
Photo of Dave Kroiter


Unwanted automatic space in last names with a capital after the first character

Hi everyone,

I have an annoyance that I can't seem to find a solution too that is just irritating me to the nth degree.

When we add a new family with a last name that has a capital letter after the first character in it (such as McDonald or deLange etc.), the system automatically inserts a space before the capital and capitalises the first letter.  That is not what we want, and is causing all sorts of havoc.  It only seems to have started in a recent update.

When you click to add a new person it adds the space, but even if you go back and then remove it, as soon as you save the entry it does it again.  I then need to go and change the family name and edit each individual in the family to correct it.

Please help!  This is so annoying, and such a time waster!


Using 0.7.0, with Loc: en-au

  • Photo of Dave Kroiter


     If anyone else has this issue; the problem just went away when upgrading to 7.3.

  • Photo of Daniel Hazelbaker


    Hi Dave,

    I tried reproducing the issue on the demo site and could not. Just to be sure I'm not misunderstanding the steps involved could you see if you can reproduce the issue yourself at ? If you are unable to reproduce it might have something to do with your en-au system locale that doesn't affect en-us for some reason.

  • Photo of Dave Kroiter


    Sorry for the delayed response.  I tested it on the demo site, and I too cannot reproduce it.  I have tried it on multiple OS and computers, using different browsers, so I don't believe it to be a local problem.

    I've had lots of strange issues with the en-au locale, but this one is harder to understand!  Is there any sort of autocorrect stuff in the RMS system that may be inadvertently responsible for this?  Or somewhere else you could suggest I look to work this one out?

    • Daniel Hazelbaker

      Not that I am aware of. I tried various things on my own server to see if it did any kind of auto-correction and I can't get it to do anything. I tried all caps, all lower case, mixed case... Whatever I type in it leaves as is, so I think it's highly unlikely that Rock is doing anything. It's possible some library it's using is doing something, but I don't think there are any library calls that touch the first or last name before they are saved to the database.

      The only other things I could think of would be to examine the actual database values and see if they are being modified before being stored to the database. Then try changing the values in the database and see what happens in the UI. Beyond that I'm stumped. I'm not positive but I'm pretty sure we've had en-au users before and I've never heard of this problem that I can remember.

  • Photo of Dave Kroiter


    I'm getting nowhere with this. It's a recent problem that only occurred from version 7, and not before. The change occurs well before the database, because you can see it change the first person when you hit new person in the add family block.

    Also, it only occurs in the add family block, if I edit an individual after entry I can correct it (which is what I'm doing now for any such entries) and it holds.

    I'll have to try debugging it step by step I think to see what is causing the change... This could take a while, so if anyone else has any ideas I'd love to hear them! 

    Thanks 😁