
Explore our exclusive selection of videos from the RX Conference, showcasing the latest insights and innovations in Rock RMS. Delve into these captivating sessions to discover new strategies and ideas that will elevate your Rock RMS experience.

State of Rock

Jon Edmiston, Emily Forman

Hear from senior leadership at Spark Development Network who will present the annual State of Rock update.

Started from the Bottom (Now We’re Here)

James Lewis

This presentation will focus on Manna Church’s journey from another system to RockRMS integration. Moving from an antiquated system to a robust system that could do all and more of what needed, wanted, and didn’t know we needed or wanted. It will focus on our process, integrations, learnings, challenges and conclude with where we hope to go in the future.

Create An Automated Drip Campaign Follow Up System

Brian Davis

You will learn the steps to create an automated follow system in Rock that your team can update as easily as a content channel. This system can serve as a drip campaign to perform a list of actions like sending automated emails/text messages, creating connection requests or performing any other action capable in a workflow. These campaigns are perfect for welcoming new guests, onboarding and salvation/baptism follow up over the span of days or weeks.

Working with Code as a Non-Programmer

Miles Carmany

Even when you have technical staff or a good Rock Partner to work with, you may find the need to look at or modify some piece of code to make a small change. There are ways to work alongside more technical partners, not be intimidated by code, and expand your skill set without causing headaches for those that come after you.

One Way to Create Connections from the Profile Page

Thomas Stephens

Find out one way to create connections straight from someone’s profile page. This can be done from any of the person profile tabs.

Prayer: Allowing the system to support your people taking next steps

Jason Jones

Have you ever wished for a better way to follow-up with the person behind the prayer request? This new core feature in Rock can help connect prayer teams with prayer requester, giving your church the ability to connect directly with the guest who has requested prayer.

Stories: Collect & Store LifeChange stories in the easiest way.

Jason Jones

Have you ever wished for a better way to track LifeChange Stories, Baptism Stories or maybe Group Stories? This new core feature in ROCK can help track, store and report on notes in your database, giving your church the ability to celebrate all of the many stories!

Connecting in a Contactless World

Steven Kelly

Early February 2020 Compass Christian Church made our transition to Rock and unknowing to everyone this would not be the biggest transition we would face that year. In this session we will look at various ways that Compass was able to utilize Rock to empower our ministry teams to continue navigating people to God while staying socially distant.

Creating Online Training/Classes with Workflows

Courtney Cooksey

I'll cover how our team uses workflows to provide online classes and training to our members and volunteers. We'll cover how to make sure participants watch all of your content, and also how to check they comprehend the material.

Making Rock Work for You

Tyler Vance

Learn about how RockRMS has impacted the ministry of Life.Church! We’ll talk through the community around rock and share how to partner with Triumph to execute on your ministry goals.

Take Prayer Requests to the Next Level

Danielle Vos

Prayer can be one of the best ways to connect with your congregation. In this session we'll discuss how you can extend Rock's Prayer Request module to care for the people in your church and make connecting easier for your staff.

Workflows and Query String Parameters

Mark Wampler

How to use Query String Parameters (QSP) in your workflows from basic to complex. You can use QSP as a powerful tool to prefill data to change what your workflow does when it is launched. Everything from chaining workflows together to giving dynamic answer choices in a form based on what QSP gets passed and how your workflow reads it.

Lava for the Layperson

Jennifer Troeger

If you are coming from a non-IT background, or are even slightly intimidated by code, this 100-level session is intended to build confidence in using lava within your internal Rock instance and external web pages. Geared toward someone new to Rock or otherwise just getting started with lava, Jennifer will share some of the things she's learned along the way, from one layperson to another.

Demystifying Rock Security

Jim Michael

Rock’s security model is super-powerful, but can seem daunting at first. This session aims to pop open the hood and show that Rock security doesn’t have to be scary, and in fact it’s pretty easy once you understand what’s going on. While not a step-by-step tutorial in setting up Rock security, attendees will learn the basics as well as some advanced tips and best practices for getting the most out of Rock security.

