RX2019 Sessions

RX2019 Sessions

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State of Rock

Jon Edmiston & Emily Forman, Spark Development Network

Hear from senior leadership at Spark Development Network who will present the annual State of Rock update.

Length: 1:14:58s

The Unnamed, Unknown Hero

Michael Mullikin, NewSpring Church

Michael Mullikin is the Lead pastor of Operations at NewSpring Church. He has a passion to see the church use technology to help people take their next steps with Christ. He believes the more we embrace technology the more effective we can be reaching unbelievers. NewSpring Church has been a part of the Rock community since the beginning. In this session he will talk about how technologists are many times the unnamed, unknown heroes of someone's next step.

Length: 24:36s

Launch With Your Why

Terry Storch, Life.Church

We're excited to host Terry Storch, Digerati pastor at Life.Church and co-founder of YouVersion. Meeting in multiple locations around the United States, and globally at Church Online, Life.Church is known for the innovative use of technology to spread the Gospel. All dynamic areas of digital ministry and technology reside under Terry’s leadership at Life.Church, including YouVersion, Bible Labs, Church Online, IT, Interactive, and Open Network teams.

Length: 35:31s

Introducing Rock Mobile

Jon Edmiston, Spark Development Network

Jon Edmiston discusses the new Rock Mobile App and debuts its features and functionality.

Length: 30:32s

Creating Attendee 10xers: How LCBC Church Uses Rock to Connect with First Time Guests

Adam Hann, LCBC Church

Most churches focus on bringing and inviting new people to church. But what happens when they get there and how do you help those new visitors connect? After only being on Rock for a few months, LCBC wanted to tackle our attendee on-boarding process as our first big project. Check out this session to see how we are keeping staff accountable to the process while creating tools in Rock to equip our staff to connect with those who are taking their first steps into our organization.

Length: 29:24s

Leading Through Rock Process Changes Without Leaving Anyone Behind

Mike Sherman, Calvary Church - St. Peters, MO

Transitioning to using Rock presents a number of challenges. One challenge we can forget or that can be hidden by the others is managing our team or teams through the ministry process changes that Rock will bring. We know that eventually, things will be better - they don't know that - and they have to live through the experience. Leading (up, down and across) through that change is key to maximizing Rock in your organization.

Length: 30:13s

Innovation Advancements in Ministry

Matt Engel, Gloo

In this session, we will have a conversation and bring visibility into some exciting trends happening across technology and ministry intersections. Innovation within ministry is rapidly shifting toward formalizing around a construct: a Spirit-Led, Christ-Centered Data-Informed approach to ministry.

Length: 31:46s

Vendor Session: Simplifying Your Rock Transition

Michael Roth, Divine Technology Systems (DTS)

Looking for ways to make your ChMS migration less complicated? Divine Tech founder Michael Roth will share 5 steps to an easier, more user-friendly Rock transition. Come with questions!

RX Technologies

Michael Garrison, Spark Development Network

Hear from the core development team as we discuss takeaways, check-in scanners, registrations, and more.

Length: 30:01s

Unknown to Known: Using Rock to Know and Shepherd your People

Sarah Carver, The Summit Church

As the local church, we are called to know and shepherd our people. As we know more about our people, we have the responsibility to steward that information well. Why not use every tool available to set our pastoral teams up for success? In this presentation, you’ll learn how The Summit Church is using Rock’s powerful features to better know and shepherd their growing congregation.

Length: 24:27s

Creating Your Church’s Rock Roadmap

DJ Grick, Moving Communities to Christ

You are sold that Rock RMS is the platform to support your organization’s vision moving into the future. But how do you get started? Join us as we help you draw a roadmap for success.

Length: 24:04s

Wi-Fi Presence: Know and Engage With Your Anonymous People

Derek Maxson, Wifi Presence (from Ministry Dynamics)

As families become increasingly mobile and drawn in many directions, it becomes essential for church leaders to have tools which help them to more effectively shepherd and understand their congregations. Using existing Wi-Fi technology, Wi-Fi Presence helps bring new visibility to church attendance, enabling churches to know individual attendance trends, even for those who might fall through the cracks of other traditional attendance systems such as connection cards and check-ins. You'll learn how to associate mobile phones to real people and better understand member engagement and connect with visitors.

