
Photo of Knolly Shadrache


How to get Membership in a specific Group for a person using in the Id?


I'm probably making a simple error, but I cannot seem to get a basic lava query to work in lava tester or lava template:

Hard coding the Id in a group member query works ok:

{% assign gm = person | Group:"3933" | First %}

But I need to use row.GroupId as I'm building a dynamic report with a lava template. It fails to return anything if I substitute the GroupId with a lava value:

{% assign gid = row.GroupId | Property:'Id' %}

{% assign gm = person | Group:'{{gid}}' | First %} ---> nothing returned

{% assign gm = person | Group:'"{gid}}"' | First %} ---> nothing returned

Does anyone know the correct this at all? the docs don't seem to cover it and I've been at it for hours.

Hope someone can rescue me please....


  • Photo of Daniel Hazelbaker


    You would need to use a syntax like:

    {% assign gm = person | Group:row.GroupId %}

    You may get an error about not being able to convert an int32 to a string. If you do you are hitting a bug in how that filter works. To get around it you can do something like:

    {% capture gid %}{{ row.GroupId }}{% endcapture %}
    {% assign gm = person | Group:gid %}

    That should force convert the GroupId integer value into a string.

    This all assumes that "row.GroupId" contains the Id number of the group. :)

    Usually, when working with Lava Filters, you can pass one of 3 things:

    1) An Integer, example: {{ CurrentPerson | MyFilter:123 }}
    2) A string, example: {{ CurrentPerson | MyFilter:123 }}
    3) A variable, example: {{ CurrentPerson | MyFilter:SomeVariable }}

    Where "SomeVariable" is something you assigned previously with the {% assign %} or {% capture %} commands, OR is a variable that is pre-defined for you.

    Hope this helps!

    • Knolly Shadrache

      Thanks!! I had encountered the int32 string conversion error and wasn't aware of the bug in the filter, glad to know now.

      I just tried the following in Lava Tester based on your pointer and had success!!:

      {% assign gid = Group.Id | ToString %}
      {% assign gm = Person | Group:gid %}
      {{ gm }}

      Thank you ever so muchly!!