Building Stewardship Tools in Rock RMS

Ben Murphy

This will cover: A First Time Giver dashboard and process to email/physical mail a thank you to these givers How to track which new givers you've sent an email/letter to A Contribution Statements dashboard with How-to instructions: The finance team scrambles each year on remembering the process around sending out statements. I'll provide a dashboard page within the Finance section of Rock which gives them a sending preference path and how-to instructions so that they can review the process for each time they need to send these out to givers quarterly or yearly.

We’re Glad You're Here: A Look at LCBC’s Adult Main Gathering Check-in Process

Gerry Miller

At LCBC, we have a strong adult check-in culture. When you check-in with us, we check-in with you. Check-in helps make a big church feel small, makes people feel known, and serves as the foundation of many of the things we do. This presentation will explore how LCBC adult main gathering check-in works, with a detailed look at our SMS/In-App check-in process.

Calendars: One or Many?

Julie Teneyck

Every church calendar is full of wonderful ministry events and classes. We’ll dive into the flexibility that Rock gives us to display all of our events through Calendars.

Uberization of Ministry

Matt Engel

The most disruptive force in the world is is Platform theory (uber, airbnb etc.)! This is discussion is architectural component for how the Lord actually setup the church to function and what it means to be architecturally aligned in how people grow. The last and final “space" in which has finally been disrupted - how are innovative churches advancing in this age and.- where can technology be leveraged to re-intermediate relationship vs. dis-intermediate relationship!

Supporting Your Discipleship Strategy with Rock

Scott Ballard

How we are building our Rock powered website and mobile experience to not just collect data, but drive people into next steps of discipleship at our church. We want to both understand and leverage the information to deliver strategic next steps to the people in our church no matter where they are in their journey with God.

How 'Design Thinking' can transform the way your Church Innovates

Frank Grand

NewSpring has created a new, internal Innovation Team as a response to challenges with defining, planning and executing new initiatives. Come hear how we use 'design thinking' concepts to quickly understand and test new ideas with cross functional ministries teams. All with the goal of quickly providing life giving solutions to problems without all the red tape and gnashing of teeth that frequently happens!

Pastoral Care Items (Extending the Project Management Plug In)

Tina Reusch

Grace Church has 12 campuses (9 physical locations 3 of which house an Español Campus co-located with the English speaking campus). That's a lot of people to care for and we want to honor God well in caring for His people. The Problem(s): We didn't have a great way for our pastoral and ministry staff to document pastoral care that was taking place, share that information with other staff, secure it well, notify staff when follow up was needed, etc. It was the wild, wild West and everyone was doing it a little differently. One big challenge was if/when anyone left staff and being able to very quickly and easily see everything/everyone they were caring for and make sure no one fell through the cracks. We also wanted a way to be able to report on the types of pastoral care issues that our staff was handling and response times vs. SLA. Our Solution: Adapting/Extending the Rock Project Management Plug In - We know that people are not projects. However, the project management plug in seemed like a really good fit, to us, for managing the process and reporting around caring for our members.

Tracking Dates with Steps

Luke Bennett

This presentation will look at some of the unique challenges of tracking dates in Rock and why Steps are often a good choice for storing information around dates. You’ll learn how Steps can complement or replace Groups and Person Attributes for tracking significant dates in a individual’s life or ministry history.

Getting from A to B - Making an Idea Happen

Mike Sherman

How to help your team or yourself get from where you are to where you want to be.

When It's Just you

Tina Stephens

Managing the demands of Rock when you are the only one on your Rock team. I will share management tools, development of team players, and strategies to increase the Rock knowledge base of ministry teams.

Combining Features of Rock in an Automated New Leader Application

Matthew Ewing, Janet Turner

This is a process which will significantly automate and improve ministry efficiency with a simple and elegant UI for end users. It provides tracking, analytics, communication automation and clear direction for applicants.

Moving to Rock RMS - Live in 6 Months!

Terri Powell, Kurt Vogeler

Moving to Rock RMS from any system has its ups and downs and dos and don’ts. Hear how a multi-campus church moved from custom software to go live in 6 months using some practical best practices.

