
Photo of Jesse Pearson


View Background Check files from Protect My Ministry

I am getting an error 403 Access denied when I try to view background check documents that are stored from the workflow for Protect My Ministry. It does everything that it is supposed to do. However I cannot view the file and I also cannot upload my own file to anyone's record manually. Has anyone had this issue and fixed it?

  • Photo of Jesse Pearson


    I found it! It was the file type permissions that were blocking it.. I'm going to try to lock it down from another place. Apparently you can't change the permissions at the file type level. You must only set the permissions for viewing on the Person Attribute.

    • Jim Michael

      That's not accurate. The whole point of having security on a file type is to prevent people that shouldn't see those files from accessing them. I had trouble following the thread below with all the screenshots and what you were trying to accomplish, but it looks like you got it working, so great!

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    By default only the Safety & Security Workers and Rock Admin roles have view rights to background check documents (note that Background Check Admin role does NOT). If you're already in that role and still getting the error, check the rights on the Background Check Document person attribute, and the Background Check file type. If either one doesn't have view rights for Safety & Security Workers, add it.

  • Photo of Jesse Pearson


    I am in the Rock Admin group and cannot view them. This is the error it gives me: 

    Screen Shot 2017-04-27 at 3.48.31 PM.png

  • Photo of Jesse Pearson


    Just to test it I added myself to the Safety and Security group, no change on the error.

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Can you look at the Background Check file type under Admin | General Settings File type and see what rights are on it?

  • Photo of Jesse Pearson


    Yep let me load this up with screenshots :)

    Screen Shot 2017-04-28 at 12.34.17 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2017-04-28 at 12.43.46 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2017-04-28 at 3.05.58 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2017-04-28 at 3.07.36 PM.png

    more coming but it won't see my new screenshots for some reason..

  • Photo of Jesse Pearson


  • Photo of Jesse Pearson


    I changed the permissions to deny all users, but was sure to add the RSR- Safety and Security Workers and RSR-Rock Administration to be above it with allow rights. We don't allow all staff to view the report but we do want them to be able to see if they are ok to serve.

  • Photo of Jesse Pearson


    It is something on the permissions of the BG check alone because other files (types) work for me to upload and to view.