Length: 29:24s

Vendor Session: Meet Simple Donation - The Payment Partner You've Been Looking For

Josh Crews & Taylor Brooks, Simple

Are you happy with your current giving vendor? Does everything work without issue? Is reconciliation a breeze for your finance team? If everything is swell, DO NOT come to this session. On the other hand... are you locked into a contract? Are you paying higher fees than you should? Does the system you use create extra work that takes more of your team's time? Do you wish you had a single solution for giving, event registration, text-to-give AND point-of-sale? See our approach and come ask questions to churches who have made life simpler by trusting Simple Donation as their long-term payments partner.

Length: 16:51s

Using Process to Maximize Your Ministry

Frank Grand, NewSpring Church

Many times church staff can see process as a barrier to caring for people. In this session, we'll talk about how, for NewSpring Church, process is critical to the shepherding of our people. We'll share some stories and give some practical examples of how we use process in Rock to maximize the ministry our staff can accomplish.

Length: 29:54s

Spreadsheet is the French Word for Loophole

Scott Ballard, The Village Church - Flower Mound

We're are always looking for ways to improve our ministry processes. We found that spreadsheets are great for numbers, but not managing people or updating processes. Using the power of Rock, we have improved ministries by moving away from using spreadsheets. In this session, we'll talk about workflows that improved various processes to keep the necessary information in front of the right people and eliminate the loopholes.

Length: 24:06s

9 Critical Keys to a Successful Rock Launch

Chris Nelson & Mark Kitts, Traders Point Christian Church

Launching Rock is far more than just loading software on a server, as the team at Traders Point Christian Church can tell you. This session explores the key principles every church should consider for getting your entire team transitioned from your current ChMS/CMS to Rock. We’ll provide the step by step plan we followed, with a strategic “launch timeline” template you can keep, and we'll recommend resources that helped our multi-site church of 8,000 make a seamless transition.

Length: 28:07s

Leveraging Personality and Behavioral Assessments in Rock Part 1

Greg Wiens & Dave Phillips, Healthy Growing Leaders

Jump start your knowledge of the TrueWiring© suite of personality assessment instruments to support your people-centered decision-making processes. Learn techniques to help you identify potential leaders or volunteers by understanding specific themes and details of TrueWiring©. We will discuss how to use the information from these tools to empower you to communicate with your congregation. You will learn how to use the more than 60 scales for selecting, identifying and recruiting specific types of volunteers who possess unique attributes. There’s a lot to cover, but we will do our best to hit the hotspots during these two sessions and equip you to leverage your TrueWiring© suite to make impactful and helpful decisions.

Length: 27:53s

Vendor Session: Building a Church-Growth Website Google Loves

Jason Hamrock, Missional Marketing

Learn how a Rock-based church website can use Google tools to help grow your church, covering on-site SEO, Local SEO, Google Grant, our own church-growth console, and building a Story-brand page that gets engagement instead of bounces. If you're into church growth, catch this talk. Free custom church-growth report for those who attend.

Keeping Up With and Supporting a Fast-Paced Ministry

Philip Duffie, North Point Ministries

Why are some churches early adopters while others are slow to the game? North Point launched Rock in April 2019 and is continuing to roll out features commonly used by many churches, but new to North Point. We’ll talk through our pursuit to serve our ministries in a way that allows technology to only be a value-add, but never a road block, to our attendees and staff. Sometimes that means creating new solutions and other times it means being late adopters of current solutions.

Length: 30:08s

Optimizing Connection Requests: From Inquiry to Application to Placement

Eddie Holeman & Debbie Thurston, Fellowship Greenville

Using workflows, Fellowship Greenville has empowered connectors with a click of a button within a connection request to send the requester a link to a web-based application while capturing this activity within the connection request. The connector can then see in activities that an application was sent and when the requester completes it, so the connector is able to move this person forward in the placement process. This presentation will walk through the steps to show how you can create this in your Rock Connection system.

Length: 22:37s

Life.Church Onboarding for New Churches

Tyler Vance, Life.Church

Trust me you want to Rock! If you're new to the Rock community or even still considering the product, learn how you can make the transition with ease. Bring your questions and be prepared to join an incredible community here to support you.