Use Connection Requests to Energize Ministry

Terri Powell, Kurt Vogeler

At Trinity Fellowship it is high priority that we personally reach out to each new person who connects with us. Rock Connection Requests are perfect for creating a platform to assign, engage, move to next step, and track these new people. We will show how to setup the entry points, workflows, tracking attributes, and connection opportunities to incorporate the process into your weekly ministry.

3 workflows for everyone: Build a Rock workflow for your church!

Matthew White

Whether you've built workflows for years, or you don't even know where to start! We'll walk through some simple, yet powerful, workflows to supercharge ministry in your church!

Leveraging Workflows to Save Staff Time & Increase Ministry Impact

Michelle Boyd, Catie Pershing

The first workflow you ever build puts you at the top of a slippery slope into the unknown. After sliding all the way down, we’ve fully embraced the unending power of workflows. Check out how we’ve leveraged the flexibility of workflows (and some lava) to streamline staff processes and tools, freeing staff up to do what they do best – focus on the people side of ministry!

Pledges (User Dashboard & Admin Automation)

Michelle Boyd, Catie Pershing

Following a smaller pledge campaign at one of our campuses, we took a deep dive into both the pledge process and financial administration of pledge campaigns. We’ll take a look at how we facilitated this exploration process and subsequently rolled out a user pledge dashboard and automated some of the finance administration for a smoother, seamless experience for pledgers and staff alike.

The 2021 Hybrid Church Website

Aimee Cottle, Shayla Kenworthy

Your website can be an amazing tool for ministry, but it can also be a barrier. Join Fishhook for a practical workshop built for dreamers and doers. We’ll outline what a 2021 Hybrid Church website actually needs to include ... and what it doesn't. You'll leave this session with a fresh understanding of how to use the power of Rock RMS to bring value to your congregation and community, personalize content for each user and connect people to people. We’ll also give you a roadmap for how you can use other digital tools to get people to your website and more! Let’s move your website from just functional to a beautiful and valuable ministry tool!

6-week Spiritual Decision Follow-Up Plan

Crista Jardine

Implementation of a 6-week email and text automation encouraging next steps for those who commit their lives to Jesus.

So You Thought You Knew Entity Commands?

Jon Edmiston

You may use Lava entity commands daily, but how well do you understand what’s going on under the covers. This session will deepen your knowledge of the inner workings of this valuable tool. We’ll also unpack new features coming to the entity commands in v13 that will blow your mind!

Adventures in Giving Analytics

Jon Edmiston

Rock v13 will add incredible new tools for analyzing your giving and providing innovative alerts when an individual’s giving patterns change. This session will walk you through the features and explain the ministry strategy behind their development.

The “Ins and Outs” of Check-In Manager: New Features and Customization Ideas

Christy Zeigler

A case study on how North Point Ministries partnered with Triumph to add an “At the Room Experience” to Rock’s core check-in manager. With child safety in mind, this new functionality enables distinguishing between a family checking their kids in at a kiosk and the children being marked present in their classrooms. The new Check-In Manager was designed to be easy to use, efficient, and accurate - ensuring preparedness for emergency situations as well as confidence in attendance records. It empowers volunteers with the information and tools they need for their roles, including editing or moving a child’s attendance record if needed. It also gives confidence to parents, volunteers and staff in knowing their own children are safe and accounted for. This talk will include examples of ways the Check-In Manager can be further extended with church and ministry branding, notes and communication between volunteers and staff, restricting certain features to security roles, quick reference reporting and more.

Dynamic Web Pages using Content Channels Query / Route Parameter Filtering

Christopher Upshir

We will be demoing an example of this concept then walking through the pieces needed to build it. This is a great way for ministries to manage content on the external website without editing the external pages. We plan to have a free Rock Shop plugin available to download with a custom block for Content Channel Details.

Reporting on Interactions

Amy Fewkes

The Interaction tables in Rock are a data miners dream. Learn what information is stored in these tables and how to report on it. This session will include practical examples of reports to track website usage.

Measuring the Mission: Tracking Engagement in a Hybrid Model

Adam Hann

Measuring engagement has been a hot topic in the church space for the past few years. In this breakout, we’ll discuss how tracking attendee engagement helps us care well for attendees while providing a resource to our staff to serve our mission well. We’ll share some examples of LCBC’s engagement dashboards and how we are tracking our key engagement metrics in Rock.

