
Photo of Rolando Rostro


SMS not working

WE need help guys. SMS messaging simply is NOT working. It was working fine, then suddenly there is nothing. We haven't done anything, I called twilio support and they say all is fine on their end. I can even send messages through their dashboard fine.

I have:

- Entered the correct USER sID and Token

- entered the phone number in +1####### format


- The only thing we can think of is that we ran out of funds on twilio, and the account got disabled. Again, twilio people say everything is fine on their end.

Messages simply do not go through. We DEPEND on SMS messaging to use Rock. Can somebody help? thanks.

  • Photo of Shawn Ross


    Rolando, can you give us some more insight into how you are configured?

    • Are you having a problem with 'stock' SMS delivery, or the Text to Workflow functionality?
    • Have you taken a look at the checklist at to make sure nothing has changed in your config (as I'm assuming this is the list you used when originally setting it up)


  • Photo of Rolando Rostro


    Yes, everything as per documentation. We were able to send messages just fine until last week. No setup has changed. It simply stopped working. No errors, messages show up as SENT without errors, nothing on exception list. Then on twilio there is nothing coming in.

  • Photo of Rolando Rostro


    Are you having a problem with 'stock' SMS delivery, or the Text to Workflow functionality

    Just sending SMS communications through Rock as usual. we go to NEW COMMUNICATION  and then do everything from there.

  • Photo of Rolando Rostro


    Hey guys this is so frustrating. We were happy with Rock but SMS has stopped working for some reason, nobody seems to be able to help. We are a growing church and lack of support means Rock is not our way to go. Can anybody help?