
Photo of Will Hatfield


Camp fees and remaing balance due


We have an issue with partial payments. The deposit for our camp trips goes thorough without an issue. However, when we send out the reminder email the link in the email sends the member back to the registration page and not to a page where the payment can be completed. Is there a best practice on how to link to the camp goers to a different page where they can see the remaining balance due? 

There is also a variable piece to the balance because there are options like premade meals and cabin size.

  • Photo of Will Hatfield


    Jon found the issue. We changed the way the registration page works and re-purposed it. That change made it so the reminder link was no longer worked because the links where removed. To work around the issue we are directing people to the My account page and logging in and clicking the event. That does take the person to the correct page to pay the balance.

  • Photo of Kevin Rutledge


    I'm not sure what you mean.  When I run the payment reminder a link is generated that shows the same cost summary information as in the registration page with a payment box at the bottom filled with a payment button.
    Hero Central Children _ Covenant United Methodist Church - Google Chrome 2017-07-26 16.39.36.png

  • Photo of Will Hatfield


    Mine does not show any of the payment information. The link that is sent out from the payment reminder sends people to the registration page.

    The preview of the message is blank