Designing Dashboards that Matter

Christian Nelson

Data needs a seat at the table. As your church grows, you've got to grow beyond anecdotes to make quality decisions. Where do you start? How do you get beyond generating report after report that gets used, at best, once? We'll walk through the design process from idea to v1 and beyond. We'll talk about lessons we've learned the hard way engaging stakeholders and driving adoption. We'll show some real world examples of our dashboards: what we've included and what we've left out, what tools we've used as we design. You'll walk away with some dashboard ideas and some simple tools and processes to get people using them!

Death, Jesus, and Trauma: What I'm Learning

Christian Nelson

I want to share what I’ve learned as a driven, tech professional from meeting death head-on. I’d like to share a small piece of my story and what I learned about my approach to life. In the fall of 2019, an unknown and aggressive medical problem caused an artery to open internally. I was rushed to the ER and told to say my goodbyes to my wife. Jesus had other plans and stopped my death with a quiet word. In the coming weeks and months, through painful procedures and trials, Jesus taught me what real strength is. I was forced to confront my long (and losing) battle with PTSD. In this session, want to give you hope if you’re struggling with trauma. I’d like to give everyone some simple tools to help others dealing with hardships.

Hiking the Rock

Steve Swaringen

New to Rock and not sure how to get where you’re going? This session offers a high-level overview of the various technologies on which Rock is built. You’ll learn how the pieces fit together so you’ll be better prepared to understand what you need to learn next to extend Rock to empower your ministry teams. Not everyone will take the same path to the summit but by understanding where you are and the terrain ahead, you’ll be better positioned to pick the best path forward.

Connection Card - The Workflow That Embodies Southeast’s Mission

Mark Lee

Every week hundreds of people reach out to Southeast Christian for all sorts of reasons. From prayer requests to volunteering opportunities to benevolence needs, these requests come in from phone calls, the website, and even old school paper cards. This talk will discuss how Southeast’s strategies enable us to manage this workload --as well as, lessons we’ve learned along the way.

Prayer and Engaging with Your People

Charlotte Dean

Prayer can be a daunting thing for any ministry. See how BridgePoint Church has maximized the prayer portal to make an automated email with a personal touch to make a bigger impact in their attendees' lives and day to day life.

Supercharging Your Rock Website with Custom User Content

Wes Adkins

If you haven’t yet fully incorporated the ability of Rock to deliver custom content to each of your website users (guests and congregants), you may be missing some incredible ministry opportunities! Join this session to learn the power of Content Channels and how to effectively use those channels to communicate, educate and advance someone’s discipleship journey. We’ll explore the basics of Content Channels, how to empower your staff & volunteers to use Channels, and how to best incorporate your Channels into your external website.

What do we do with TrueWiring® assessment instruments in Rock?

Greg Wiens

Your installation of Rock includes five assessment instruments to reveal individuals’ hard- and soft-wiring. Understanding how to use these tools will save you time and headaches while helping build better and more impactful ministry teams. We will explore how to use these 5 instruments for maximum church effectiveness and Kingdom impact.

Planning with Purpose. Room Management and Rock

Lora Catoe

Coordinating resources for church and ministry events can be frustrating for everyone. See how Brookwood Church plans its budget and resource allocations simultaneously for an entire fiscal year!

On the Same Page: Creating an Effective Dashboard

Billy Andrews, Melody Sammons

The dashboard feature in ROCK offers many benefits that help the members of your team get and stay “on the same page.” Because the dashboard is customizable, current, and communal, it functions as a tool for enhanced organizational evaluation, communication, and accountability. Join us to hear how you can use the ROCK dashboard to benefit your church!

Rock Check-in: Will this REALLY work for our church structure?

Traci Fougerousse

An overview of Rock’s Check-in setup and configuration for weekend services in a ‘complex’, multi-campus, multi congregation environment. I will show you how all the pieces relate together and give you a roadmap in which to create your Check-in configuration(s).

