
Photo of Murray Short


Member Directory - Grouping by Family

Have been enjoying learning the way around. 

But I cannot figure out how to change the sort order on the member directory.

I've set the block config for the zone where I'm displaying the member directory, to group by family.

Problem is that the families are sorted by the family id.... in order of data entry, not sorting alphabetically by family name.

I'm somewhat embarrassed, I entered my family first into the database. Now my family id is 1, so we appear at the top of the list.... our surname starts with S... so it looks like i'm putting myself ahead of other congregation members.

Can anyone help?

  • Photo of David Turner


    This will be fixed in the next update (v6.3). If you need it before then, you could make the same change to your /Blocks/CRM/PersonDirectory.ascx.cs file as shown in this commit:

  • Photo of Murray Short


    Thanks David! I did add the comment! Worked like a charm!