
Photo of Kevin Rutledge


Settings Modal not filling

I intermittently but consistently have an issue where the modal box that comes up when editing page, blocks, etc, is a thin rectangle that is blank. I've tried using different themes to see if that was the problem, but it did not fix it.  Because the clear cache only comes up in the modal, I can't use it to test.  The only thing that fixed it last time was a restart of the vm.  I really need some help figuring out what is causing this.
  • Daniel Hazelbaker

    While it seems unlikely that the modal size is related to the system cache, one way you can test that is to create a new page and put the "System Information" block from the "Administration" section on that page. That is what displays in the modal and lets you reset the cache. That way, next time it happens you can browse directly to that page and clear the cache.

    Other than that, I would use the web debugger of your browser next time to take a look at the modal and see if you can find anything overriding the size. That should at least narrow down if it's CSS related or a specific style= attribute and might help track down the root cause.

    Also, just to clarify, when you say "intermittently but consistently" do you mean "it only happens sometimes, but when it does happen it stays broke for quite some time" or do you mean "it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't - without me doing anything to try and fix it"? I'm thinking you mean the first, but just want to be sure.

  • Photo of Daniel Hazelbaker


    After some debugging it seems this was caused by the Allowed Frame Domains setting not including the Rock domain as well.  i.e. it included the OTHER domain, but not the domain. So when ON the domain (i.e. url) Rock could not open any modals that were based on iFrames. Both Firefox and Chrome complained about this (as in the above notice), though Microsoft Edge worked fine. The InboxSDK ended up being a wild goose that was unrelated.

  • Photo of Kevin Rutledge


    Its actually the second.  Here is the console log.

    2GetImage.ashx Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

    InboxSDK: Unsupported origin about:blank:

    1 Refused to display '' in a frame because an ancestor violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "frame-ancestors 'self'". RockUi:2342

    Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame. at HTMLIFrameElement. ( at HTMLIFrameElement.e ( at HTMLIFrameElement.dispatch ( at HTMLIFrameElement.r.handle ( DevTools failed to parse SourceMap:

  • Photo of Kevin Rutledge


    NIck,  I'm not sure what you mean by two servers.  I do have two domains, one pointing to the public site and one pointing the admin.