
Photo of Carrie White


Email Setup Issue

I'm just trying to test a new install and am using the simplest email settings

  • Port:587
  • Username:(your Gmail username "")
  • Password:(your Gmail password)
  • Use SSL:True (checked)

but cannot get a mail to send successfully.  I receive the following error:

Exception: The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.5.1 Authentication Required. Learn more at

I have an SSL certificate installed.  I checked my password.  Not sure what to try next.  Thanks for any help!

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Have you tried changing to port 465 (leaving everything else the same)? 

  • Photo of Carrie White


    Thanks Jim!  I tried that and it still failed, but my error message is

    Exception: Failure sending mail.

  • Photo of Michael Roth


    Are you trying to use your normal free Gmail account?  Also are you on Azure by chance?

  • Photo of Carrie White


    Just trying to get my personal gmail account to work as a starting point.  No I installed on winhost.

  • Photo of Michael Roth


    I am not a gmail pro but was not able to get anything to work.  I ended up using Mailgun on port 2525 and it worked first try.  I tried for a long time to get Zoho and Gmail to work but gave up after too many wasted hours/days.  Someone else might be able to direct you but it was not worth the headache.

    MailGun is free and has great reports. 

    My Setup is using WInhost as the DNS and auzure as the hosting VM.  

    • Jim Michael

      Yeah, some apparently have success using Google Apps (which points to but I'm not sure if anyone has every gotten "plain old Gmail" to work.

  • Photo of Carrie White


    Thanks Michael!  I've tried to set up MailGun but I have an issue with it also.  When I try to send an email, I get 

    Exception: Transaction failed. The server response was: Please activate your Mailgun account. Check your inbox or log in to your control panel to resend the activation email.

    The mailgun account is active and verified.  

    I have set my transport container in Rock communication medium and have my transport set up for MailGun using port 587.  I don't see which port I should use in the Rock documentation or anywhere, but that was the default port.

    Any ideas?

  • Photo of Michael Roth


    Can you sign up for slack for faster replies?

  • Photo of Michael Roth


    Just as a follow up for this item. Rock and winhost were setup correctly, the issue was a configure issue in mailgun. Smooth sailing from now on. 

  • Photo of Carrie White


    Thanks so much for your help Michael!