
Photo of Aaron Porter


Transnational / NMI Batches don't match Rock's batches


When our Rock instance imports batches from Transnational / NMI it will occasional split a batch into two separate batches. We've been looking this over for the past few months to determine the cause. All transactions are making it into Rock successful, just the batches are not matching Transnational's Settlement batches.

The only consistent thing we've noticed with the split batches is that one batch would hold all transactions that have a valid Scheduled Transaction ID and the other batch would hold the transactions that have have no schedule associated with it.

Has anyone else that uses NMI experienced something like this? I've been still trying to determine if this is an issue with a setting in Rock or Transnational.


  • Photo of Kevin Rutledge


    I think it's an issue of NMI and Rock together.

    Aside from hoping that we can add a settlement date field to the transaction screen and that Rock can get and store the settlement date of all transactions when downloading new transactions.  The workaround I am currently implementing is this:

    A settlement report includes the transaction codes of the transactions included in that deposit.  
    I am creating a page that will take the list of transaction codes pasted in a text box and an sql query would find those transactions, total the amounts to match the deposit amount and then give the Fund Name, Fund Total, and GL Code of all the accounts found in those transactions.  This would be printed and given to our Bookkeeper and it would match the checking account deposits.

  • Photo of Jon Horton


    I've seen some issues with how Rock handles batches, depending on where the transaction was processed. If it was processed with event registration it would show up under a separate batch name that if a transaction came through the giving block. Additionally, we used a custom mobile giving app which would create custom batches. This ended up splitting up batches further. 

    I would take a look at some individual transactions within each batch and see if you can narrow down their source.

    Lastly, I had seen some potential issues when the default batch time offset setting ( didn't match the batch time in NMI.