All the details for the people category.
Inactivates a given person's entire family.
This workflow action will inactivate a given person's entire family, all of their families or only the individual.
The Multi-Family Logic setting controls exactly who is inactivated:
Additional action settings allow you to set the Inactive Reason and provide an Inactive Reason Note.
Allows you to update a person's address based on a provided location.
Here's an overview of the settings available for this action:
Finds or creates a person record based off a provided first name, last name, email, mobile number and birthday.
This action will take a first name, last name, email, mobile number and birthday and search for a matching person in the database. The result will be placed into a selected attribute. If no person was found a new record will be created for you. If a match is found, it does not update the person record with any of the supplied values except the email address if enabled by the action setting.
The record with the highest score greater than 35 points is selected as the match (if no records score more than 35 points a new record will be created).
Other similar routines (presumably registration, etc) in Rock also consider:
Sets a person attribute of a provided person.
Sets the selected person attribute of the person contained in a workflow attribute to either text you provide or the contents of another attribute.
Adds the selected Person to the same family as the 'Add to Family With' person.
This action uses two Person attributes to add a single person to a different family. The person will be added to the family of the person in the 'Add to Family With' attribute.
You can optionally assign a Role (Child or Adult) to the person being added using either a fixed value or a 'Group Role' attribute for the Family group type.
The person being added to the family can either remain in their old family or be removed from it, using the 'Remove Person From Current Family' setting.
Sets a person to follow an entity.
This action allows you to set a person to follow a designated entity. The "Entity To Follow" field is where you enter an Entity Id or an attribute that contains the person or group to follow. This field supports Lava.
If you are trying to mimic what happens when a person follows another person (by clicking their photo), the Entity Type should be set to "Person Alias" and the Entity To Follow must be set to the followee's PersonAliasId.
In v13, we made this easier to do. When the Entity Type is "Person Alias", if your Entity To Follow attribute holds a Person (field type), Rock will automatically use the PersonAlias Id from the fieldtype instead of the usual PersonAlias Guid (which would not otherwise work). v13.0
Finds a Campus Team member and stores them in a workflow attribute.
Use this action to find Campus Team members and place them in a workflow attribute for use in later actions. You can provide a person attribute to find team members at that person’s campus.
If a campus attribute is provided, only team members from that campus will be returned. The campus in this attribute will be used regardless of the person’s campus, in cases where both attributes are provided.
Gets attendance information for a specified individual in a specified group.
Gets attendance information for the specified individual in a specified group type.
Gets the Head of Household of the selected person
Returns the person's spouse to a selected workflow attribute.
Returns the person's spouse to a selected workflow attribute. When determining the spouse the action will look for an adult in the same family who is of the opposite gender and married. If more than one person is found then the first person will be returned.
Sets an attribute True or False depending on if the person is in the selected Data View.
Sets the configured Boolean workflow attribute to True or False depending on whether or not the configured Person is in the selected Data View.
Adds a note to a person's record.
This action adds a note to a person record. Optionally, you can set a caption, set the note author or mark the note as an alert.
Updates a person's phone number.
Updates a property (name, email, connection status, etc.) of a person.
Updates a property (name, email, connection status, etc.) of a person. This action will work with either a value you provide (Lava enabled) or an attribute value. When providing an attribute the value in the drop-down gives you a hint as to what type it should be. See the 'Additional Details' section below for more information.
Here's a couple of other tips to help you with this powerful action.
Tag you're it!
Adds a person, stored as a person attribute, to the provided Organization Tag. If the supplied tag does not exist it will be created.
You're not it anymore...
Like the Person Tag Add, this action removes a person from an Organization Tag.
Adds a Prayer Request based on the attributes and criteria you provide.
This workflow action will add a Prayer Request for a person. The attribute values you provide related to the request, like the Category or Public options, will be included in the Prayer Request that's added.
It's important to note that you can provide the requestor in one of two ways:
Adds a reminder to a person's list of reminders.
This action adds a reminder to the provided person's record. You can set the note text, the date for the reminder, how frequently the reminder is repeated, and how many times to repeat the reminder.