0 SignNow Signature Documents No Longer Automatically Sending 2 Brendan Yost posted 7 Years Ago Hello -We have recently encountered an issue with our SignNow documents going out automatically. When we have a required document for a Group, the document sends fine. But when we have a required signature document for an event, it is never picked up by the job.When we run the job, it doesn't see that there is an outstanding document that needs to be emailed:However, if you pull up the registration, it shows an outstanding document:Incidentally, if you click "Send Signature Request", the request emails out fine, and the rest of the process works correctly.We aren't certain, but it appears that this stopped working with the release of version 6.10.Also the admin document mentions the following option:Applies To:Will always be the registrant of the registration. A signing request will be sent for each registrant.Assigned To:This is a bit more complex. If the registrant is an adult, then theAssigned Towill be the registrant. If the registrant is a child, theAssigned To will be the person completing the registration.We don't see these options in our registration template configuration, or our registration configuration. This leads me to believe something might not have been gone correctly during our upgrade somewhere along the way.Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Again, this feature was working swimmingly - until it stopped.Brendan