
Photo of Lori Wacker


Locations Missing from Check-in Manager


We are new to Rock and I'm just setting up our check-in configurations.  Locations are missing from some of the areas in Check-in Manager.  I've played around with Group Type Settings, Groups Settings, Check-in Configuration settings, etc. and can not figure out what the issue is.

Anyone have any ideas what this might be?  



  • Photo of Lori Wacker


    Thanks!  I finally figured out what my mistake was - this is a copy of my reply to Lee Peterson on Slack.  Thanks everyone!!!

    I fixed it! Not sure if I can explain it well on here, but maybe my craziness will help someone else in the future. I originally dove into creating our check-in configuration without a very good understanding of how everything worked together. I created our check-in starting with check-in configuration. Eventually, I realized that configuring check-in creates group types and hidden groups (yes, I know, basics). So, then I decided to change the display setting on the groups so we could see them and add people to them as needed. That worked, but it put all of our groups in a wonky order that looked really ugly and I couldn't rearrange them. I couldn't stand that, so I deleted the config and all its groups and started building our check-in at the group level. I made it really pretty with exactly the hierarchy I wanted. I was able to rearrange the order of the groups in check and it reflected in the groups nav - yay! But, that made it so that I couldn't see my locations in the check-in manager (yes, I double checked it was in location mode - didn't know that was a thing, thank you!). Finally, after lots of trial & error, I was able to create a pretty group hierarchy, attached to a check-in config that makes sense, and a check-in manager that correctly display groups and locations. Whew!

  • Photo of Nick Airdo


    Hi Lori,

    Are you saying something deleted the locations you previously added to one of your Check-in areas? Or that it is a new check-in area and you don't see any locations?  If it's the later, you'll need to add them first using the Add (+) button.


    Also, if you're a multi-campus church, you'll typically want to add the proper location (for that particular area) for each campus. (Assuming the check-in group does actually meet at each campus.)

    Example, if I add a Green Room to the Nursery, it would show up in the Check-in Manager like this:
