
Photo of Ken Roach


I'm stuck upgrading to 6 - Whoa That Wasn't Suppose To Happen

I tried to upgrade to the latest versions, upgrading from 5.5, and have ended up with this error message:


I tried to roll back, but it looks like I've only rolled back the browser components, and not the database properly.


But if I look at the entries in the [__MigrationHistory] table, I see version 6.1.3-40302. entries.


So I think this means that my db has the 6.1.3 updates applied, but my web site files are possibly out of sync.

I'm not sure what to do next.

Should I do a clean install of a current download of Rock, and replace my web site files with the files from the clean install?

  • Nick Airdo

    You should restore the database and filesystem from the last good/working date-time to get your system functioning again.

  • Photo of Gladson Jacob


    What is the version of .NET in your IIS?

    As of Rock McKinley v6, Rock requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2.

    • Ken Roach

      Upgraded to 4.5.2 prior to the upgrade. Have since upgraded to 4.6.2. with the same result.

  • Photo of Jay Greentree


    If you connect via remote desktop to the server can you load the update url from a browser? If not then you might need to edit the dns servers to enable external access.

  • Photo of Ken Roach


    These are my DNS settings.  Anything else I can check?


    And are these settings correct on  the server?


  • Photo of Ken Roach


    Can I delete all the update packages to force a re-run of the updates?  Or will this stuff things up?


    • Nick Airdo

      No, unfortunately that would not have the effect your hoping for and could further mess things up.

  • Photo of Don Smallman


    Hi Ken,

    I don't see where you mention or address the Access Denied portion of the error.  Have you tried, at least temporarily, to get yourself full access to that folder; and then try the upgrade?  Or temporarily give the Everyone group full access, since it is probably not using your login creds for the upgrade.

    • Ken Roach

      Hi Don. Thanks for your interest. I tried something like that - I'll try again. I'm not sure if this is an error coming from my server, or from the NuGet package serving server? This seems to be a NuGet versioning error. I've found reference to the same error message on NuGet pages in GitHub issues. Can you tell from the list of update packages listed above, if the 1.5.5 is the last package to have run?

    • Ken Roach

      I have added Everyone with full access to all directories from NuGet( which I had to manually add because it wasn't there, all the way back up to ...\Config with no difference.

      could you also post the directory security settings on the 'C:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\NuGet directory, or if it doesn't exist, the 'C:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming directory?

    • Don Smallman

      Hi Ken, the answer to the first question is, no, I can not tell.
      On the second one, are you asking what our security setting are for that folder?

    • Don Smallman

      Just in case this is what you are asking, my NuGet folder has System, Administrator and myself all with full permissions. The Roaming folder is the same. With System being the owner of both folders.

    • Ken Roach

      Thanks Don. Anything IN your NuGet folder? Do you have NuGet installed on your server as an application? Are you running Visual Studio on your server?

    • Don Smallman

      Yes, in the C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\NuGet there is one file, the NuGet.Config file
      In the C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\NuGet\Cache folder there are all of the RockRMS update packages.
      In the C:\Windows\Temp\nuget folder there are what I assume to be the uncompressed update files.
      I hope this helps and sorry for the delay.

    • Ken Roach

      Thanks Don. I don't have any of those files. I don't have a NuGet.Config file on my server anywhere. Wonder what that suggests? Can you confirm if you have VisualStudio installed on this server?

    • Don Smallman

      Ken, I will look when I can, but I'm sure that I didn't install it, and I know we don't have a license for it.