
Photo of Jim Hunsaker


Delete blocks on my account page

I am trying to delete the page menu block on the my account page in the external website. I was able to do it on the home page of the external website but can't do it in my account. Would someone be able to guide me in the right direction?

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    You can't delete the block because it's applied to "All pages using right sidebar layout", which you can see if you click that tab when viewing the block in the zone. This is an important feature of Rock that prevents you having to add the same block to EVERY page that needs it (like a menu), which would be very tedious.

    What are you trying to accomplish? If you're wanting to remove the MyAccount page from the login drop-down (which is not the pagemenu), just edit the login block properties to remove the reference to the MyAccount Page. If that's not what you're trying to do, please explain in more detail why you need to remove the website menu from the MyAccount page.

  • Photo of Jim Hunsaker


    I am just going to use the built in Rock external website to have users register for events and create and manage accounts. We run a VBS program and are looking for an online registration solution and Rock seems to be the best for what we require. I already have a website (through a hosting provider) and just want to link to the my account page from it. Also, possibly link to event registrations created through the calendar. I do not need users clicking on the page menu/navigation bar and viewing the template pages that come with Rock such as New here?, Resources, Connect, Give, Blog, etc. I basically do not need the page menu/navigation bar block on any page, but want to keep the login and my account option in the top right corner. Hope that helps a bit. Thanks for the quick response.

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    Ah, ok. In that case, just go to the MyAccount page, click the Page Zones icon in the Admin Toolbar, edit the Navigation zone, click "All pages using Right sidebar layout", and delete the page navigation block. This will remove the menu from the MyAccount page and ANY other page on the public side that also uses the Right-sidebar layout.

  • Photo of Jim Hunsaker


    Thank you sir! I actually figured it out last night based on your previous reply. I appreciate your help! Thanks again!