Future Church: The 7 Laws of Real Church Growth

Will Mancini

As churches accelerate digital integration, we face a huge dilemma. Will we apply technology to only engage “program church” or will we truly advance the mission of Jesus by empowering disciples where they live, work and play? How can we ensure that a once in a lifeway opportunity for innovation is not missed in a dramatic way?

New to Lava

Brandon Gamache

When we first move to Rock, I struggled with understanding Lava and how to use it to access various properties and data within Rock. This session is for those new to Rock, or Lava, and will cover some of the basics on how to understand and utilize Lava. We’ll also look at some of the different ways Crossroads has utilized Lava on pages, reports, emails, and merge docs.

Low Maintenance Check In Kiosks: Automating iOS devices for Rock Check In using an MDM

Shawn Ross

How to utilize Rock, iPad's, and an Apple MDM to efficiently and effectively manage your Check In environment

Level Up with Automation

Sena Brickwedel, Brandi Myszkowski

Are you looking to free up some time and increase productivity? Are you looking for overall process improvements for some of those repetitive ministry tasks? Learn how to leverage tools in Rock to automate and empower ministry teams. You don't have to be a developer to unlock the power of automation in Rock to increase productivity, minimize errors, and improve reliability. Let Rock do what it can do so you are freed up to do what only you can do.

Using Connections Creatively

Karen Norris

We have several processes where we are using a combination of Workflows, Connections and Events Registration to go from an initial request (Weddings, Playground Parties, re|engage, Thrive, etc) to being approved and sent a link for payment. The ministries here have liked the place to keep track of these things in Connections and having some “automation” built in.

Unleash Your Rock Powered Website

Tommy Prater

Take your Rock powered website to the next level with some simple tools available to you. We will discuss how you can implement a simple Invite plug-in that allows your congregation to text or email their friends and invite them to church. Trying to figure out why when sharing links on social the images are weird? We will discuss tips on how to fix that. Wondering why your SEO looks weird? There’s a plug-in to help we will talk about and finally do you have a blog or some type of content channel you want to add a comments section to? Yes you can do all of this with a Rock Powered Website.

How to Rock Your Online Courses

Leah Jennings

Now, more than ever, people expect content and courses to be available online. Why offer a course once a month on-campus when it can be taken online whenever someone is ready? In this session, Leah will share how Northside Christian Church took their on-campus baptism course and turned it into a fully-automated digital course that meets people where they are. You’ll learn how each aspect of the course works, how you can easily report on each step of the course, come away with resources for you to implement this at your own church, and lessons we learned along the way.

Smart Segmentation for the Future Church

Will Mancini

What is the starting point for digitally integrating the complete mission of Jesus? Will Mancini will shares how he is challenging churches to reset around a reimagined sequence of milestones that reveal the inadequacies of prevailing Discipling models. Better yet, this can inform a entire world of the best digital and communication solutions the world is yet to see.

Online Host Tools

Charlotte Dean

Empowering your online hosts/volunteers to engage and lead online attendees well.

Does Your Business Continuity Strategy Account for the People Behind Your Systems?

Jerrod Stewart

For well over a decade, Church on the Move relied heavily on a church management system that was custom developed in house. This session discusses some of the lessons that we’ve learned along the way, and how Rock RMS became a critical component in achieving our desired outcomes in our business continuity strategy.

Lava 2.0 - Transition to the Fluid Engine

Nick Airdo

You may have heard that Lava is based on Shopify’s Liquid templating language but didn’t realize under the hood Rock has been using a library called DotLiquid which is being retired. No problem. We found a new library called Fluid that is 30-40% faster – but there are a few gotchas** you might run into depending on how cryptic your Lava usage is. I’ll unpack the details and show you what to check to make sure your transition to Fluid is slippery smooth. ** **Note**: _The Fluid engine better matches the Shopify Liquid standard, so we believe any differences encountered in your Lava are worth correcting!_

Rock Mobile v2 – What’s New

Daniel Hazelbaker, Jay Nestle

Rock Mobile has come a long way since vRX2020. Don't miss this technical dive into what's new and what's possible in the next generation of Rock Mobile apps.


Don Wilson

RX2021 Closing

Jon Edmiston, Emily Forman