Length: 29:14s

Leveraging Personality and Behavioral Assessments in Rock Part 2

Greg Wiens & Dave Phillips, Healthy Growing Leaders

Jump start your knowledge of the TrueWiring© suite of personality assessment instruments to support your people-centered decision-making processes. Learn techniques to help you identify potential leaders or volunteers by understanding specific themes and details of TrueWiring©. We will discuss how to use the information from these tools to empower you to communicate with your congregation. You will learn how to use the more than 60 scales for selecting, identifying and recruiting specific types of volunteers who possess unique attributes. There’s a lot to cover, but we will do our best to hit the hotspots during these two sessions and equip you to leverage your TrueWiring© suite to make impactful and helpful decisions.

Length: 29:46s

Vendor Session: Chatbot: Reach, Retain and Connect Your Congregation

Amy McCollum & Daniel Boorn, OnlineGiving.org

Church chatbot is a innovative vital tool, for reaching and retaining guests. Connect the congregation and grow your church. Text-based Christ acceptance, baptism sign-ups, connection cards, and more. Chatbot connects people and connects their data to your Rock RMS. OnlineGiving's platform can provide you with the integrated cutting edge solutions your ministry needs to engage your people.

Cleanup on Aisle 4

Tom Powers, Southeast Christian Church

Umpteen years and several church management systems ago, someone thought that it was a good idea to store everyone’s favorite worship hymn. How do you know if anyone is even accessing that data anymore, and if they are, is it even stored in a way that people can make use of it? We’ll work through ways of identifying and cleaning up your mounds of historical data in Rock.

Length: 30:47s

Rock and Vineyard Cincinnati's Healing Center Integration

David Gonzalez, Vineyard Cincinnati Church

The Healing Center is a ministry of Vineyard Cincinnati that provides over 50 unique services designed to help people meet their practical, social, emotional, spiritual, and financial needs. We needed Rock to help us process and organize our guests’ needs and data as well as identify ways we can help them be self-sufficient. We partnered with Willow Creek and Rock to expand on Rock's features to meet that need.

Length: 25:49s

No Web Developer? No Problem!

Danielle Vos, Christ the King Church

Here's how a non-developer can improve their Rock instance. Tips and tricks to customize your Rock instance when your church doesn't have a web developer.

Length: 18:22s

Your Website is Your Welcome Mat

Aimee Cottle & Shayla Kenworthy, Fishhook

Before your church decides to take the plunge into a new website project, there are important questions to ask and ponder. What are you hoping to accomplish with your online presence? What functionality needs do you have? How do you want it to look and feel? How should people navigate through it? During this session, Fishhook will walk you through a website discovery process to help you iron out all the details before you get started on your next website project. You'll walk away with actionable next steps you can bring back to your team.

Length: 27:04s

Vendor Session: Safeguard Your Ministry - Background Screening 101

Ryan Carter, Protect My Ministry (Ministry Brands)

We will discuss best practices, most commonly asked questions from churches, and how to Protect Your Ministry. Topics will include background screening, creating a safety policy, training methods, and much more.

Empowering Your Leaders to Drive Rock Adoption

Stuart Burt & Janet Turner, Lakepointe Church

Every organization has a group of trusted users and leaders. At Lake Pointe Church, we have two groups of people that are vital to how we use and develop Rock inside our organization; the "Rock Stars" and "Rock Directional Group." Come and learn about how we empower our leaders to help foster Rock inside our organization.

Length: 25:04s

Creating a Central Hub for your Church

Tim Lemons, Highlands Fellowship

Learn how to use content channels to create one item and have it automatically go to website homepage, hub page for church insiders, print to paper and more.

Length: 29:48s

Panel Discussion: Your First Year on Rock

Tommy Prater,

Join us for a discussion about best practices for your first year on Rock! We'll talk about what worked for each of the churches represented, and what did not work. Prepare yourself for a frank and honest discussion that will take your Rock instance to the next level.

Length: 29:01s

Personal Online Security

Jeremy Hoff, Shepherd Church

Helpful to you professionally and personally. Develop a healthy level of suspicion and help protect yourself, your staff, and the church from security concerns while online, using personal devices, credit cards, and handling data.

Length: 26:22s

Vendor Session: Using Rock to Get the Most Out of Your Subsplash Mobile App

Steven Testone, Subsplash

Join us as we discuss tying Subsplash to Rock with OA2, APIs, and getting the most out of Engagement with native iOS/Android.

Tommy Politz

Tommy Politz, Hillside Christian Church

We're excited to host Tommy Politz, Senior Pastor of Hillside Christian Church.

