
Presenter: Jon Edmiston Length: 13:57

The following Lava code examples are used in this video:

<h1>Hello {{ Person.NickName }}!</h1>
<h1>Hello {{ Person.NickName | Upcase }}!</h1>
There are many {{ Workflow.WorkTerm | Pluralize | Downcase }} in the system. {{'Man' | Pluralize }} like {{'Goose' | Pluralize }}.
{% assign phonecount = Person.PhoneNumbers | Size %}
Ted has {{ 'phone number' | ToQuantity:phonecount }}.
Today is {{ 'Now' | Date:'dddd, MMMM d, yyyy' }}.
{{ Person.FullName }} was married {{ Person.AnniversaryDate | HumanizeDateTime }}.
{{CurrentPerson.NickName}} works at 
{{ CurrentPerson | Attribute:'Employer'}}.
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