
Photo of Dan Abbuhl


Check in for a mixed age / grade (4 - 5K)

I'm working on setting up our rock server - check in. 

I want to see if this is the best way to combine a class with ages / grades.

All of our other children's classes are either by age or grade except for our 4 - 5K class

The class would include any child that is:

4 years - 5 years  as well as Kindergarten

so we could have a 7 or 8 year old that is in Kindergarten.

Normally 7 year old children are in the 2nd grade.

So,  how do you set up your class when it could be an age or a grade but does not have to be both?

So in my 4 years - 5 K, lets say I have an 8 year old that is in Kindergarten for some reason.

If I setup in my check in:  Age Range: 4 to 6.99 with

Grade Range:  Empty field to Kindergarten

When I go to check in the child, she has no class to check in because the she is not within the age range.

If I do setup my 4 -5 K to accept anyone 4 - 6.99

Then if I have a 6 year old in the 1st grade, the check-in gives me a choice of either the 4-5K class or the elementary class. 

I don't want every 6 year old to have to choose which class every time because we may have an exception to the rule from time to time with this 4-5K class.

Should I just add a Kindergarten class that looks does not look at age and only Grade = K to K

and then have them meet in the same room as the 4-5K class?

I'm not sure what is the best to do for this mixed age/grade class

  • Photo of David Stevens


    Should I just add a Kindergarten class that looks does not look at age and only Grade = K to K and then have them meet in the same room as the 4-5K class?

    This would probably be the easiest way to get what you want.  The check-in workflow has filters that are removing various rooms from people based on their age and grade.  You could also test the Rock check-in options for "Require Grade" and "Require Age", but I don't think that would work for every situation.