
Photo of Nathaniel Tucker


External website no loading properly when using subdomain


Currently we have our primary website set up using WordPress at and we are using Rock as directory management and as a resource for congregational members for updating their directory information and registering for calendar events. As such, I am trying to set up our both of our Rock websites using subdomains, using the subdomains for our external site and for our internal site. I have the sites set up properly in Global Attributes like so:

Screen Shot 2017-03-21 at 8.33.25 PM.png

Screen Shot 2017-03-21 at 8.33.44 PM.png

Because Rock is in a subdirectory in our server, I set up a few URL rewrites in our web.config to use the subdomains. I have the URL rewrites formatted properly and working for the internal site, but the rewrite for the external site gives me this:

Screen Shot 2017-03-21 at 8.29.50 PM.png

Additionally, when I try to click on any of the links on the external page, they lead to "resource cannot be found" error pages. Does anyone have any idea why this may be? Perhaps I am going about this whole thing the wrong way, making it more complicated than it needs to be.

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    I'm not sure if this is your issue but Rock is not designed to be run from a subdirectory on an existing web site... it needs to be at the root of its own web site. At least that's my understanding and I've seen many here try to make it work and fail.

  • Photo of Nathaniel Tucker


    I figured it out: I had my URL rewrite for the external site rewriting as I did this because I already had being rewritten as and I thought that I couldn't have being rewritten by two different rules. Well... it turns out I could. Now and are both URL rewrite rules for and Rock takes care of delivering the appropriate external or internal website based on its Global Settings. Now we have our WordPress site at for our main site, our Rock external site at, and our Rock internal site at all functioning well. Hopefully that makes sense and is helpful to anyone else struggling with this problem.

  • Photo of Michael Roth



    like jim said you might want to be careful. I tried a sub directory install and while it did start off ok I can into issues with checkin and some other sites that used "routes". I have not tried it in a while but don't be surprised if you do as it was not designed for not being in the root directory. 

    Good luck!