                  {% assign count = count | Plus:1 %}
                                  {% assign PledgeMeetsCount =  PledgeMeetsCount | Plus: 1 %}
                                  {% assign PledgeMeets = PledgeMeets | Plus: row.PledgeAmount %}
                                  {% assign PledgeMeetsToDate = row.PledgeToDate | Plus: PledgeMeetsToDate %}
                                  {% assign GivenMeets = GivenMeets | Plus: row.AmountGiven %}
                              {% else %}
                                  {% assign count = count | Plus:1 %}
                                  {% assign PledgeUnderCount =  PledgeUnderCount | Plus: 1 %}
                                  {% assign PledgeUnder = PledgeUnder | Plus: row.PledgeAmount %}
                                  {% assign PledgeUnderToDate = row.PledgeToDate | Plus: PledgeUnderToDate %}
                                  {% assign GivenUnder = GivenUnder | Plus: row.AmountGiven %}
                              {% endif %}
                          {% endfor %}
                          <div class="panel panel-default"> 
                              <div class="panel-heading"> {% capture title %}Pledge Analysis for {{rows[0].Name}} as of {{analysisdate | Date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}}{% endcapture %}{{title | SetPageTitle }}{{ title }}</div> 
                              <div class="panel-body"> 
                              <table class="table-striped table table-hover table-responsive table-sm"> 
                                      <th> Pledge Status:</th> 
                                      <th> Pledge Count:</th> 
                                      <th> Total $ Pledged:</th> 
                                      <th> Total $ Pledge To Date:</th> 
                                      <th> Total $ Given:</th> 
                                      <th> Difference To Date:</th> 
                                      <th> Pledge Difference:</th> 
                                      <td> Over</td> 
                                      <td> {{ PledgeOverCount }}</td> 
                                      <td> {{ PledgeOver | FormatAsCurrency }}</td> 
                                      <td> {{ PledgeOverToDate | FormatAsCurrency}}</td> 
                                      <td> {{ GivenOver | FormatAsCurrency}}</td> 
                                      <td> {{ GivenOver | Minus:PledgeOverToDate | FormatAsCurrency }}</td> 
                                      <td> {{GivenOver | Minus: PledgeOver | FormatAsCurrency}}</td> 
                                      <td> Meets</td> 
                                      <td> {{ PledgeMeetsCount }}</td> 
                                      <td> {{ PledgeMeets | FormatAsCurrency }}</td> 
                                      <td> {{ PledgeMeetsToDate | FormatAsCurrency}}</td> 
                                      <td> {{ GivenMeets | FormatAsCurrency}}</td> 
                                      <td> {{ GivenMeets | Minus:PledgeMeetsToDate | FormatAsCurrency }}</td> 
                                      <td> {{GivenMeets | Minus: PledgeMeets | FormatAsCurrency}}</td> 
                                      <td> Under</td> 
                                      <td> {{ PledgeUnderCount }}</td> 
                                      <td> {{ PledgeUnder | FormatAsCurrency }}</td> 
                                      <td> {{ PledgeUnderToDate | FormatAsCurrency}}</td> 
                                      <td> {{ GivenUnder | FormatAsCurrency}}</td> 
                                      <td> {{ GivenUnder | Minus:PledgeUnderToDate | FormatAsCurrency }}</td> 
                                      <td> {{GivenUnder | Minus: PledgeUnder | FormatAsCurrency}}</td> 
                                      {% assign totalPledged = PledgeUnder | Plus: PledgeOver | Plus: PledgeMeets %}
                                      {% assign totalPledgedToDate = PledgeUnderToDate | Plus: PledgeOverToDate | Plus: PledgeMeetsToDate %}
                                      {% assign totalGiven = GivenUnder | Plus: GivenOver | Plus: GivenMeets %}
                                  <tr style="border-top:1px solid black;" > 
                                      <th> Total</td> 
                                      <th> {{ PledgeUnderCount | Plus: PledgeOverCount | Plus: PledgeMeetsCount }}</th> 
                                      <th> {{ totalPledged | FormatAsCurrency }}</th> 
                                      <th> {{ totalPledgedToDate | FormatAsCurrency}}</th> 
                                      <th> {{ totalGiven | FormatAsCurrency}}</th> 
                                      <th> {{ totalGiven | Minus:totalPledgedToDate | FormatAsCurrency }}</th> 
                                      <th> {{totalGiven | Minus: totalPledged | FormatAsCurrency}}</th> 
                          {% else %}
                          <div class="alert alert-info">Please select a Financial Account and Click Filter</div>
                          {% endif %}