
Photo of Dan Abbuhl


Can you add a gender field to check in?

On Wednesdays, we have boys and girls separated into classes based on gender.

In check in, you can filter with an age range and grade grange.  Where would you go into to add a gender range?

I know this would be in the attributes of the check in but am unsure where to add this filter.

  • Photo of Michael Garrison


    This isn't going to be a trivial thing to do, unfortunately. You would have to go into the Check-in workflow and add a step that would filter out groups based on the gender of the person checking in, and the gender that a group was assigned. There's no action already built for workflows which would do that, and I don't think we can filter the list of available groups using more conventional workflow actions. And if we could, I'm not sure how you'd go about doing that just on Wednesdays.

    Depending on your end goal, I think you could create a label merge field that would print something on your labels based on their gender. Perhaps you have a room called "202-203" that they check into, and your merge field prints something like "Boys please proceed to room 202" or "Girls please proceed to room 203" - but only on the check-in label. There's no small amount of Lava it would take to build that up, but that would at least be more manageable than some custom check-in development...

    Sorry there's no "easy button" on this one that I know of.

    • Dan Abbuhl

      I just thought that if you could trigger a filter within the check in setup like you can with ability, age or grade, you could filter for boys or girls (male or female) for class times for a specific need. Rock is so robust, I'm not sure why this hasn't been thought of within the interface to add in any filter needed within the check in.

      Right now, I filter on grade and when a child checks in, it gives them 2 options on Wednesdays, either the Boy class or the Girl class. I don't think it will be an issue, I just wanted them to not have to take an extra step to click on the class if it was possible to make it automatic.

    • Shawn Ross

      Dan, my understanding of how Check-in works and your question leads me to understand that you would need an 'action' to perform the request of filtering by gender. However, that action does not exist. For example, Check-in used to only have actions for 'age' or 'grade'. Then there was the idea of filtering on age and grade (with grade taking precedence). This is why the action of "Filter Groups by Grade and Age" now exists (although it's not the default configuration).

      Mike isn't saying that it's not possible. It may be possible. My (limited) understanding is that you have 2 options:

      • Custom your church only development

      • An addition to the Core codebase

      Unfortunately, neither of these options will not happen quickly. Both probably have significant resource investment (time/$/people).

      Don't give up on Michael's idea. We had a similar challenge of 'separating' real-time during check-in children to different 'tables' in a location/group. Using lava, we were able to meet the need.