
Photo of Bob Chelpka


Grant Permission to Administer File Manager

Permissions and security in Rock are very confusing to me. I get the general concept but it's very tricky to find the right combination of group settings and/or block settings to get someone permission to do what I need them to do.

Here's my scenario. I'd like for the Staff Workers in the Connections Admin security group to have permission to administer the file manager under Admin Tools/Power Tools menu. I've given their group permission on the file manager page. However, they cannot see the Admin Tools icon on their home page menu which is where the Power Tools and subsequently the File Manager are accessed. It appears the only way they can even see the Admin Tools icon is if they are Rock Admin. Otherwise, how do I give them access to the File Manager?  

  • Photo of Jim Michael


    The reason the file manager is under Admin is because it's intended to be an "admin" function... used for getting files to the web server root and such, probably not the way you're wanting to use it as an image uploader (I'm guessing). That said, you can definitely give another role access if you *really* want to... you would just need to give your Connections Admin role View rights to the top level Admin menu (page), which will then inherit down to ALL Admin pages. Then, you would need to go into the main child pages (sub-menus) below Admin and DENY the Connections Admin role from the menus you don't want them to have access to (to override the View that gets inherited to them you just added.) Hope that makes sense.

    That said, I probably wouldn't give access to a non-admin role to that file uploader (which on my server is under Admin | CMS Config, not Power Tools) as it's not worth the effort of doing what I said above. Instead, I would just put the same File Manager *block* on a new page under a menu your Connections Admin role already has access to, like under People or  the Intranet. You can then just restrict the new page to View for Admin and Connections Admin and no one else will even see it in the menu.

  • Photo of Bob Chelpka


    Thanks, Jim! Makes total sense! I'm going to try to do the latter suggestion. Can I just copy that block or is there a specific set of steps I need to do to place it in one of the other menus?

    • Jim Michael

      Just create the new page, go into Zone editor (Admin toolbar) and open the Main Zone, then add a new File Manager block to that page. Then go into Block Edit mode and edit the settings on your new block... one you'll likely want to change is the Root Folder. By default it's / which gives access to the entire Rock install tree. More likely you'll want to set that root to the subdirectory your images or whatever live in, so the person using it can't get into trouble.