
Photo of Don Smallman


Fundraising List Block


The Fundraising List Block showed up on one of my pages and there is no way that I see to remove it.  It is not functioning, it just says "Liquid error: LavaFileSystem Template Not Found"

Any ideas?

  • Photo of Daniel Hazelbaker


    Hi Don,

    My guess would be that you re-used an out of the box page rather than creating a new page/tree for your public website. We made this same mistake and had run into the same sort of problem (we finally went through and re-created all the pages that we had re-used from out of the box). The long-term fix is to do the same and create new pages for any of the original system pages.  The system pages are where new blocks, like the FUndraising List Block, will get placed so you can see it in action without having yourself to configure.

    A quick fix, however, would be to set the View access to allow only RSR - Rock Administrators access and then Deny All Users access below that. It will still show up for your few full-admin users but the general public won't see it.

    The reason you are getting the "Template Not Found" error, by the way, is because you are (probably) using a customized Theme and it needs the extra Lava files copied from the Stark theme.