
Photo of Tommy Prater


AD Authentication Very Slow

Does anyone else have an issue with using AD authenication running very slow? It works but takes 30sec to 1 min to authenticate. If I use local db user/pass its very fast. Anything I should check or look for?

  • Photo of Tommy Prater


    To fix this I made sure in my firewall rules to allow Ports 389 and 636.

  • Photo of David Stevens


    We're having the same issue, but only a 5-10 second differential between AD and database auth.  I've confirmed ports 389 and 636 ARE open.

  • Photo of Van McNeece


    If you open these ports, tcp/389,3268,3269,636, udp/389,3268 between your ldap server and your Rock server, you should notice a dramatic increase in speed.  Hope this helps!