Length: 33:07s

My Well Ministry - Release of the My Well Giving Platform

John Pitzaferro, My Well Ministry

After more and more ChMS's and donation software companies were not allowing churches to choose My Well as their backend processor, John Pitzaferro & TransNational donated the funds to hire the best developers in the country to build the My Well Giving Platform.

Life.Church Rock Insights

Mark Burleson, Life.Church

We're excited to share practices and processes that Life.Church has learned about deploying and using Rock in a multi-site environment.

Length: 18:15s

Southeast Snafu Show

Chuck Bump & Mark Lee, Southeast Christian Church

Many people seem to think that a church big enough to have developers on staff probably has everything figured out. We want to spend some time sharing about all the silly mistakes we’ve made. In this highly entertaining and educational session, we will tell actual stories of things that have gone wrong at Southeast as well as sharing what we did to resolve the issues so you don’t make the same mistakes at your church.

Length: 22:05s

Accounting Systems for Superheroes

Jeremy Hoff, Shepherd Church

This researched presentation goes beyond the feature-matrix and delves into what accounting superheroes love about the accounting software they use.

Length: 19:23s

Engagement Streaks

Ben Wiley, Spark Development Network

Learn how to track and celebrate consistent engagement via Rock

Length: 18:40s

Vendor Session: Sparkability Group

Jason Gibb, Robbin Dinbokowitz

Sparkability Group is the consulting arm of Spark Development Network, the creators of Rock RMS. Our mission is to provide a VIP experience while solving all of your Rock needs.

The Amazon Experience: Achieving Personalized Website Content in Rock RMS

Rob Laughter, The Summit Church

Who is your website designed to serve? First time guests? Connected members and attendees? Why not both? In this presentation, you’ll learn how The Summit Church has leveraged Rock’s personalization features to customize their visitors’ experiences within their website to produce more meaningful next steps for individuals based on what they know about those visitors in their Rock database.

Length: 25:43s

Lava Can Do THAT?!

Chris Rea, Life.Church

In this session, we'll discuss lava best practices, reporting Life.Church wrote in SQL, and how their church gives them values. Learn practical, dynamic workflows that will allow your church to keep track of changes and make actionable decisions.

Length: 29:36s

Zero to Hero: Anyone Can Master Rock

Jennifer Keylon, Redemption to the Nations Church

To be able to maximize Rock for your congregation, you have to change your thinking to be able to work with an open-source system. Take the dreams/ideas of your visionary leaders and create a strategic plan to create a roadmap for your church with implementation, training, on boarding, and buy-in strategies. See how to identify your congregation’s needs, no matter how big or small, and create solutions in Rock. Programmer or not, Rock has limitless capabilities. Learn how to not be distracted by quantity and focus on creating a quality system that flows with the vision and mission of your church.

Length: 28:30s

Designing Mobile Applications

Daniel Hazelbaker, Shepherd Church

Learn how to use the new tools in Rock to build a mobile application. Join me in a walk through the different blocks that can be used to power your mobile application. There might only be a few blocks, but they can be powerful. We'll look at the many ways you can use them to customize your app to make it feel different than all the others. After all, this isn't just a cookie cutter we're talking about.

Length: 28:56s

Vendor Session: Don’t Waste Your Gifts: A New Giving Platform That Keeps More Money In Your Church

Jon Horton & Kyle Goggin, My Well Ministry

In the past year, mobile giving to non-profits has increased 205%. Is your church equipped with the latest technology to meet givers when they’re ready to give? After 10 years of providing Interchange Plus Zero payment processing to non-profit ministries, we’re excited to launch a software platform that gives Rock users the innovation of a mobile-first app combined with a ministry-first pricing model. Join us for an in-depth look at our innovative giving platform that lets your givers give in seconds and provides management tools designed to save you time.

Accelerants in Your Environment

Shawn Ross, Calvary Church - St. Peters, MO

Looking for tools, tips, and shortcuts to accelerate your Rock RMS? In this session, learn how to take Rock from "Hey , it works" to "WOW, what an impact."

Length: 19:28s

Using Rock to Run Your Small Groups Ministry

Micah Odor, Whitewater Crossing Christian Church

Rock's "almost-everything-is-a-group" approach means group management tools are mature and powerful. But that wealth of options can be overwhelming when it comes to running your small groups ministry. This session will cover best practices and new features for managing your small groups ministry.

Length: 30:37s

Your Church Metrics and Analytics: Rock Does it All!

Stuart Burt & Janet Turner, Lakepointe Church

Learn how to use Rock to collect, analyze, and present your church data to your staff, leaders, and executives to help them see trends and make data-driven decisions. This session will be a discussion of how Rock can integrate with Power BI (or your data warehouse of choice) and how you can get started with the data you already have!

Length: 28:26s

Customizing Mobile Applications

Daniel Hazelbaker, Shepherd Church

You've learned how to design mobile applications, and what you can do out of the box. But it's just not enough. You want more power. More. More! Don't worry, we've got you covered with more power than you can imagine. Learn just what you can do with some knowledge of XAML and Lava. If that still ain't enough, you'll see how to do even more customization with C#.

Length: 30:17s

Vendor Session: TrueWiring

Greg Wiens & Dave Phillips, Healthy Growing Leaders

Support your people-centered decision-making processes by learning techniques to help you identify potential leaders or volunteers by understanding specific themes and details by utilizing the TrueWiring© suite of personality assessment instruments.

SQL for Lapsed Givers

Josh Crews, Simple

This session will provide insight on how to find lapsed givers... fast!

Length: 16:51s

Mine Pass: For a Faster, Smoother, Guest-Friendly Event Check-in

Jason Jones, CedarCreek Church

Are you struggling with long lines during check-in? Do you dread clip board, keyboard and post-event process for events? With the power of Mine Pass, you’ll be armed with a user-friendly, mobile plug-in that will reduce the lines and cut down on the wait time so we can provide our guests with an excellent first impression before the event even starts! (Oh, and you can finally ditch the clipboard or keyboard for good.)

Length: 27:19s

Managing Room Reservation

Taylor Cavaletto & Nick Airdo,

Back by popular demand, we’ll take a look at the Room & Resource Reservation plugin (aka Room Management) and go over how to make reservations, the approval process, and required questions. We’ll also cover some new features, like location layouts.

Length: 30:00s

Rock At Scale Case Study by Life.Church

Brandon Newport, Life.Church

In this session, we will dive into why Life.Church needed to scale and how we setup our environments. We will also share what to consider when scaling in the cloud and some lessons learned.

Length: 29:07s

Vendor Session: We Are Fishhook, The Friends You Never Knew You Had

Aimee Cottle & Shayla Kenworthy, Fishhook

We are Fishhook - A communications agency called to partner with churches and ministries. (You can think of us as an extension of your ministry.) We believe that it is possible for the church to lead in innovation, creativity and culture. And it’s our goal to help you see that too! We listen, we guide, we coach. We help you use the communication tools of today to share the love and hope of Jesus.

Taking Your Group Leader Toolbox to the Next Level

Thomas Stephens, Northview Church

Give your group leader tool box an upgrade when you attend this session. You’ll learn how to easily craft attendance emails, edit group details and include additional functionalities to improve your overall group experience.

Length: 21:19s

How to Rock

Emily Forman, Spark Development Network

The Rock community is made up of amazing people and Rock Stars from around the globe. Want to learn more about how to get involved in the community? Emily Forman will discuss the Rock community ecosystem and how you can help Rock move ministry forward.

Length: 30:43s

Demystifying Rock Security

Jim Michael, The Crossing

Rock’s security model is super-powerful, but can seem daunting at first. This session aims to pop open the hood and show that Rock security doesn’t have to be scary, and in fact it’s pretty easy once you understand what’s going on. While not a step-by-step tutorial in setting up Rock security, attendees will learn the basics as well as some advanced tips and best practices for getting the most out of Rock security.

Length: 31:31s

The Developer Codex

Mike Peterson, Spark Development Network

Find out about the coding standards, tools, and some tips and tricks that developers can use in Rock RMS.

Length: 30:47s

Vendor Session: How Technology is Revolutionizing Trust and Safety with Background Checks

Erin Bates, Checkr

Join us for a discussion on how technology is revolutionizing the way we screen volunteers to improve trust and safety within churches. Automation and artificial intelligence enables churches to continuously monitor changes of criminal status of volunteers that are continually involved with sensitive populations like students and seniors.

Take Your Rock Images from Ordinary to Cloudinary

Jim Michael, The Crossing

Out of the box, Rock stores images on the file system or in the database, with little control over their size, shape, or how they are cropped… but with the help of some useful plugins you can get those images OFF of your server and do some amazing things with them at the same time. This session will show how using the Cloudinary and Storage Mover plugins can transform the way you store and present images on your Rock websites.

Length: 30:14s

Workflows 101

Mark Wampler, Watermark Community Church

Understanding the basics behind a workflow. Learn how to build some basic workflows to help automate simple tasks. Allow your staff to do more ministry and less of the checking of boxes.

Length: 31:11s

Step By Step: Basics of Group Management

Blenda Cox & Amanda Alexander,

Looking for hands-on training to get your Rock RMS to the next level? Then attend this session for a step-by-step explanation about how to set up and manage groups.

Length: 24:40s

0-60mph: Using UI/UX to Drive Website Development in Rock

Marcus Lee, Spark Development Network

The curves, the colors, the lines and materials; that is UI. UX is the feeling you get when you hit the gas pedal, take a turn and the car behaves exactly the way you expect. In this session, learn how to think like the end user and how to give them the best experience going 0-60 on the web and mobile.

Length: 29:37s

Vendor Session: The Most Important Thing

Ryan Allred, Pushpay

Technology serves your church in many ways, and they are all important. But there is one thing that’s most important. In fact, it’s so important that if you don’t get it right, the rest really doesn’t matter.

How to be a Superhero, Not a Supervillain

Scott Miller, Watermark Community Church

Managing change within an organization can be hard. In this session, learn the management side of Rock RMS: the organization, project planning, organizational change management, project tracking, how to think about staff roles and responsibilities, onboarding your staff, and more!

Length: 28:25s

Connect to Engage: Taking Next Steps to the Next Level with Rock Connections

Stuart Burt & Jeremy Henderson, Lakepointe Church

Unlock the potential in Rock by automating and connecting with visitors to your church. It's easy to customize Rock to get the conversation started with guests and continue the conversation with the right person on your church staff. Your guests will go from watching from the sidelines to participating in the life of your church. In this session, you will learn how Lake Pointe used Connections in Rock to take their "Next Steps" Ministry to a whole new level!

Length: 22:03s

Step By Step: How To Build Your First Data View

Blenda Cox & Amanda Alexander,

Looking for hands-on training to get your Rock RMS to the next level? Then attend this session for step-by-step explanations on how to build a data view and a bonus: how to set up your first report.

Length: 16:12s

The Secret Sauce to Any Rock-Powered Website

Brian Kalwat, NewSpring Church

If you're interested in learning about one of the best ways to build a robust and scalable website in Rock that can be easily edited by ANYONE – this session was created for you. ** SPOILER ALERT ** It's the NEW Content Component block included in version 9!

Length: 18:32s

Vendor Session: BEMA Show and Tell

Taylor Cavaletto, BEMA Software Services

Want to expand the way your church uses Rock beyond its out-of-the-box capabilities? Come check out what BEMA can do for you. We'll showcase some of our favorite plugins, reports, and workflows we've done. Or just come to argue who the best superhero is (It's Iron Man).

Do Less Work to Get More Work Done: An Introduction to Dynamic Reports

Luke Taylor, Highlands Church

As the title suggests, Rock RMS is capable of saving you time and helping you make wise decisions for your ministry. By learning how to utilize dynamic reporting in Rock, you'll be able to streamline your process and do less work while getting more done.

Length: 28:01s

Why NewSpring Built Their Website on Rock!

Matthew White, NewSpring Church

NewSpring Church launched a brand-new website, completely on core Rock in 2019. We will walk through why we did it, how we did it, and what we have planned for the future.

Length: 22:03s

Creating a Workflow User Form Template and Creating Connections from Workflows

Thomas Stephens, Northview Church

Learn how to create a workflow template that can be copied in order to get a head start on creating a user entry form. The template will have all of the basic functionality already in place such as pre-filling known properties for logged in users and saving any changes to that data. We will then take this template and use it to create a user form that will feed into connections.

Length: 30:48s

Rock Website Performance

Chuck Bump & Mark Lee, Southeast Christian Church

If your website is already on Rock or you are thinking about migrating, there are some factors you need to consider in order to provide the optimum experience for your website visitors. We will share tips and tricks for how to optimize lava, caching, and your code in order to make sure your pages load as fast as possible. We will also spend some time unpacking ways to optimize your infrastructure to make your website as snappy as possible.

Length: 30:10s

Vendor Session: What If Your Phone System Could Talk to Rock

Keith Goodling & Darren Hollick,

Intulse, a VoiP service provider, understands the needs of church staff and volunteers with regards to technology. Join this session to learn how to add telecom to the mix of integrations that benefit the Kingdom.

Helpful Workflows: How to Get More Time Back in Your Ministry’s Pocket

Morgan Woods, Hillside Christian Church

There are a lot of things ministry admins do that are repetitive and time consuming. With the right Rock workflows, we can automate all or parts of these things and put time back in their pockets. This presentation will cover a first time guest process workflow, volunteer onboarding workflow and a check-in waiver process for a special event. Rock workflows are a powerful tool and examples of how we have leveraged workflows to give time back to your ministries is what this presentation is all about!

Length: 23:37s

Lava Powered Email Templating

Tyler Schrock, NewPointe Community Church

Join us as we explore the world of email and how you can harness the power of Lava to create easily-customizable, dynamic email templates. We'll start by building a simple Communication Wizard template and then crank up the heat with some Lava awesomeness 🔥.

Length: 28:48s

Staff Huddle and Game Plan Time Part 1


It's too easy to leave a great conference full of great ideas and apply very little. We want to encourage you to take time while you're still here to meet up with your team and review what you've learned this year at RX2019. Establish a game plan for taking your Rock instance to the next level. Teams may want to attend Part 1 and Part 2 for a full 60 minutes of planning.

Using the Rock REST API to Get Things Done

Tyler Kraft, Hillside Christian Church

This will be a brief overview of the Rock REST API and how to use it to get data organized and things done. We’ll look at using the API to get data out of and into Rock and some ideas on how to use your Rock data to get things done outside of Rock using other APIs.

Length: 23:09s

Vendor Session: Mobile is the Future for Churches like Yours

Heiko Henning,

But is an app the answer? It's no secret, everyone's on their phones nowadays. Engaging your congregation in a meaningful way through their mobile devices is a fantastic opportunity to grow your church in a sustainable way -- with both new and long-time attendees! Does your church have the right plan in place to take advantage of the technology at your fingertips? Learn about: • Current Trends in Mobile • The Power of Mobile Web Development • How to Decide if an App is Right for your Church • Leveraging Other Platforms

Make it Easy with Custom Interfaces

Josh Stogsdill, The Creek Church

When our church launched a national campaign called Prom Prep (www.promprep.org), we used Rock to build a full-featured web app that allowed different organizations to manage their own events, volunteers, signups, and clients—all using basic Rock pages without any custom blocks or C# code. Along the way, we learned the incredible power and flexibility available using only Lava, workflows, and SQL, as well as the benefits of creating custom interfaces to simplify actions for our own staff and volunteers. We’ll show you some of the tips and tricks we learned along the way and help you start thinking through building your own custom interfaces.

Length: 26:22s

Keeping Track of Your New Employees

Kate Hull, Beaverton Foursquare

Is new employee onboarding ever a chore, figuring out which departments have connected with the new hire? Or which departments haven’t yet? I’ll show you the series of workflows/html blocks I’ve created to help automatically keep track of the process that is employee onboarding (and employee exiting), to make sure that your staff is getting the information they need when they need it.

Length: 15:42s

Staff Huddle and Game Plan Time Part 2


It's too easy to leave a great conference full of great ideas and apply very little. We want to encourage you to take time while you're still here to meet up with your team and review what you've learned this year at RX2019. Establish a game plan for taking your Rock instance to the next level. Teams may want to attend Part 1 and Part 2 for a full 60 minutes of planning.

Building Design Systems for your Organization

Marcus Lee, Spark Development Network

What is a design system? Who are they for? When should you create one? In this session, we'll review the tools we used to create a collaborative and code-connected, living style guide that helps to bridge the gap between designers and developers.

Length: 28:54s

Vendor Session: Improve Your Facility and Event Management with eSPACE and Rock RMS Integration

Tim Cool, Cool Solutions Group

What do you first think of when you hear "best in class" as it relates to your church management? My guess is you think ROCK! When you think about best in class event and facility management, the answer is eSPACE. From event scheduling to work order management to capital reserve planning and major system integrations (i.e. HVAC, door access and digital signage), eSPACE is the only full-service facility management tool designed with your church in mind. Come join us to learn more about eSPACE…but also how Rock can be integrated via our plugin.

Next Mission Briefing

Jon Edmiston & Emily Forman,

Join us in the East Auditorium as we discuss what's next for the Rock community.

Length: 10:57s